>pic related is mine
What does Veeky Forums carry?
Other urls found in this thread:
This hand cannon
Grilled chicken sandwich
0 because i live in a normal country
Childhood trauma
crypto bags
must be nice.
I haven't made it yet.
Patrician choice sir.
kek burgers
A big dong
Smith and Wesson 9mm
Nice, XDs is a solid choice.
Mine is a range officer compact, pic related.
egomania and an inferiority complex
>Springfield, the Linky of the gun world
Gross.. you guys go back to crypto.
What gun is the best investment during a doomsday scenario?
What kind of bullets would be worth the most?
interested in both hedging myself for doomsday and owning a firearm for recreational/self defense
I've heard you want 9mm cuz so many leo use it so we have lots of rounds available. I like my .40s&w tho
only pussies carry guns with them lul
Dessert Eagle
shoots muffins
AR15 for Primary, Glock or 1911 type pistol for secondary will do you well because they are the most abundant, easy to find parts for if repair is required and will perform well enough in any scenario. You are also most likely to encounter those guns and the associated rounds and parts for them more than something obscure. 223/556 308/762 9mm .45 40SW and maybe some Russian flavored rounds for a special occasion.
"only pussies value their life"
>thinking anybody cares enough about them to kill them
You burgers are fucking hilarious. The only situation you would be killed is 1000x less probably than getting hit by a bus.
Carrying guns is fucking gay.
In a SHTF situation, black powder revolver or muzzle loading rifle. You can mold the balls, make the powder, and make the caps yourself and never run out of ammo.
0 because i live in a cucked country
can't wait until i can make it to the us of a on an investor visa
speak for yourself, I live in a dangerous city full of felons illegally carrying guns
this this this
This, literally hobo tier weaponry but its the only thing you can get legally in mexico
get out of the US
Life is great, if you don't have to worry about getting shot or home invasion.
Back to plebbit
unless you live around niggers or illegal immigrant spics. then your chances jump by about 10000x
but then you have to worry about paying 50% taxes that go straight to the growing durka durka population
> What does Veeky Forums carry
heavy bags
tell me how is it possible burgers can have free guns but they are not killing themselves by accident I mean people are dumb
have you ever touched a gun before?
Nope, there are actually very little countries with that high level of taxation. But I had lived in Denmark for couple years and I understand your concerns.
I shot guns in Russia and it was fun as fuck.
I'm happy that nobody carries in my country though, imagine if every criminal on a streetcorner carried a fucking gun. I'd be paranoid as fuck.
>wut is a trigger safety
where do you live? Finland?
If they want to they will anyway,not like criminals care about guns laws, having access for guns means you will be able to protect yourself and other from this pshycos
LCP2 in my based as fuck Biasholster
How do you keep from just blowing your brains out if you're depressed?
Springfield 9mm ... I left it at home today for some reason.
You do understand that the more legal guns on the market, the more illegal guns on black market?
It's not like they fucking make them themselves.
Got to defend your trading station Veeky Forumsbros.
> It's not like they fucking make them themselves.
Are you stupid?
Because reality is, its an inanimate object which most people keep in the closet. Most people dont carry a gun at all. There is a mind boggling amount of firearms in the United States, im honestly surprised there isnt triple the amount of accidents and gun violence, but the rates are actually going down.
They already do, retard
So what? Criminals will get access to a gun if they want, by making them illegal for the average Joe you are only making them more vulnerable to an attack
By having even a minuscule amount of mental fortitude. If you fail that test you deserve to be removed from the gene pool
Show me one study proving there is the same or even close rate of gun related crimes in countries with easy access to guns vs. first world countries.
if you have real depression you shouldn't own a gun.
Unironically this
>Be murifat.
>Think you have the right to shoot some random nigger who breaks into your house.
>End up enjoying Tyrone's company for the rest of your life.
g27 for cc and if it was a problem at home I would probably die while trying to decide which raifu to go for.
... You're retarded.
Springfield XDs is the gun in OP pic. Fucking kys.
Castle doctrine user
You just have to make sure to kill them, not injure them
Everyday carry is a Ruger SR45
hk hadron otf knife from bladehq.com
I've got the exact same as you but in 9mm
heavy heavy FUN bags.
Nothing because I live in a 95% white wealthy area with barely any crime, and I'm not old enough to buy a handgun.
Only revolvers are legal in Mexico , just went through the process and bought mine in Mexico City
which faggot here was talking shiet about my piece ?
depending on where you live in the US, you have every right to shoot to kill if someone breaks into your house.
except blue states where you forced to leave your own house when being invaded
LOL this is how burgers think
Don't have one because they do regulary check ups at gun owner's homes.
Shit sucks but at least i can still rock a Ruger on the range.
>Don't have one because they do regulary check ups at gun owner's homes.
Where the fuck do you live?
some cucked out sweden probably where they only allow jamals with stolen guns to roam around armed
That weight.
Do you actually know what that word means?
Gen 3 Glock 19
>he doesn’t carry a glock
something or someone trying too hard to be cool, almost to a point where it's cringe worthy.
E.g.: (you)
what sounds so illogical there you 3rd shitworlder ?
I'm no gunz right now because I turned my gun in for the Taurus settlement. Thinking about a Glock 43 after I get a job.
Nobody stands a chance agains this one.
Not the best accuracy or reliability, but the laser is threatening and I know how to handle situations before I'd ever pull this sucker out
guns are illegal here so I only have my bare hands for self protection
noice, thinking about switching to this
Tarus makes shit guns, good on you for getting rid of it.
G43 is a great carry, G19 is my go to carry.
what happens when you trigger it?
Glocks are only good for people who use their gun everyday. Not carry but ACTUALLY USE their gun everyday. The safety on them is so shitty that only the most experienced shooters won't accidentally fire it.
Walther PPQ M2 9mm. It's like a glock that looks better with an amazing stock trigger.
UK reporting in.
a pen
tis mightier then the sword
You got a license for that spoon?
>G43 is a great carry, G19 is my go to carry.
My hands are pretty big, so I can probably shoot my own finger off with an extended index finger.
Though I want the gun to be small or I just won't carry it.
The safety is on the trigger... if you pull the trigger the gun will shoot. If you have a good holster and have half a brain that gun will not shoot unless you want it to.
Don’t tell me you carry a gun with a safety on? I am sure in a high tension scenario you will totally remember to turn the safety off as some fucker lunges at you with a knife.