How do we get rid of the sexism and toxic masculinity polarizing crypto?
#GirlPower #CastrateTheNerds
How do we get rid of the sexism and toxic masculinity polarizing crypto?
#GirlPower #CastrateTheNerds
Holy fuck women are pathetic. Absolutely nothing is stopping them from becoming rich.
Each article like this turns a non-zero amount of men from neutral bystanders to actively hostile against women.
Sometimes I think women, in an unspoken and unconscious way, are begging us to start hitting them again.
>democratizing and equalizing
women tend not to do so well when the game rewards talent and productivity
Archived for your conveinience and to prevent ad revenue to click bait articles:
I don't consider myself sexist, but instead of chasing around gender inequality in industries, why not just join in and try to make it? Men are animals, and yes it would suck to be around 95% men as a woman, but the same could be say if I as a man joining a female dominated space.. i'd be surrounded by women talking about the kardashians, instagram, dick sizes, menstrual periods, etc. But if I knew I was going to make money I'd block out the fuckin noise
>are women a good investment
They are talking about threads like this. they are right
This. Then feminists wonder why less than a quarter of women will identify as being feminist. Not even women like these morons.
Go back.
You won't need to fend off drooling females on a hourly basis.
women need to fend off nice-guys who think that if they'll be nice to you, they are entitled for a succ.
>doesnt get spoon fed at crucial stages
>interprets this as oppression
I bet Nellie Bowles never bought crypto herself.
> people are nice to you, buy you all kinds of things.
> there is no way to capitalise on that
Luxury problem
>You won't need to fend off drooling females on a hourly basis.
Now there is something to aspire to. I have noticed, though, that as I get older, more jaded and, honestly, kind of a jerk women pay more attention to me.
Fuck off with this shit, you know its loneliness speaking, and self hatred. Guys that see all women as leeches are just sad, man. Imagine never experiencing companionship in the unique way being part of a loving relationship does. Its not the womens or guys fault, its just the way it is. I dont think these guys respect women less than they do respect ugly 'creeps' ;)
Im a guy btw
So you need to talk down to them instead? Does that 'entitle me to a succ'?
wow, another cancerous baiting article from the NYT what a shocker
ignore it until it's no longer a problem obviously.
fucking women i swear, so irritating. but it or don't. but not buying and then bitching that you didn't buy and blaming men is so irritating
>menstrual periods
Gosh are they worse than normal periods?
But yeah seriously I don't see why people just whine and bitch instead of joining in - no matter if it's women or negroes or just normies.
>and yes it would suck to be around 95% men as a woman
crypto is on a fucking computer, you don't have to be around anyone. you can trade crypto at home in your underwear
My girlfriend venmo me $500 without me asking after being scammed at airbnb and a repair shop on the same weekend. Not all women are leeches.
You have difficulties even conceiving how to talk to a female in a regular manner.
Where is all the toxic masculinity ITT, Veeky Forums?
You should be posting wenches to prove a point, damnit.
Are you kidding me? During the KYC process they obviously check your gender. If you're a woman, they tell you that they're sorry but they can't let you buy crypto. You just haven't noticed because you're a fucking white male.
>being a white knight will give me a chance with wamen r..right guys?
Women are a waste of time and money, it can be nice for about 3 months but then it goes downhill from there.
But hey, you can say that everyone who thinks this way are fat virgin nerds, maybe believing your own unsustained argument will make you feel better
relationships are a meme
it's just bickering and drama and sex
the normie games
>you can trade crypto at home in your underwear
Incidentally the best way to trade.
Why do you guys keep giving this resentful bitches attention? Just ignore them, they have no power to do anything besides writing frustrated rants.
>unironically posting gay niggers
Those are puffy lips, user. Also it's some bizraeli's wife
The last women I talked to about crypto said that bitcoin is way to complicated to get into. What the hell does this brain dead author think is gonna happen to the market by writing this article. Feminism is nothing more than pitty party for the mere fact that biologically men are superior, because emotions generally don't lead the way unless your a cuck.
>wanting to get money isn't motivated by emotion
Feminism is nothing but a huge shit-test for western males.
so it seems both alphas/chads/ken dolls and neckbeards/betas believe the same things about women, they are stupid and fucking useless for anything except sex. the difference is that women groan at the betas and swoon for the alphas who both detest said women.
and what that user said above is true. i work in a chinese takeout/liqour store/deli/convenience/sandwhich shop. The entire crew and owner are 8s to 10s female. they use the deli as thrir personal fashion runway. they wear low cut shirts and high cut shorts with push up bras. they bend over, squat, bounce around talking to each other in some baby-talk sing-songy nonsense. they are a walking sexual harrassment lawsuit, rubbing themselves all over me constantly in our hole in the wall shop. when hot guys come in they pull out compact mirrors, start adjusting their hair. they flirt and make tips, stick their tounges out like whores and snap chat with them. BUT if the dude is even close to an 7.5 or lower then he is treated like shit. they have an attitude, they are rude instead of polite, they wont answer questions about the menus et cetera.
i already read heartiste but working with these women for 6 months has shown me all women are the same posturing whores.