Come home after a hard days work and see this

They are blocking your way inside. Wat do?

Infuse "uh" into my verbalized distress.

Stop paying taxes

Call the cops and let modern law enforcement tactics purge the street.


keep walking and cry to my mom on the phone from across the street

Why are these niggers wearing iron maiden and Metallica shirts. Fucking niggers

"excuse me, sir, you must be mistaken. the elementary and middle school girls are a few blocks down and to your left"

do a 360 and walk away

My gf actually called me stuck up for telling her that I wouldnt like to live in Detroit because I would become a minority.

The only way through is to suck all their dicks

You dumbass, you should do a 180 instead

"scuse' me sirs coming through, don't mind me just gotta get through here. Ok thanks, boys. Have fun!"

Obviously he was planning on doing a 360 and then moonwalking away

just start rambling like a homeless person and don't shut up

I would start swinging punches wildly while screaming in a high pitch.

please return to ye olden reddit, sire

stack of job applications or work boots will scatter then nigz quick

Nope, do a 69


Go back to my car and grab a shotgun

"BOYS" wachu meen boiiiss??

drop a bucket of KFC drumsticks across the street


Tell them my wife will be home in 30 minutes and start preppin!