Meme food thread

Meme food thread

Sage all meme threads.

That's not very nice

>$3-$5 each
>need 2-4 large avocados to make a decent amount of guacamole
>have to wait 5-7 days from purchase for avocados to ripen before you can make guacamole
>if you don't finish the guacamole within the day it's made, the quality greatly diminishes

Where I live they're $5 for a kilo, which is 4 or 5 avocados, and I don't buy them because they're too expensive.

50 cents for small $1 for a large or $2 for a bag of 6 smalls. Stop shopping at hipster stores.

>super rich in potassium
>god-tier when mixed with baked chicken
Fuck you OP



>tfw living in western Europe

they're €3 a piece in the most common supermarket in the country
The ones at Lidl and Aldi are always bruised

dutch here

fuck you for calling traditional dutch cuisine a meme

now stop making smoothies out of it and just mash it together with potatoes

fucking retard americans

Where do you live that avocados cost that much? They're 2 or 3 for a dollar here.

Food goes through fads and trends just like everything else, that doesn't make it a meme.

But anyways
Avocado and kale are good ones, I would add pomegranate as well.


pick one

Calm down

That's the thing though, meme isn't universal, it depends entirely on the culture, and your own social circles. In America, specifically in the west coast, kale definitely came out of nowhere to be really fucking popular and trendy. People and businesses alike hopped on the kale train to try it out or make some cash from it.

Fucking bacon, it's not really now, but I still occasionally see stupid fat fucks go "mms bagon duh huh".

This. Also salted caramel.


Don't talk to me or my wife's pistachios ever again

that's meme packaging but don't shit on my nuts faggot

Gluten free