replace Canada Dry with Mountain Dew then I agree
>God tier
>hurr normal soda
Eat shit to go along with the shit you drink
Dr. Pepper is Ascended God tier
Fuck off dude
Ginger Ale is the king of fizzy drank
>Ginger Ale
>Nigger Ale
>corn syrup and phosphoric acid with "color" and "flavor"
Why do you treat yourself like shit?
Because I am a worthless piece of shit
It's only proper
Dr.Pepper should be in God Tier.
sprite, dr. pepper, mountain dew and cherry coke should all be in shit tier
It's for ants.
Why do people like mountain dew? im from the uk and tried the green one once and it literally tastes like flat, overly-sugary, watered-down lemonade. fucking nasty.
what is wrong with americans?
>water in shit tier
if you are including it in your chart, then it should be a considered beverage right? that being said, you are a child and you probably dont eat your veggies
Difference recipe here, EU regulations.
>No God Tier Tonic water.
It's shit,
>no Moxie
>no Vernors
It's as if you're trying to establish the fact that you have shit taste
I tried out the San Pellegrino Limonata the other day, that shit was tasty as hell.
hope you get banned
>no extra tier for pepsi twist
nah senpai
>High tier
>cherry coke
My niggah, mad that they don't sell them in bottles in Australia anymore
suck a big fat nigger dick, coalburning numale faggot
my local pizza place does a 16 inch pizza and 1 litre bottle of cherry coke for £10, and their pizzas are way too delicious for the price
The only god tier pop.
I prefer Vanilla coke to Cherry, but that's my personal taste.
Water and Milk should be in God tier. All the rest in shit tier
Put Dr Pepper in God tier, and also add cherry DP, and you're golden.
mountain dew code red is pretty good despite being mountain dew
All this crap is shit tier.
Your teeth agree.
Well you see, because im above the age of 10 i usually drink water
>not carbonated so you can actually drink a big glass without feeling full so you can finish your meal
>doesnt make you burp like a barbarian
>dont destroy your teeth
>donest give you diabeetus
>zero calories
>doesnt fuck up the taste of my meal
so your saying your a fag?
You have tk be 18 to post here.
Your schoolyard jokes may be funny and clever when you're playing CoD or Halo with your friends but they're considered lame here.
Also it's late, shouldnt you be in bed? School will be starting soon and you need to get your body adjusted to waking up early, little timmy
Water is god tier. Soda is for children and Mexicans.
>they're considered lame here
You know that's not true
That better be the mexican coca colam the american one is just bland corn syrup with some fizz
Jarritos is god tier
>Cherry Coke
>not vanilla
How garbage.
That said, I'd move A&W up; prefer it to Barqs.
>cherry coke
>not vanilla
who /dietsoda/ here?
I can't stand the taste of regular soda anymore. I usually get a stomach ache and feel sick after a few sips
>I usually get a stomach ache and feel sick after a few sips
Funny, I'm this way with aspartame. No diet soda for me.
Well i suppose instigating diarrhoea DOES help lose weight, but no, not my thing,
Came here to post this
God tier: dr pepper, pineapple fanta
High: cherry 7up, mello jello, powerade/gatorade
Medium: everythijg else except
Shit tier: coke, rc, pepsi
Coke being God tier and not Pepsi. Fuck out my face.
How can anyone seriously like Dr Pepper?
Do you have to spend years having your tastebuds seared off with overly flavoured foods?
Like the soda version of endgame drugs, when your tongue is the same state as heroin veteran veins and only the heaviest shit will get you a slight tingle?
If both are in peak condition, cold and fully carbonated bottled Coke wins, though Pepsi is better from can.
For sure bottled Coke would be better because it's made with actual cane sugar not corn syrup. Bottled Pepsi taste like shit.
Beet sugar here
i a gree with sunkist being higher than fanta. would like to see cherry coke replaced with vanilla personally. dr pepper is basically the same thing.
Where are you?
Where's the SQUIRT? It is objectively the best soda
Nah that's be this here.
Regular makes my teeth feel fuzzy :^(
Brush them from time to time them.
How can anyone drink more than a couple sips of Pepsi? I usually end up throwing that shit away when I'm offered one because its too sweet.
enjoy your cancer.
>mid tier
>Too Sweet
Lol wat.
>A&W not God Tier
the lord tier
if you're not a child you shouldn't be drinking sugar water with a meal
if you are a child i hope your parent's dont give you sugar water with a meal
fucking yesss
need to find somewhere to bulk buy this, the supermarket near me has it but you can only get individual cans at inflated price
It's a shame you didn't actually put any good sodas in that pic. Water is better than all of that swill.
>no vanilla coke
also this is the objectively best
I want Texas to leave.
said the manchild
>pibb nowhere to be found
What's wrong with you?
>Shit Tier: Waterfags
Autistic manchild alert. Kill yourself
that looks and sounds tasty
>Sunkist above Fanta
>Vanilla Coke not even mentioned
>Dr. Pepper not in god tier
>Mountain Dew any higher than mid tier
>talking shit on people who drink water because soda is fucking awful for you
This list is shit bro
While it is different in Europe I can attest that it is just as bad in here in the US. Most soda is terrible though.
>Drinking soda
Is the jury still out on Aspartame or has it been deemed pretty much safe across the board in terms of health effects? I haven't drank soda in years but lately ive been having 1 teaspoon of sugar with my coffee and I'd rather avoid any more by having a safe fix on it.
Texas wants to leave.
>tfw I don't see vanilla coke anywhere
I dont see cactus cooler your chart sucks mark summers unwrapped dick
Where the fuck is the mello yellow
>not god tier
Water is the best thing you'll ever drink simply because your body loves it
God tier= coke, root beer, and Pepsi
Mountain Dew is trash
Uh poster it's actually called mist twist now