Glucose is what the body uses for energy right?So could you live on just glucose bars and vitamin/mineral tablets?

Glucose is what the body uses for energy right?So could you live on just glucose bars and vitamin/mineral tablets?

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If the glucose bars also contain amino acids and fatty acids.

Ur body will reject you.

youd also need anti-oxidants

Have fun shitting without any fiber

you seem to think shit is a thing that happens?? like are you retarded
shit is the leftovers from food (aka the mass or fiber itself is what makes shit)
if you're consuming pure energy such as literal fat or simply glucose, there is no extra with which to create shit

god you're retarded user

By the sounds of it, his body already has

You can't survive alone on glucose, you have to have some protein or you'll die in a horrible fucking way

It happens all the time with vegan feeding babies nothing but juice.

>Crown Shakur died of starvation, he was 6 weeks old and weighed 3.5 pounds. His vegan parents, who fed him mainly soy milk and apple juice, were convicted in Atlanta recently of murder, involuntary manslaughter and cruelty.

i once spent 8 days not eating and after the third one i stopped going to the bathroom

Except that shit also contains dead blood cells and all sorts of other byproducts of your metabolism. You can't be alive without shitting, and the only retarded one here is you.