Childhood Nightmare Fuel


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These were particularly bad. As soon as it hit my tongue my entire body would convulse and I would start to vomit. People thought I was allergic.

Coleslaw is delicious m8. How is it nightmare fuel?

Poorly raised children are picky about their food and think vegetables are icky.

I had to eat it every cookout in the summer as a kid made by some Southern lady. It tasted terrible. I guess it is a delicacy down there. Though to be fair most of the summer "salads" were terrible.

The problem wasn't the vegetables but the concoction that is coleslaw. It has such a sickly taste to it.

But that's wrong, faggot. 90% of coleslaw is fantastic, both creamy and vinegar-and-oily. I guess your fsmily just can't make good food.

The woman who made it wasn't family. I have no Southern heritage. Seems like confederate hick chow.



although baked beans are trash

People from Oregon to New Jersey eat coleslaw. It's as American as mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

It's also that middle class white mom's don't know how to prepare vegetables any way other than boiling them for way too long or pouring them out of a can.

They also think coleslaw is shredded cabbage completely saturated in mayonnaise.

Fourth of July dog slop buns, hamburger sweat potato double deckers, mayo-sloshed veggies that are supposed to be cold, hot as fuck in the sun...

I'll....I'll just have some warm orange juice, thanks...
"Don't you want a turkey ham bologna thing?"
N-no thanks...

Coleslaw is far inferior to sauerkraut, especially the good crunchy kind.

OP's coleslaw looks fine though. Don't know what he's complaining about.

why don't you just bath in vinegar?

Something tells me that the coleslaw OP posted is not the same coleslaw OP had as a child.

Lower middle class white southern can confirm; it is very easy to make shitty coleslaw if you don't know what you're doing.

I remember eating school burgers, lifting the bun and seeing this

LOL. Not the Russian kind.


Middle school food. Thing gets a lot better in high school.

due to cooking method (proteins in liquid rising to top and then being cooked) harmless but looks disgusting, not necessarily quality of meat. looks fucking awful though

> Lifted the bun
Noobie mistake.

That said I can confirm there are school burgers that look like that.

Fucking carrot and raisin salad from Luby's. Pawpaw used to make me get it and eat every bit of that shit. Oh and he would rip the skin off my fried chicken that I got there because he thought it would give me acne, I was like 7.



... The fuck am I looking at?

I'm from NY. We only ate coleslaw because of this woman. No one else I knew ate it.


You never had coleslaw on a deli sandwich?
Are you from upstate? Never reply to my posts again if you are. Upstate New York is all trash and cowfuckers.



I've only had subway, quiznos, and 6 foot party subs from an Italian deli.

I dunno but it looks great

I fucking loved coleslaw as a child though.
The best was when mom would prepare it beforehand and let it sit in the fridge for a bit. That made the veggies softer for my small kid teeth.
But yeah dont see why kids wouldnt like the salad.

Is this some sort of sausage made from whole intestines? If so, you're right, that's terrible.

95% of existing soups

The only thing more disgusting than coleslaw is fruit salad.

fruit salad of just cut up fruit is totally fine imo or some very light syrup (had a nice one recently of mint/habanero)

when you approach the creamy awful shit it becomes unbearable

The only fruit salad I've seen used mayo.

Or people just have different tastes. I love Curtido but hate Coleslaw.

none like this?

Thanks for reminding me I don't live in Denver anymore and have nowhere to get a pupusa.

yes it's andouillette

Isn't that just cut up fruit?

yes, a fruit salad

Agreed this shit is awful
The smell, the texture
I've only enjoyed it once and that was because it was a topping on a sandwich that was God tier in every other way so I was able to ignore it's taste

you can put some dressing and green bits on it

Isn't a regular salad just cut up vegetables? Not all salads have dressings.

I don't recall anyone calling a bunch of cut up fruit a fruit salad, but fruit salad was rare.

Green onion was my cryptonite when i was a wee lad. Im asian and asian family like to put that shit in almost everything. Funny thing is now im older, i somehow find green onion taste pretty good.

where i'm from a fruit salad is in fact just cut up fruit, potentially macerated in orange juice or syrup from canned fruit

They do for Americans

Ewwww! Try mayo dawg. Also turkey sammich master race.

But the post you're replying to was written by an American.

I don't remember seeing anyone cut up a bunch of random fruit to put in a bowl before 2000 or 2004. Typically fruit was cut for a child and that was it unless it was a melon.

An entire world exists outside of your experiences.

She seems to be a good person but those breath she takes every mid-sentence is driving me nuts.

>I don't remember seeing anyone cut up a bunch of random fruit to put in a bowl before 2000 or 2004

what the fuck are you even talking about. you think fruit salad was invented in the year fucking 2000?

A lot of ridiculous stuff came out of the woodwork post 2000 like chia pet seeds as food.



Why go through the trouble though? Why not eat it whole like normal people?

Nothing wrong with eating fruit whole, but why limit yourself to just one type of preparation? That's boring when you can have fruit in so many other ways.

SimplySara is lovely, and I think it's a shame that she has such a problem with her eating and is gonna die early because of it.

normal people eat fruit salad. people have been eating fruit salad for literal millennia you plonker.

you cut it up so you can get a mixture of the fruits in each bite and scale it up to multiple portions and shit. i can't believe i have to explain this shit for you. are you an alien. are you a mythical creature

Can someone make an image macro of fruit as bait?

Why is there no 'save a fatty a day' campaign? Find the good fatties in your life, lock them in the basement until normie weight achieved, and then train them to live as normies. It's not a crime bcus good intentions :)

Sounds good. We can have it after kick-a-ginger day but before slap-a-vegan day.

you have autism

>liking mayonnaise soaked vegetables
>manchild confirmed

so true

that sounds fucking disgusting



way too much dressing but I would haave loved some

a nice hot bowl is a good memory

looks like some david cronenberg shit

But coleslaw taste pretty great with some mustard seasoning added for a bit of kick

you too? I thought I was the only one

cafeteria food in general is god-awful dog shit

What is that? Did someone pour jarred gravy on a sponge?

> creamy awful shit
You mean ambrosia salad?

That shit is bomb when made properly

I still don't like most coleslaw, it gets too sweet for me.

That looks fucking delicious

sucks about your chicken skin, and I've never been to a Luby's (or heard of one for that matter), but I actually dig Carrot and Raisin salads

Upstater here, we eat coleslaw just as often as any other American state

don't listen to that guy who acts like its a foreign dish to us

I hated coleslaw until I had good coleslaw.
Now I love coleslaw.

Not sure why this was a delicacy where I grew up, but it seemed like everyone made it around Xmas time.

Can't really say I don't like it as I would never let that in my mouth. It's really the gelatinous part that truly disgusts me..

When I was little this to me was the archetype of what I categorized as "adult food"

From the mixture of so many different types of foods to the rich red of the sauce it was clearly not for children

I love that stuff

I loved chicken parmigiana as a kid.

Yeah this stuff looks disgusting but it's quite good on crackers. Really popular where I'm from, hogshead cheese in particular. Ours looks a lot more seasoned than that stuff though, cajun style.

my dad used to buy pimento loaf just because he knew that nobody else would eat it

also, he would make sandwiches with white bread, mayonnaise, and a single slice of american cheese.

Great on rye toast in the morning, lil smear of spicy mustard

ITT: manchildren attempt to justify their lack of taste, as in sense of and cultural.


Your father lied to you user. It was just because he wanted the chicken skin, all to himself.

>mushy canned asparagus served with mayo
Wow, fuck you Mom.
Can't wait to throw your alkie ass in a fucking home.

It's just grease. Seriously.
I know it looks revolting but it's not artery walls or intestine or whatever the fuck people act like it is. Actual mystery meat is ground up finely enough that you can't tell what it used to be. It's a selling point.


>canned asparagus

Carpetbagger detected