What is the best brand of hot dogs you can get in a store? Let's assume Amerifat.
What is the best brand of hot dogs you can get in a store? Let's assume Amerifat
boars head
Hebrew National or Nathan's for nationwide, but many places have much higher quality local/regional brands.
>best brand of hot dogs
stop eating hot dogs you fat fuck
What if user is planning a cookout you fucking queer
Well, I have a couple butcher shops in my town, and they both make amazing frankfurters w/ natural casing.
I don't think they have a brand name. The best brand I've tried is either boar's head, which is expensive as fuck, or zenners. Neither holds a candle to the butcher shop dogs.
Koegels hands down
Bro I work for a living and sometimes I just want to eat a hot dog.
Hebrew National and Nathans both suck balls. I don't get the hype behind these brands, they taste essentially the same as a run-of-the-mill cheap mass produced hotdog, the only thing they have going for them is that they are kosher.
There's a reputably decent meat market about a mile or two down the road from me. I've never been there myself but I may have to stop one day and see if they have a butcher.
Boar's Head, they're the peoples hot dog.
Hebrew National btfo Nathan's and all other store bought hotdogs
But for whatever reason, the Nathan's hot dogs for $1.50 (drink included) is the true GOAT.
If there's a meat market, obviously a butcher works there man.
if you're in Michigan buy Vollwerth's. they're made by using Michigan's old meat grade laws which are no longer really a thing. the difference in quality between them and other generic brands is substantial
also Michigan style hotdog is the best
Anyone got good hotdog suggestions for Iowa? Not a big hotdog fan but I don't like eating shit. I'll try out Boar's Head.
boars head is full of preservatives
Last time I bought, it was Nathan's bun length to make some grade A chili dogs. For the taste, I may have to say Jew Country beef. This is assuming prepackaged and not made on site.
Cooking hot dogs at home though unless it's like a cookout or social thing, why would you not just get some type of sausage? Hot dogs are tendies tier, much rather have a brat, polish, italian, etc.
Costco used to serve Hebrew National here in Canada. They were the best.
They stopped importing them here because of mad cow many years ago or something.
Michigan has a ton of local choices but I've never heard of that brand. They're available in chain stores? If I ever see them I'll give them a shot.
Koegel, Kowalski, and Dearborn sausage are the biggest I know of and all are almost as good getting links straight from a butcher.
wtf do u gotta heat up an ashtray for u stupid fuck
>kosher dogs
>trusts a jew to make a hotdog
sure, ok.
>dish created in the city with the largest jewish population outside of israel
>doesn't trust a jew to make it
uh, yeah, that's what I fuckin' said did you not understand?
I think you're the one lacking in reading comprehension this time.
nope. enjoy your high-priced bottom-tier shekel dogs, goyim.
Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, as I expected. Re-read the thread and reconsider your position on the subject.
If you're in western NY or near a Wegmans grocery store, you should try Zweigles red hots or white ones. Both are good and vastly apart from each other. They are natural casing but you can also get the red hots like normal brand without the natural casing if it isn't your thing. I love them and even have them shipped on dry ice to SC where i live now because store brands here suck so badly.
fuck zweigles, sahlens are the best.
followed by hoffman
Hands down
Vienna beef natural casing
Vollwerth's may only be a thing up north here, I don't recall seeing many of those brands you named here except for Koegel.
>Hebrew National
>7 dogs per package
Oy gevalt
only fat fucks make posts like this
>only one mention
come on guys, hoffmans are god-tier
Vienna Beef.
Accept no substitutes.
Kirkland brand footlongs from Costco. Just like the ones you buy at the food court, but they sell them in bulk cold.