ITT: British cuisine
ITT: British cuisine
Studied in the UK and all food places on campus were disgusting as fuck with all the greasy shit.
The only good food in bonglandstan are pastries.
I wonder why the food services designed to cater to drunk cheap student were bad...
Define 'cuisine' because I dont think the ugly bongs ever made anything 'original'.
>b-but muh buscuits and gravy!
Stay pleb with your shitty teeth.
beans on toast is unironically amazing
I'm amazed they could even find a campus university that had actual food service on site, rather than cafes and snacks.
Unless they mean the food from halls of residence, which is mass-catered and therefore costed at about £1.20 a head (for the higher-quality end of the spectrum) and lower quality than buffet food
We never needed to, we had the empire and now the commonwealth.
Also the Yanks never made anything original, unless you call taking a european food and adding fat and sugar to it original.
Are brits the ugliest people on the planet? They all look so inbred.
But Americans are just Europeans who moved. Unless we're talking about natives, it's impossible to see if someone is American through genetics alone.
Why is everyone so obsessed with British cooking?
The rest of Europe only perceives its food to be better because they're pretentious as fuck and have nothing else to be proud of, so they're salty towards the country that at many times in history has either kicked their ass or saved their ass.
>Why is everyone so obsessed with British cooking?
Nobody is. Talking about any nationality in this context is a surefire way to rile those people up. No different than "why to Americans....". It's trolling, nothing more.
you can call us ugly and shit on our food all day long but i hate this meme about our teeth. we have some of the best dental care in the world.
things from britain that are good:
bread pudding
beef wellington
shepherd's pie/cottage pie
cornish pasty
brits are really good at using pastry especially when complimenting meat/veg/sauce in some form. baking in general.
that's about it.
>we have some of the best dental care in the world.
Yeah because your teeth are so fucked up there's a huge demand for good dentists.
I see you made a list of "English" food stolen from the:
>bread pudding
>beef wellington
>shepherd's pie
>cornish pasty
You score 0/4. At least you invented the curry, right?
>objectively wrong: the post
try again, idiot
>Stay pleb with your shitty teeth.
>good dentists
>bad teeth
I'm always surprised that Haggis isn't more popular with Americans. I reckon they would like it
this doesnt account for orthodontic treatment, and it only states for fillings. nobody would have a record of decayed teeth because they would get it filled if it were. not to mention
what the fuck are they measuring by? average number of 1-4 kids in what? by thousands? millions? this is some half ass research on your part
> mfw Haggis is also a traditional meal in Romania
> I love it.
Its illegal here
I thought just it was just illegal to important it from Scotland but you can get your own locally made stuff. If you ever get the chance try it, it's lightly spiced but still very savory. Very delicious
In the US it is illegal to sell the lungs from an animal.
The way to circumvent that is to buy a live sheep and then slaughter it. It's not illegal to do yourself, or to serve. The restriction is that lungs can't be sold.
Will do, I should also note that it has long been a meme that haggis is gross in US culture so most people have a negative idea of th food without ever trying out or in some cases even knowing what it is
That sucks, mate. Next time your abroad, give Haggis a go
>b..b..b...but orferdonticks
Fuck off yank, we have free dental care. Of course our teeth are better than yours you stupid twat
>free dental care.
No we dont. It's only free if you are a kid or on the dole.
god i hate dolescum
ITT butt blasted brits
>brit who tried to justify his shitty teeth with everyone has cavities
Typical ignoramious britbitch. You know you can have nice teeth and still get cavities right? Fuckin euro faggo...i meam britfag
correct. Yanks never made anything original: >the airplane
>the atomic bomb
>the transistor
>the microprocessor
>the internet (not the www)......
>Erectile dysfunction medicine
Amazing what you can do with Jewish/European scientists fleeing a war...
>The airplane
Yes, Yes USA Well done, Well done... HOWEVER.
Most inbred people on the planet would probably be Arabic and South Asian Muslims.
Americans might actually be more inbred than Brits.
Why do I say this? Think back to your "recent" history. Frontier society, lots of isolated communities where inbreeding definitely occurred.
Britain on the other hand has had good rule of law and good roads, since Roman times. They did not have isolated enclaves of people that made inbreeding necessary. They did not have customary inbreeding like certain Muslim populations.
In fact they actually had the opposite. They had OUTbreeding because they kept getting invaded. Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Normans etc. (I think DNA testing shows no significant Roman influence)
I would suggest that OUTbreeding may be a major factor in British ugliness. What would happen if Anthony Robbins bred with a 4'11 Japanese woman? Their kids would probably have startlingly fucked up teeth, right?
But other than that factors I would consider are vitamin D deficiency, poor diets, and a culture of poor cosmetic dentistry that may stem from socialized healthcare.
Australians are not generally considered ugly people and they are basically the same people, genetically. The difference with them has been good sunshine and better access to meat.
(If I recall correctly it was repeatedly noted during WW1 and WW2 that Australians were big and tough guys, compared to European soldiers.)
>Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking
>Erectile dysfunction medicine
They say necessity is the mother of invention...
>Australians were big and tough guys,
Theres a difference between tooth decay and just having shitty genetics when it comes to teeth. You can have crooked, bent out of shape teeth without having them fall out of your mouth.
Crooked teeth is more a function of a westernised diet than shitty teeth 'genetics'.
Poor people have shit teeth
Britain doesn't have that much good food, but that's like most northern European countries. They have god-tier chocolate and sweet stuff in general, though.
Is this not how everyone makes a lasagna?
Why do Americans have such bad teeth?
Sugar-filled diet, expensive dental care, relatively high rate of poverty.
Sounds awful.
Better to have a few missing teeth than a calcified pineal gland.
i worked in england for two years.
I quite liked the food
>> roasts
>>mushy peas
>>cottage pie
>>fish pie
>>cream tea
>>cumberland sausages
>>sausage rolls
>> pork pies
>> tea
>>fish and chips
>>yorkshire puds
I quite liked most of it, to be hoenst. Heavy food, but good.
Our food is amazing.
god damn.
this brit food is even worse than their teethh
I'll just leave this here...
>burned sausages
A true cuck
and yet the Brits made more notable contributions to science and engineering than any other nation
perhaps it is our ugliness that drives us to innovate and impress in other ways
>you ugly fucker, no way will I date you
>oh yeah? wanna see my locomotive?
yorkshire pudding
black pudding
toad in the hole
le roast beef and veg
other roast meats
and of course, beef wellington with lettuce ensemble
>>cornish pasty
I award you no points
melting pot doesnt get credit for being a melting pot
You are one stupid twat.
I wondered when the daily obsession thread would appear.
God you're dumb.
>>>cornish pasty
>I award you no points
Look up Karelian pasty, realise they did it long before you and that you bongs and that you did, in fact, steal that shit from the ruskies.
>yorkshire pudding
Literaly batter. No bong, you didn't invent batter. This is mom-i-fucked-up-the-pancakes-again and calling it a dish.
>black pudding
>toad in the hole
Again with the batter, dear bong. Putting a sausage in when you accidentaly the pancakes is not a culinary breakthrough.
>roast beef
You don't get to claim ownership over putting a chunk meat in the oven. You also don't get to call ownership over eating the cold leftovers from said chunk. But the fact that it is by these standards you judge your contributions to cooking history is telling, bong.
I give you that one. You invented putting cucumber inbetween bread. And toasted bread inbetween bread. However, every five-year-old would lay claim to parallel discovery.
>again with the wellington
French. Boeuf en croute. You've now been told twice. Don't do it again, or I will have to give you an even more stern talking to than did Chambelain Hitler.
>inb4 b-but snickers and mars in batter
Fuck off.
>cumberland sausages
your dum
>toasted bread inbetween bread
he actually believes the toast sandwhich meme.
>A toast sandwich is a sandwich made by putting a thin slice of toast between two thin slices of bread with a layer of butter, and adding salt and pepper to taste. Its origins can be traced to the Victorian years. A recipe for making it is included in the 1861 Book of Household Management by Isabella Beeton.[1]
You made the classic mistake of confusing fact and parody when the fact is so outrageous it's hard to believe. But brittish """cooking""" realy is that bad. Poe's law, m8.
Easy there American, no need to shoot up somewhere about it.
>Book of Household Management
It was a cheap meal for poor people 150 years ago. Pull your head out your ass.
If the brits are bad why do they keep sending over Jamie Oliver to teach you scooter driving gun fondling burger chasers to cook?
Not even the right side of the ocean, Nigel.
Perhaps you lot shouldn't bring your sandwiches up as an examply of stunning culinary innovation then?
Poe's law is being unable to tell sincerity from trolling.
Stop being stupid and twisting shit around to some kind of retarded bullshit.
>be swedish
>eat putrid fish
>Poe's law is being unable to tell sincerity from trolling.
Which is exactly what happened to dude. Perfectly cromulent example of Poe's law in action. Stop being stupid and twisting shit around to some kind of retarded bullshit. M80.
I've been to the UK several times and you do have pretty fucked up teeth. It's a meme for a reason.
How do you think the fish sauce that goes in your curry is made? Yeah, that's right. Roman garum, arab mayahwa, African fish paste, Asian fish sauce, the various mediterranian anchovy sauces - every great food culture has an example of fermented fish as seasoning.
Not the bongs, for obvious reasons.
Double kek
This. "Best dental care" my ass. Your guys' teeth are typically crooked and stained. No wonder pajeets find themselves at home there.
there is nothing wrong with beans in sugary tomato water user.
>black pudding
Not really. Every society, that didn't have a religious restriction against it, had a some way to use the blood from the slaughter and something similar to black pudding is a very natural outcome.
Also, the intestines. Haggis seems a very good solution, better than the "slaughter soup" we know.
No, God save the bean
and i forgot black pudding
>heavy food, but good
The UK was an industrial, labour-oriented nation, after all. Heavy food like that was made so workers could keep going all day.
Unfortunately foods persist long after their original purpose has long since died off.
>Unfortunately foods persist long after their original purpose has long since died off.
What a ridiculous statement.
Perhaps it would fit your narrative more if Brits changed diet to celery sticks and organic tofu?
Only if you're stupid enough to think the only solution to one extreme is to swing drastically towards another. Part of the reason so many first world nations have obesity problems is because foods made for a labour-heavy lifestyle are still prevalent go-to options in an age where you're rarely obliged to lift a finger.
Part of the problem is people are too damn lazy to walk to the shops. They drive their kids to school instead of letting them walk or cycle.
It's ok to eat wholesome heavy food but you have to balance it. And many people in Britain still have manual jobs.
>if it existed somewhere else it doesn't count
that's not how it works Bro
literal american-tier idiocy
Of course, I wouldn't dispute that. You're completely right about laziness being a problem, that's what I mean.
And I'm not trying to tar an entire nation with the same brush, just stating that inactivity is the reason these foods get such a bad rap. I think you and I are on the same page here, just a matter of misunderstanding.
>>white people cuisines
>black people cuisines
>>if it existed somewhere else it doesn't count
>that's not how it works Bro
Yes. Yes, that's exactly how invention and contribution works. Remember that the topic was things from brittain, that bongs contributed to the world of cooking. Not decent-stuff-from-elsewhere-that-can-now-also-be-found-in-bongistan-now-that-they-imported-it.
If you want to play that game then maipo tofu is a great Swedish contribution to the world of cooking.
You could argue that a development of an existing idea into something regional and distinct could be a contribution, but the bongs haven't even managed that. Nothing listed in this thread comes even close to a meaningfull departure from whatever was copied in the first place.
The only "original" idea you've come up with so far is [random_object] in batter. Or even just [null_object] in unflavoured batter sold on under false pretense of pudding. And this is supposed to be a special delicacy worth bragging about. That speaks volumes, Nigel.
>not picture of police bullets
Our fish sauce is Worcestershire sauce. It's a fermented sauce made with anchovies, although many people don't realise that.
Pic related: teeth from a rich Brit
The fuck....
oh yeah, I agree 100%
Non-brit here, that doesn't look terrible
Depending on what that black stuff is, that doesn't look terrible either.
>Americans are just Europeans who moved
By that logic we're all Africans.