What coins would he hold?



Considering that he doesn’t know how to use a computer....none.

The man obviously owns gold.

Bitcoin Gold


Trump is a winner, he wouldn't baghold

XMR for obvious reasons

You're being ironic, right?

The one where blocks are YUGE

NEO, VEN, REQ, NANO wait 2 yrs and enjoy your lambo

Trump would not buy a lambo ever

What's his opinion on crypto?

>there are people on this board who don’t know what the president of the United States has said about crypto

He would run a pump and dump group obviously

Real talk, He'd be all in btc. It's the only one that matters. He'll look at vitalik and just laugh.

Pretty sure he would FOMO into TRX. In mid january.

Garlic, Turtle, CannaCoin, LINK, Ethorse

he hasn't said anything about crypto

LTC, the once and future king of crypto.

For the unaware

GAY Money obviously

I don't think Trump would support giving the Chinese more control over currency of any form, so in no world would he support bcash.

Pic related is his real opinion on Crypto.

Bticoin Gold