This is now a Veeky Forums /k/ /out/ thread

This is now a Veeky Forums /k/ /out/ thread.
>why are smooth heirloom cast iron pans the shit?
>why is snapple apple the best snapple?
>why is a Springfield Xd the shit?
>why are carbon steel moraknivs the shit?


i don't like hammerless guns

>cooking thread
>no response about Veeky Forums themed material
>mfw I knew it

>why is a Springfield Xd shit?

Too fruity

>it's a shilling two nonspecific items and 2 brand named items thread
this isn't even cooking you're just shilling shit.

You have sleeve tats and work at a dive bar op?

>close dude.
I'm just shitposting man. You guys argue about anything.
lots of my cook buddies are /out/ /k/
>inb4 hur dur
Moraknives are cool man. Too bad we can't get them easier here. $10 dude.

No shit. Got anything to add other than pointing out obvious shit? You got a cast iron pan that actually works like it's supposed to?

What /k/ related cooking tools do you have?

> You guys argue about anything.
No we don't.

>No we don't.
Fuck you

>No we don't.
you're not the boss of me


nice picture
except for jesus toast


>Why didn't you actually make something with that pan?

I'm bout to dude

>Snapple Apple is the best
But that's wrong fucking faggot
Peach mangosteen is best

So when you guys circlejerk, is it not gay since your dicks are so small nobody can see each-other's or what

Panko + wondra battered shark

It's not gay if your balls don't touch.

App for wifey

You also can't make eye contact or it's gay.

No eyes in the back of the head, so I'm safe.




Is that a peice of abc on your bed dude?

Cookies anyone?

>captcha: Lanza 1200

What's plugged into that power strip hanging from the wall?

Boombox and mini-fridge.

For god's sake stop posting pictures of that poorfag meme gun.

Christ I'm gonna have to bake a pie and get a photo with my vintage M1A.

Do it faggot.


They started making them in the '70s and used mostly pre-Vietnam USGI parts into the late '90s.

God I love America

Cast iron pans are the shit not only because they add incomparable flavor to the food via even browning, but because they combat anemia by adding literal iron to the food.
Snapple apple is shit, sorry OP.
Springfield xd = ?????
Hell with your moraknivs, I'll go with Cutco any day...

>Springfield xd = ?????

= a Glock ripoff designed in Croatia and bought by Americans because it says Springfield on it and they "ain't gonna buy no gay foreign guns."
