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This from the country that thinks people who have eggs before noon are insane?
At least someone's doing something about it. Letting your developing child deprive themselves of nutrients is like buying hormone pills for them online.
vegan parents really shouldn't impose it onto their kids, make them vegan meals at home if you want but when they go to school and out with other kids they're going to come
across animal products and it's stupid to isolate your child like that
It is only a proposed bill; there is no way the law will come into effect. Just a few politicians who have no idea about nutrition talking shit.
All vegans should go to jail desu
Why, then you have to pay for them to sit in jail and rot. Just banish them from your country.
Italians are subhuman, who cares
Execution then
slaughter and eat them
as someone with experience with children id say most prefer a vegetarian diet for the most part unless it's tiny slices of turkey breast that barely resemble meat at that point so I guess a vegan one wouldn't be too horrible if they got enough fat.
Its very possible to follow a vegan diet without depriving oneself of any nutrients. I believe only b6 supplements are required, but many meat eaters are also lacking in it.
Friendly reminder that Veeky Forums supports veganism
haha, nice one!
vegans would care
F off
I agree with this, but I wish there was a law here in Arizona that would jail people that don't feed their kids vegetables. The amount of picky eaters here is insane.
this. obese kids is more of a child abuse claim and something that deserves jail time than veganism
Oh, it's the old "vocal minority thinks everyone is behind them" line.
We can just send them all vegans to Sweden to live with the refugees.
Agreed, the kids here are husky, big boned, plus-sized chunk monsters, to quote a tv show.
It's actually the healthiest diet you can do. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger recommends everyone stop eating meat.
why stop when you can have self control and just limit your meat/dairy consumption to a discernable amount
Why not just cut it out completely? You don't need it
Which has nothing to do with /ck supporting the vegan diet. Nor does Arnold Schwarzenegger recommending it make it the majority diet.
Last I checked humans weren't herbivores, we are omnivores.
Anyway, meat and dairy and sugar. And all that is fine. The problem is people lack self control and anything about nutrition. There are certain things that should be avoided completely, but that. Is mainly stuff like alcohol, soda, and energy drinks.
A proper diet and regular exercise is the healthiest thing you can do. The vegan meme is just that, a meme, which I view is for people who don't want to put effort toward staying thin
omnivores dont pick up sealed prime cuts of meat from the store and cook it to a certain temperature or else they die
>he doesn't know just how pants-on-head insane our politics are
We've elected several pornstars to office. Not one or two. Several. One of whom wasn't even an Italian. We ain't right and I wouldn't be surprised if we get this bill passed.
We already have the largest percentage of vegetarians in the Western world (around 20%) and the largest percentage of willful semi-vegetarians on earth (IE people who eat meat, very, very sparingly, at about half the population) so we don't have this problem.
So if this is the case, why, then, have I never met an Italoamerican who regularly ate vegetables? Or, at least, not to the same degree we do? The majority I've encountered hold the mistaken believe that if there's no meat, it's not a meal.
I only support non-cis gluten free transveganism
Last I checked my dogs are fine with eating cooked meat, along with other animals like pigs and some birds
>We ain't right and I wouldn't be surprised if we get this bill passed.
Don't feel too bad, italanon. Here in America we have several flyover states where the state legislators spent several months working over the details of a local sharia law ban despite being 99.999% white christian states (by "christian" I mean a particularly virulent frontier christianity that can't even handle roman catholicism let alone lack of religion or an actual non-christian religion)
We all have our political crazies, I think I'd rather have a porn star than that kind of politics
>The majority I've encountered hold the mistaken believe that if there's no meat, it's not a meal.
That's not just italian-americans, it's americans in general. If your plate isn't covered in at least 1.5 pounds of mystery meat battered and drenched in corn syrup for 3 meals a day, you're a vegan and are probably suffering from the b12 deficiency, a form of mental illness that makes you believe vegetables are not repulsive
This is why you should die
>comform your children to the machine
I study medicine, you are wrong. reconsider your life choices, and please, for the love of all things that exist, don't reproduce.
this might be a good time to remind Veeky Forums that a trained, board certified medical doctor started the "vaccines cause autism" meme
meat is unnecessary for a healthy diet, let alone the insane amounts of meat advocated by the junk food addicts on this website
anyone who tells you otherwise can be safely ignored
most of our understanding of italian fags comes from chef boyardee. the guy specifically added meat to a lot of his food because americans don't consider pasta a meal without it. Maybe thats not relevant anymore but the guy was willing to cater to american tastes so the assumption is real italian people are eating something else.
you can cut out meat but cutting out all animal products will leave you struggling for stuff like b12
counterpoint: the whole of human history
t. Veeky Forums historian
if you're a medical doctor, you should be encouraging people to understand that there is a middle ground, and that middle ground looks a lot closer to veganism than almost anyone here is comfortable admitting
I like vegetables. I like meat. I just don't eat lots of meat. And nor do most other Italians. As said, 20% of us are vegetarian and half of the remainder are semi-vegetarian. That leaves around 40% of us who eat meat heavily.
Still, veganism is somewhat rare in Italy and looked down upon by most-to-all of us, even the vegetarians and hardcore vegetarians (the ones who won't eat traditional rennet cheeses).
I agree, meat is unnecessary, but non-flesh animal products are, aren't they? I know a half-dozen people who keep pet hens or ducks. No matter what you do, that hen or duck will lay eggs. It's a dumb bird and doesn't know that the eggs aren't fertilised, so it's a waste to let her try to incubate them, so these two semi-vegans I know, a married couple, who have both hens and ducks eat them. It's not hurting the birds, no animal is dying, and it provides the necessary fats and nutrients for healthy living.
They're against dairy, though. Other than eggs, they eat no animal products.
How do you reason about all the healthy people that eat meat reguarly
I think user might say regularly != heavily.
>I eat burger kings every day and I feel fine, I use vodka to brush my teeth, to each his own I say I'm 30 and doing better than most of you
Sure is Summer in here.
A middle ground cannot be "close" to an absolutist diet.
If you'd said vegetarion them maybe you'd retain some credibility but vegans are the dietary versions of Westboro.
>A middle ground cannot be "close" to an absolutist diet
You're confusing ideology with dietary composition, as is usual with the cult of carnist extremism
Eating a modest amount of meat maybe once out of every 7 to 10 meals, and the rest vegetables with some dairy and eggs, is pretty much the ideal diet. Remove the meat, and really not much changes other than muh fee-fees.
That means, however, that you eat a lot of vegetables. You can no longer just make every meal into "huge hunk of salted cooked meat, and a token wad of random lettuce to make it 'balanced'", which is Veeky Forums's idea of the perfect meal.
Eat your vegetables, user. It's not going to kill you. It's ok to want to live past 40.
Friendly reminder that a vegetarian diet makes you almost 20% more likely to suffer from serious mental illness
I eat meat ever three-to-five meals or so. C-can we be friends?
That means that only about 20% of my meals include meat, by the way.
And that's pretty much a Vegetarian diet, not Vegan.
Meat is fine, people shouting otherwise are the ones that want to add something else to the whole animals have feelings but want more weight to argument by saying meat is the devil and will kill you.
Sure animals might have feelings, and I agree that the way animals are treated in some countries is bad.
But look, anything that you eat or drink too much of is bad for you. It is literally all about moderation. If you drink too much water you can drown yourself.
This reminds me of that one shitty movie, I think it's called Hungry Hearts. This Italian lady almost kills her baby by only feeding him seeds and shit like that.
A diet that contains meat, eggs, and dairy is neither vegan nor vegetarian
The problem for the kind of preachy, triggerd carnist neckbeards around here is that it's such a leap from their current carnist extremist diet, it might as well be full raw veganism
I hope you now understand how a diet can be "close to veganism" while being more truly omnivorous than the diet promoted by so-called "omnivores" whose only vegetable consumption consists of the iceberg on a big mac, and maybe the corn that died to make the HFCS
> vegan calling somebody who eats meat preachy
Spot the triggered neckbeard
Don't worry no one will take away your tendies until you've keeled over and died of a heart attack at 31
Living 30 years beats waiting 120 years to die of boredom.
t. teen who thinks 30 might as well be 120
I look forward to you berating your doctor at age 29 when he tells you you need gastric band surgery or you're never getting out of that mobility scooter
>why didn't anyone tell me to eat a vegetable waah waah it's not fair who can I sue
Already past 30, in good heath and I eat whatever I want, I just happen to be fortunate enough to be a huge fan of greens.
Meat is a condiment but I'd not go without it.
>allowing parents to let their children irreversibly alter themselves with chemicals and surgery isn't a crime despite these people having extremely high post hrt/surgery suicide rates and is even encouraged and celebrated
>allowing parents to (as equally as irresponsibly as vegans) feed their children extremely unhealthily isn't a crime despite the nutritional quality of many non vegan foods marketed toward and ultimately fed to children is terrible and often causes premature health issues immediately or eventually
>if any children whose parents feed them a vegan diet, ever experience any health complications whatsoever, whether or not the health issues can be reliably traced to the diet, their parents will possibly be imprisoned for child abuse
brb drowning in the deluge of stupidity
There is literally nothing wrong with traps
But I agree with the rest of what you said
drowning in your own deluge of stupidity 2bh learn 2 right write forest bee be for fore saiyan dumbshit
stop using meme words user
Being vegan has long been established to be a mental illness. Stop trying to make yourself feel better by posting here - no one takes you seriously
>takes you seriously
Because that's a big concern on the goza and joey board :^)
Scurry along now to your doctor appointment, those gout swellings aren't going to treat themselves!
Here I posted your most recent 247 meals
>so rustled you have to post memes
No need to be so salty about it user. And the fact that its a goza jackposting boards makes me question why you look to prove yourself here of all places
I'm not the one with anything to prove, carnist
Maybe you should post again about how you're a real cave man RRAWWWR serve it to you still mooing
>and yet you're too much of a pussy to order tartare or carpaccio
Not that you could afford to eat at those kinds of places
>meme words
>he actually believes that carnist is a real word
There's a reason people don't like you user
You're arguing with two different people, carnist-kun
Also did you actually just say "rustled" and then go on to complain about people speaking Veeky Forums English?
This is what happens to brain development when you grow up too far from an ocean
>different people
>implying vegans aren't a hive mind
>if you're not a carnist you must be a vegan
On top of the lack of ocean fish, this one ate too many lead paint chips as a child
>that damage control
The solution is vegan diet + rope farmed salt water mussels. They have no brain, they are no more sentient than plants, they are farmed with no environmental damage or bycatch, and they are rich in all the nutrients lacking in a vegan diet. They also taste delicious. If you are a vegan but you won't eat mussels you're not doing it for ethical reasons, you're a crazy cultist.
>They have no brain, they are no more sentient than plants
By that logic, we should just be eating carnists
If not for the revolting taste, it would be a pretty good idea. Make the world a better place by converting the least intelligent into a temporary food source
>>if you're not a carnist you must be a vegan
Well sure. On Veeky Forums middle ground does not exist. It's always either one extreme or another. In this case either you're a bark-chewing freegan hippie with a gluten allergy, or you're a landwhale who eats 128-oz steaks six times a day and washes them down with quadruple-meat hamburgers. Anything else doesn't exist.
I think vegans mean it as an insult, but it sounds way more badass than "omnivore". Nobody who eats meat will be insulted by it.
>implying they aren't.
It's just a word, if you're insulted by it that's on you
But it doesn't surprise me one bit that people are proud to have an unbalanced diet made of shit tier cheap processed fast food
>Implying I'm going to zoom in just to read that shit
If I wanted to read screenshots I'd be on reddit
You seem to think Italians are Americans. Italians don't feed their kids the same sort of things Americans feed their kids. This is why Italy boasts one of the five lowest heart disease rates in the world (and one of only two in those top five that are Western nations), one of the thinnest/fittest populations of a developed nation, one of the longest living populations on Earth and one of the lowest rates of diet-related illnesses on the planet.
In Italy, feeding a kid a vegan diet would be detrimental because Italians have diet down correctly. In America, feeding a kid a vegan diet would be better than feeding him the average American diet.
It's kind of like sickle cell anaemia. Having SCA in a developed country is bad because it lowers overall life expectancy, but having it in an undeveloped one is good because it protects against malaria. Similarly, being vegan in a dietarily balanced culture would be bad because it lowers life expectancy relative others in that culture, but being vegan in a dietarily unbalanced culture would be good because it protects against the various ills brought about but that sort of unbalanced diet.
>In Italy, feeding a kid a vegan diet would be detrimental because Italians have diet down correctly. In America, feeding a kid a vegan diet would be better than feeding him the average American diet.
massive butthurt incoming
God damn right. It's fucking child abuse. They're depriving them of essential nutrients just cause
>muh animal feels
How about you take the fucking time to care about your own fucking child's feelings.
>I'm just gonna ignore the whole thread and masturbate my moral panic
Are you a woman?
>vegan detected
How about you go curb stomp some toddlers like your pal vegan gains.
Fucking vegans. Can't they just join some organized religion to feel morally superior to others? Instead of forming these proto-cults in a country where 69% of population is overweight.
a kid is going to be offered ice cream and invited to lunches with other kids and chances are it won't be accommodating your child shouldn't be deprived of food or social interactions because you're vegan
yeah but I want it and humans are self driven retard
Because I don't want to go to jail, but if you want to kill some babies I'm not going to be upset. Babies suck.
>join my veggie cult
>my wife is a papaya
>ywn get to pound ptp like chic in pic
This is what's wrong with vegans. They're complete fucking sociopaths who care about nothing but getting attention for "caring about animals".
people have been eating animal
products since the beginning of time and all those isolated communities that vegans love to boast about are small and have comparable healthy benefits to other animal product consuming societies, eating fish is a rational thing, as is eggs and cheese, larger animals like cow maybe not but small game animals could have easily been hunted by humans, you're not going to eradicate anything. also the vegan society was started as a diet and its still nothing more than a diet being vegan is no different than Atkins. any other term you're looking for is being an animal activist
Are you confused? I'm not a vegan, sugar tits. Just the guy who called you out on your ovarian hysteria.
Go stomp some babies, or better still have your ovaries removed. Better than any psychiatric medication they could put you on.
I'm american and I think that user is absolutely right. Most Americans really do lack knowledge of basic nutrition, or choose to ignore/deride knowledge offered. I wouldnt doubt the average Italian child has a better diet overall. Unfortunate for Americans but true.
that was obviously you
Sweet cheeks. There are 41 unique posters in this thread, which one do you think "was obviously me"?
same vegan faggot with that edgy condescending tone, post your (You)s if it can't possibly be you!
I've been called "vegan" about 15 times so far, that word doesn't mean what you think it means
The machine is civilization.
Raising kids with a set of rules in harsh opposition to the majority which they lack the mental capability to understand will just result in another faggot using terms like carnist.
Someone completely useless for affecting any real change in society, because they lack empathy.