American Coffee

Do americans really drink the entire contents of this everyday?

It depends on the american, I use one of these and I have 2 or 3 cups on an average day

Some do

I usually just have 1 cup

What do you do with the rest of it then?

I drink espresso or espresso based drinks, it just seems very wasteful to make that entire pot and then not drink it.

How many cups is that?

If you mean those italian meme measurement cups, I drink 4 cups of coffee a day, and that's basically a single mug (500ml)

You just don't make the whole pot if you're not going to drink the whole pot.

>Do americans...


For some reason I usually only make half a pot of French Press every morning, but whenever I'm near a percolator I just keep coming back for more and more

The bottom of the percolator keeps it warm, so it can sit like that all day if you're feeling lazy and wasteful

You can also transfer it to a caraffe

I know some who do
I don't understand why you're being defensive
It's fucking coffee man, relax

> Do Brits stop whatever they're doing for teatime on the hour?
> Do Germans eat curry-wurst on a bi-weekly basis?
> Do Irishmen run on Guinness?

See the sooner people stop generalizing millions by stereotypes, then the sooner humanity will have time to get shit done. Cancer literally still exists because the asian guy who might have solved it was too busy defending his penis size on the internet from assumptions like this.

You know, save for the Irish thing. Lovable fuckin' drunks.