What kind of wine do you usually get, Veeky Forums?

What kind of wine do you usually get, Veeky Forums?


Anything but Merlot.

Australian shiraz, usually from South Australia, as old as possible, usually under $15 unless I'm feeling fancy. Whatever label amuses me the most at that moment.

>Australian shiraz

Let me guess, you drink the glorious vinegar that is Californian merlot.

Not a fucking chance.

I avoid california wines almost as aggressively as I avoid aussie wines

I'm sorry you can't have nice things, user

White: Gavi, Marlborough Sauvignon, anything from Loire valley.
Red: Mostly Italian reds, sometimes a burgundy, I've been drinking a few Rioja recently too

>tfw live in california

Oh, so you're more into the Skittles and Jelly Belly overtones of a good Italian chardonnay then. Oh well, to each their own!

I always try to have a dry white, a sweet red and dry red on hand for cooking. Also does sherry count as a wine or spirit? I cook with that too.

Tend to agree.
New World fines are piss.

Rosé and dry Reds

can't stomach white wine uezs

You're right, Mateus truly is the epitome of viticulture.

I have no idea what that is, but I detect an angry Aussie, Californian, or Kiwi (see: Aussie)

Depends on what I'm eating.

Provincial Rose

Gruner Vietlener



Super Tuscan red blends



Cote du rhone

Whatever puts a stick in the wine snob's ass.

Portuguese wine is rough, mate.

t. Joe Sixpack

the box kind

>le pretentious wine snob movie maymay
why do americans think that culture exists to make them feel insecure?

if alcohol cultures upset you,, consider joining ISIS, I heard they let you lose your virginity before committing suicide

So what is it? What could it be that would made me care what kind of swill some uncultured pleb swine drinks? Come on, be specific, fagglette

Surely is. Sometimes I'll see a bottle of it on sale and consider it for nostalgia reasons. My grandfather loved his grotty old world wines...

I also haven't had any lambrusco or spumante since he kicked the bucket, thank god for that much.

You sound old as fuck dude

I bet you think chianti is gross and comes in a straw bottle and austrian wine has antifreeze

goon bag to wash down my red velvet tim tams because i'm all class

Yep, oldfag. And chianti does still sometimes come in a straw bottle...

Amarone, Barolo, Brunello, Super Tuscans, Chateauneuf du Pape, Shiraz, Primitivo, and Negroamaro.

riesling halb trocken or trocken

Every 6 months i go in the countryside (i live in France and i go in Bourgogne) to buy about 60 liters of locally made rosé aswell as 60 liters of red wine

Chataneuf du Pape is a type of cote du rhone right?

Heavy smoker detected

Yeah, it's really good wine

Ha! Formerly, how did you know?

Strong preference for powerful high extraction wines

Pleb detected


>implying anyone on Veeky Forums can afford more than popov vodka and bud ice

Your post sounds like projection
Why is this?

because it's the only retort you can think of when you've been #rekt

The one that comes in a box and gets you drunk

Usually some Grüner Veltliner

Port. The other wines are for children

Dr. Scheiben-Frostschutzmittel St. Laurent
The '85 is a perennial favorite

>anything but one of the sweetest wines out there is for children

What are some good wines for a complete novice?

Vinho verde, fresh, cheap, and "quaffable" (inb4 sperg rage)
Careful not to buy anything older than current year minus one

To be serious though, I find non-Port red wines to be flat and boring by comparison now. Even a legit decent one seems much less interesting and simpler tasting. No one else feels that way?

I think sweetness is a fantastic complement to the other flavors in wine too. Riesling is another example of sweetness working well with wine flavors.

Maybe I haven't had the right ports, but I find sherries to be much more interesting and fulfilling

They run the spectrum from dry to sweet, from light to heavy, but always with a ton going on flavor and aroma wise, regardless of style

Port seems like it's just always sweet and heavy at all times

So, Aldi wine, then?

It doesn't mean much to insult Aussie/kiwi wine here as the Aussie wine you find overseas is generally piss marked up for export at 2-3x the price you'd buy it for at home.

You have to spend over 35USD to get a decent bottle going for 15USD here.

Im partial to red

Red stuff from Europe. Like, Bordeaux or sangiovese. usually in the 30-buck-a-bottle range. I usually never go wrong with those.

lidl pinotage is £3 and it tastes like trash but gets me spectacularly drunk

Top meme

Finnish champagne.

Malbec or bust


why would you do this to me
how am i ever going to unsee this

who sells these?

its on the tip of my tongue and I just can't recall who it is

Pic related is my go to. Not too sweet, not too bitter, and pretty cheap. Occasionally I'll get something nicer but if I'm drinking wine it's almost exclusively red.

nice one, sometimes I think there aren't any gentlemans on Veeky Forums
all these retards would pair it with mountain dew

Its No Name brand by Loblaws. Depending on where you are the shops have different names. Superstore being the most common in Canada.

that kangaroo shit Riesling for mad cheap holla @ me

>le van sans nom
Isn't that reddit for "the not delicious wine"?

Dry fruit meads mostly.

They have empanadas in Argentina McDonalds?

"Le vin sans nom" means "the wine with no name" or "the nameless wine". In this case, because "sans nom" is the brand, it's "No Name wine"

I bet it tastes sweet and horrendous