What is your favorite grain? Is it barley?

What is your favorite grain? Is it barley?

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RYE nigga



because it makes you cucks so upset

>Is it barley?


Grains and pseudograins taste ranking:

Buckwheat > wild rice > oats > jasmine rice > basmati rice > other rice > rye > wheat > barley > maize > quinoa = amaranth > millet

What can I grow ip y own of is suth estern ouisconsin?

>oats that high
>jasmine above basmati
>barley that low
>maize that low


Grains, not even once.

Oats are GOAT

>no spelt

shit list

Does it taste noticeably different than normal wheat? It's sold in supermarkets so I will buy some if it does.

Fixed that for you, you fucking hipster


Also wheat. What the fuck is wrong with you people. Just say 'wheat' if that's your favorite grain.

Do you see people saying 'barley groats'? Or 'polenta'

fucking Buckwheat lads

did you take it out of your pillow?

No need, it's a national grain, easier to find than wheat in actual whole form.
Can't knock buckwheat pillows though.

to be fair, polenta is actually a corn product, and not just corn in raw form. It's been ground, mashed and cooked, which would change the taste.

But also, fucking hipsters need unique names for everything.

I like durum wheat though. I specify durrum because when made into pasta it tastes different from other varieties which might be cheaper, or seasonal.

Also basmati rice grown in actual Himalayan soil tastes waaaay different from basmati rice grown in california, and is the superior form of rice. (maybe is the trace amounts of sweat and skin from the brown people?)

quinoa is shit tier.



Was gonna say that, but figured no one knows what it is and I didn't want to come across as pretentious. Good for you for ignoring that still, small voice inside us all.

>polenta is a corn product
Not quite. Maize polenta is the most common form today, but Italy traditionally has types of polenta dating from before the Columbian exchange, such as chickpea polenta from Campania, chestnut polenta from (though it's now French territory) Corsica and Saracen wheat polenta from Liguria and Piedmont.

Apologies in advance if my English is oddly worded.

>Maize polenta is the most common form today

Glad we agree.
Nobody talks about the early stuff. Today, Polenta = corn.

>Good for you for ignoring that still, small voice inside us all.

Actually I posted that as a joke as if I was posting from the point of view of a hipster. I'm a barley man through and through.

>polenta = corn
My point was that it's not always, even today.
I have chickpea polenta more often than I do other types because that's the one I grew up eating most often.

Barley's good.

>My point was that it's not always, even today.

We know. We're saying the point is irrelevant. You're not wrong, you're just making a point that nobody gives a shit about.

Your mom's irrelephant.