What is the most Veeky Forums Starbucks drink?

What is the most Veeky Forums Starbucks drink?

lukewarm water with cinnamon

black americano


going to a different, reasonably priced coffee shop.
fucking shill

hipster pls

A dark roast red eye with sage if they have it

large water please

ten times out of ten you can get a better bean at a lower price elsewhere, but if all you have is a starbucks, then a dirty chai

I want a liter of cola

iced black tea w coconut milk instead of water

orange mocha frappachino

I go for double or triple iced espresso with coconut milk. If Starbucks is the only option.

cappuccino with sirup :^)
but if you can go a different coffee shop do that.. most of the times cheaper,better,more coffee

My dad gets a grande non fat no whip hot chocolate with 5 pumps of mocha literally every single day of the year. He's been doing it for as long as can possibly remember. Cause of him I've tried their entire menu over the years, and I have no idea what makes a drink /fa, but probably just a few shots of espresso

or the acai refresher w coconut milk and added berries.

espresso / americano / coffee black
anything fruity

only options

Iced water.

Fucking Black coffee

Starbucks isn't really Veeky Forums, but if you had to go there, the most effay thing you could order would be a London Fog.

being a basic bitch is not Veeky Forums

I work at a Starbucks and I can confirm no drink or customer is effay in the slightest.

Underrated post

>short Flat WHITE is most effay.

>Venti BLACK coffee is most appealing to women

haha xD

a grande double chocolate chip frappe with a banana blended in and three shots of espresso in a venti cup

holiday spice flat white

how fat are you

flat white is top tier all memes aside

Matcha chai latte with almond milk and sweetener