

Hopefully the mods have stopped being faggots and the Broeys can rise again.

Latest video: youtube.com/watch?v=KAABKUiY69o
Have we entered the silver age of Joey?

Obviously he is nowhere near his dark ages, but he's now somewhere in between. The quality of the video really is dependent on his seemingly unsteady ritalin dosages.

In his latest video he is pretty upbeat, plenty of enthusiasm and he's having fun with it, rather than the soft foray into serious food criticism he had (Chin grip era).
Pic related
Joey looking like The Zodiac in a recent video

Other urls found in this thread:


Those glasses make him look like a professional food critique

Well people on Ritalin don't actually eat food.
Who the fuck educated you about what amphetamines are?
Also stop shitposting.

Is it true he was a trained cook? I can't see it.

Joey is a registered sex offender and a pedophile.

Yes they do, and even if they didn't Joey's appetite would cancel it out.

Joey educated me on what amphetamines are

2:05 (but the intro is worth watching too, it's fucking brilliant)

That's been debunked

Dude looks nothing like him. Joey seriously looks more like the Zodiac

I just came back to Veeky Forums after a couple months off and I was so bummed there weren't any joey threads. Thank you family.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...

w w woo woo WOOO WOO WOOOOO

>tfw Joey is probably a Trump supporter

Imagine scraping that shit off his teeth and smelling it.

Guaranteed it's at least 90% pure cholesterol

I bet you could smear it on some fresh bread and make a small meal out if it


Why does one of the crows foot by his eyes follow all the way up on his head and the hair is thinner in that part

Is it sunglasses or just another health issue?

>not recognizing speed stripes

Joey doesn't do drugs besides ritalin and probably insulin

It's a mark left from his glasses. That video where he meets Daym he's wearing the glasses at first, but takes them off later.

>worshipping a convicted pedophile
I wouldn't of thought any less from a weeaboo, anime fan.

I remember this review. It was around the peak of the /joey/ threads on Veeky Forums.
Right before he tried to start dieting and the mods started banning the threads.

FYI before the mods delete this thread, joey threads have moved to /wsg/.

I thought be better suited to /a/ or /jp/ given his pedo nature?

>trying to force the meme this hard

i almost cried a tear of joy from finding that thread


I thought he wasn't allowed within 100 yards of Chuck E. Cheese.

Has Joey lost it?

He's looking good!
Second conviction.
>Here's another.

he never had it to begin with.

Joey lives in San Jose. Also that looks nothing like him.
I'm more inclined to believe he's the zodiac killer.

holy shit he's got 146k subs? last I checked he was at like 30k.


>Joey lives in San Jose.
So fucking what?

Hasn't he reviewed twinkies like 3 times before?

Joey probably likes that sandwich because it reminds him of the pollo Milanese tortas his mom used to queef out in their kitchen when he was a kid.

These YouTube food reviewers really seem to stick to fast food sandwiches for about 95% of their material. I guess that's all you can afford when you are so poor that YouTube food reviews become a viable economic choice for income..

Anyone have a link to that joey animation that one user was working on?

Veeky Forums mods are the biggest fucking cuck bitches on the planet. I am lmaoing at their sad pathetic lives.

What a shitty gif.

Just die, by own hands.

Does anyone have a link to that motivational speech/montage thing of Joey?

Hello naughty children, it's Jack time

Second this.




Sadepiify is fucking GOAT. No one else can compare.

Wut? Who is pedo?

The Phantoms of the world tour series is pretty good too.

I have no idea why so many co/ck/s, including the mods and janitors hate Joey. He is kind of gross, but compared to the (almost always tolerated) Jack threads that are non stop cringe and raw meat food gore, Joey is okay. He just eats the food and talks about it. He's supposedly a cook, but he rarely cooks food and it's better that way. In the earlier days of the Joey threads, many posters implied some kind of rivalry with Ken, and now it seems he is competing with Jack for attention here.

He reviews twinkies every time they come out with a different filling color basically.

They said the Zodiac had a stocky build


he looks like a fucking obese communist philosopher who traveled from 1910 to be in a google maps photo

what the fuck joebro

Doubt any communist in 1910 could be that obese...

The tree of woo woo woo WOOberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Broeys and mods.

Pic related is erosion on the sphinx.

Compare it with the erosion-esque lines on Joey's face

What could this mean?

Has Ra returned to the earth, with an appetite for vengeance?

Which rlm video is this from?

One of the old ones cause Mike isn't a fat fuck yet

But which one?

I don't know senpai, I'm just a humble water filter salesman

The age of Broey threads are no more; even his replacement, King Jack, is being forced out of Veeky Forums by butthurt mods.

I see Ja/ck/ threads almost every day

And they get deleted almost every day

No they fucking don't, the last few were up for days and a few were even archived after they hit the bump limit

don't question me bitch

Whatchu say whiteboi?

He needs to make more ASMR videos.

>let me just wrongly assume that I can bring my faggot liberal politics into things

Can someone explain to me how this guy got so popular and rich?
He's neither funny nor smart, just annoying.
And all he does is eat food and film it.
What the actual fuck, amurrica?

>be obese
>eat more food that makes you obese
>film it
>get rich


He's sexy as fuck.
All guys want to be him.
All girls want to be with him.
A true American hero.


>popular and rich?
He ain't rich.


Makes more money from youtube and merchandise than the average worker.

lolno. Joey probably makes less than 30k a year from welfare, or working, or whatever he does in combination with youtube shit.

He looks much older. Maybe he should improve his diet.

New Joey bros! Hot off the presses.



>Gimmie the bat Wendy