>100% guaranteed monthly profit
>backed by big infrastructure
>partnership with many companies
>high volume, low price
Why aren't you all in this yet?
>100% guaranteed monthly profit
>backed by big infrastructure
>partnership with many companies
>high volume, low price
Why aren't you all in this yet?
i love LINKholder there are so ...special
The pajeet english resembles yours are you sure you are not referencing yourself there?
Working at McDonalds?
Im all in OMG we gonna make it
definitely not from india sir
i have oportunity better then chalink sir, do you wish to know
>Buying a mcDonalds franchise
Not a bad idea user, I bought one back in 2010, pretty expensive at the time but fuck, It's paying off now, I make £200k/year from doing jack shit.
Curious, what was your total upfront cost of starting the franchise? I live in an area rife with niggers and it seems the majority of them sustain themselves on the dollar menu alone.
Good luck finding a city on earth that doesn't already have 3 mcdonalds, if you do and you can roll out 4 or 5 restaurants you're literally going to be earning a mil after you've paid the accountant and staff tyo do all the shit for you.
Each restaurant is going to cost you more than $1M tho, and you need at least 750k liquid capital each.
In the UK it's between 400k-800k to get a restaurant (you only need 100-200k liquid capital as the rest can be aquired through a bank loan) and around 40k for training/franchise fees.
In the US it would be around 0.5 million plus a 45k franchise fee.
I'm going to do more research on this. If you can get a mcdonalds in an inner-city there is no shortage of niggers to line your pockets with their gibs.
I wouldn't mind selling a bit over half my crypto stack to open one. It's pretty much guaranteed profit.
The only problem with buying a mcdonalds in an inner city is the fact that there's usually around 2 in a city.
The best thing to do would be buying one near a busy motorway (low restaurant cost+a lot of people will be travelling near it) or setting one up in a mid-sized city.(50k+)
You go into any mcdonalds around here (bay area california) and it's packed. There is no shortage of customers. I can think of 5 mcdonalds within 2 miles of my current location and all of them are busy.
Yeah, extremely dense cities are always busy, but the initial investment will be extremely high.
Realistically how much work do you have to put in the store. During launch and after launch? I have a full time job already making close to 200k. If I can invest in a franchise for passive income without much hands-on at all, it would be much more attractive.
>e. During launch and after launch? I have a full time job already making close to 200k. If I can invest in a franchise for passive income without much hands-on at all, it would be much more attractive.
In the first year or 2 there is quite a bit of work you have to put in (recruitment, helping out with staff shortages etc.) but after those first 2 years it pretty much manages itself.
If I hire a solid GM with experience though I imafine it would not be difficult to start out pretty hands-off, just be part of the initial team hiring process, right? I don't have the time to work shifts, nor would I want to. I could realistically check up on things a couple of times a week.
Thanks for the info btw.
I mean why would you want to wagecuck full-time when a McD franchise is profitable enough to allow you to NEET til your demise?
Because working makes you feel useful.
Because my wage cuck job has ridiculously good benefits and a pension. I need to keep it rolling in case business ventures fail.
If you think a restaurant earns a 100% profit, you've never managed a restaurant before.
How many McDonald's have you seen shutter up in your area? It's not like a mom & pop restaurant. Mcdonalds brand recognition is insane.
have you looked at their financials? they're shit. they have negative equity; they took on a shitload of debt to buy back stock in order to artificially boost prices and give their executives bonuses. how the fuck are they going to service that debt when interest rates rise? they're going to have to sell a shitload of the land that their restaurants are on and sell the treasury stock. this is going to collapse their share price and maybe even bankrupt them or make them a target for a hostile takeover.
tl;dr mcdonalds is fucked breh
>low price
That's a straight-up lie.
I'm not saying you can't make a profit. I'm saying you can't make a 100% profit.
Your average restaurant is going to have a 30% food + paper cost; at leat a 32% labor cost, and that doesn't even touch on the fixed costs or R&M.
Yes, you can make a pile of money if you run it right, but you're never going to touch 20% of overall profit.
I think what OP meant is that you're guaranteed to be profiting every month... not that all revenue generation is profit, obviously.
Ya, you're probably right.
I won't get into why you won't make a profit EVERY month, since (if you run it right) you will make a profit NEARLY every month.
I do question the amount of money needed to open a McDonalds.
If i remember correctly, you're going to need at least $500k in liquid, and about $2 million in loans.
I'm actually looking into taco bell financials right now. There are way fewer taco bell establishments in my area than Mcdonalds and the initial investment is considerably lower as well.
As long as you stay away from Subway. If you ever seriously consider buying one of those, you should check yourself into a mental institution.
Why? There are more Subway's than Mcdonalds in the world now, surely there must be a reason why everyone chooses to open them
Subway is a horrible company to do business with. Many reasons, including...
1. As an owner, you need to have at least 5 stores to pull enough money to make a living.
2. They don't let you rent your own space. They rent it and they sublet to you. This gives them the ability to kick you off your own restaurant property if you fight them over the over-charged product you are required to buy from them.
3. They do not honor territory agreements. For example, if you own a pizza hunt, the company is prohibited from allowing anyone (including them) from opening another within a certain distance of yours. With subway, they'll open a store less than 1/2 a mile away from you inside of a walmart then lock you out of your store if you complain.
I already bought my ncash.