Today, 02/26/2018 we are glad to announce that we are still laughing.
We will keep laughing at you forever.
This artificial, unsustainable growth had to stop.
Today, 02/26/2018 we are glad to announce that we are still laughing.
We will keep laughing at you forever.
This artificial, unsustainable growth had to stop.
Other urls found in this thread:
Keep laughing mate, i'm still confy with my 2500% gains
You faggots created your sub 6 years ago. 2012. Back when bitcoin was dirt cheap. You faggots must be thinking about "what if I bought bitcoin in 2012" every time you wake up to your alarm clock for another round of wage cucking.
Imagen being a salty no coiner who instead of spending 10£ for a few bitcoins yeas back made a sibreddit to make fun of it, missing becoming a millioner from investing a few bucks.
>made over a hundred grand in crypto
>"we're laughing at you"
Btw you r/buttcoin faggots are SJWs who hate free speech. I got banned for triggering the liberal cucks on your board. /u/AlwaysTryAgain is a r/latestagecapitalism mod cuck. A LITERAL r/latestagecapitalism mod. Tell him to take a bath and get a job. And /u/Tomatoshi is the biggest cuck on that entire sub. And /u/JeanneD'Orc cuckolds her husband with Chad and Tyrone simultaneously. They call her fingercuffs. /u/dgerard is a gigantic cuck too. I pirated his e-Book because I don't wanna give that faggot money
Seriously this. Fucking kek.
Oh look, I just noticed that today is Monday. Better wake up bright and early wagies. I actually haven't even went to bed yet. rofl.
Hope you have enough vaseline for when the IRS comes knocking
Rich people born into wealth do not have to wage cuck. They can just "invest" their money into a company and have other people wage cuck for them while they enjoy a life of leisure and luxury. If you are fine with being a cuck slave while others enjoy lives of leisure, that is on you. After wage cucking for years, I have decided that I was tired of being a cuck and quit my job to become a crypto day trading NEET. This is a cuck or be cucked world. There are cucks and there are bulls. Which one are you? Sticking with wage cucking and thinking that this is all there is is a slave mentality. I aspired towards escaping wage cuck slavery. I aspired towards freedom. And I have managed to do this thus far. I have made almost $100k from crypto. With my gains, I don't have to work for years. I have what is called a Master Morality. You bitter sour grape wage cucks who hate our freedom have what is called a Slave Morality. Master Morality is about Pride, Strength and Nobility. A proud man does not wage cuck to make (((Mr. Shekelstein))) rich. A proud man works to enrich himself.
People use paypal to hide money from the IRS. They're fucking beyond incompetent
Another bitter no-coiner wage cuck jacking off to his IRS going after crypto NEETs fantasy. The only jacking off you're going to be doing is when you're in the corner watching Tyrone defile and creampie your purple-haired antifa girlfriend. And recounting your cuck tales on r/cuckold with your reddit nu male buddies
Joke's on you, I don't have a girlfriend
Someone should add r/buttcoin to this wikipedia entry
I literally got banned for posting this
top kek
You should feel bad for this post and you should apologize to our community
Here's a shocking piece of information for you: you can just pay the taxes and be fine.
People like you actually get a boner thinking about other people having to give Tyrone and Jamal their money (as if you didn't have to do the same). Sad
Not everyone in Veeky Forums lives in burgerland, by the way. I'm not paying shit anyway, my country's government is incompetent as fuck
They literally enjoy paying for Stacy and Tyrone Jr's welfare. As well as giving money to Samir the Libyan BBC refugee
reddit is full of late adopters that had every chance to make money, but were too afraid to risk anything.
instead of accepting it and moving on now their lifes work is trying to make fun of people that have ended up millionaires even investing after they dismissed it.
it must fucking suck to be one of them.
Poor Samir, he's only 12 years old and he wants some money to replace the teddy bear he left in Somal- I mean, Syria
I cry everytiem
some faggot on there tried to explain to me that he would never buy bitcoin because it was morally wrong to invest into something because you are taking money from other people.
Like what? How much of a pussy could you possibly be?
You also laughed when it was 6 dollars. Shit my 6 dollars that turned into 20k is only 10k now. Jesus my investment is bad, how could I invest 6 dollars and turn it into 10k? Fuck me I'm dumb.
Communism does that to you. Just point and laugh, not much else can be done for him
>economy is a zero sum game
oh no people who missed out on crypto are laughing at us
just a brainlet with no money who couldn't make more than $10 an hour no matter how hard he tried, so became content with it and now justifies his stupidity with being too moral
and investing in revolutionary technology has positive impact in society as a whole.
You trolled and got banned. I don't see a problem.
top cringe
You look triggered. Is it because you got banned from plebbit? Half of posts in this thread are yours raging hard. Please show us on the doll where the evil SJWs hurt you.
And for the record I'm not an SJW and love free speech but holy shit you're a literal fucking retard if you don't understand free speech applies to fucking government, not privately controlled forums. Cry moar thin skinned faggot.
Buttcoins are only used by terrorists, neets, pedos and neo-nazis. Truly a scum coin.
What's the point of having "free speech" if you're not allowed to use it because "muh private property"? lmao. If everyone has their own little safe space where people can't have their views challenged, that's boring as fuck.
I agree. But guess what, that's how the world works. Social media, forums, political parties, fucking media. Most people live in an echo chamber one way or another, can't change that by being edgy. Best thing to do is challenge their their views under their own rules, if you tresspass and behave without any subtlety you'll be shot without warning, that's normal in any social circle and expecting anything less is being obtuse idiot.
Don't forget drug dealers. Geez, I wonder what these people would do without buttcoin. Surely all crime would vanish.