EU ECOFIN commission high level roundtable on cryptocurrencies underway now press briefing/Q&A in an hour,will be livestreamed here
let's hope these fucks take a sensible approach and don't start spewing their usual litany of muh terrorists,drug money,tax evasion,AML rethoric
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Think you, just sold 100k.
Good news they've approved it, the price is rising.
They will trash crypto because it discriminates niggers and mudslimes by being too complicated and thus racist. Also call for more niggers and mudslimes. Screencap.
Oh shit, the EU is pretty much soviet union 2.0
You must be joking, no human with a brain can be this severely deluded.
Crypto gains must be seized to help redugees
But literally 87% of the members of the German parliament are
is this the big meeting on europe everyone has been talking about? oh shit this might tank my alts some more and fuck my bitmexican long, ill be watching.
-muh terrorism funding
-muh money laundering
-muh tax evasion
-muh drug sales
-muh illegal oil sales
Tether up
nice, have a bump
Should I tether now or will this rocket BTC?
Any youtube live stream?
Already logged in bitmex account to short
pease Crash this shit euroFriends
what a shit stream
Quality was fucking woeful. Eurofags need to up their game. Bit of a 'meh' result. Sounds like for the most part they are positive, but on the other hand it was a bit of, "we'll see what our bosses at G20 have to say"
THe Islamic Caliphate of the EUSSR
No, you live in a fantasyland where you confuse trying to be civil to being le ebin SJW xD
did you short it faggot