why are catholics so afraid of shrimps?
it literally says in their holy book one must not eat shrimps under no circumstances.
why are catholics so afraid of shrimps?
it literally says in their holy book one must not eat shrimps under no circumstances.
Asked and answered.
Remnants of Jewish dietary laws, which served to protect members of the tribe from food poisoning by telling them dangerous foods offended God, since they were all retarded back then and had no concept of germ theory. Basically every single holy law in Judaism served to either protect the people or maximize population growth. Of course, as was already said, they were retarded, so they thought man would run out of sperm if he came too many times, so they didn't want it to be wasted on things like masturbation or sodomy. Religion has always been an effective tool in keeping the populace under control and doing what's best for themselves.
congrats on writing a lot of specious and frustratingly non-specific babble
What would you like me to elaborate on?
>answers question
>complains about him answering question
what's your problem doofus
Catholics didn't eat shrimp way back when because they were afraid of bacteria that could kill their tribe off.
How much more clear can he fucking get?
he didn't answer the question, he just vaguely said 'hurr durr shrimps are dangerous'
how are they dangerous. what dietary laws are these.
why shrimp? need to link the 'dangerous foods are bad' premise with a 'shrimps are dangerous food' one
actually he kinda said the opposite of that
Catholicism evolved from Judaism, which has extensive dietary laws that decide what is kosher and what isn't, and these laws were formed around the foods they watched people die from because they were retarded and didn't realize eating shrimp you've carried through the desert for 3 days isn't the best idea. Catholicism retained some, but not all, of these laws.
During the plague Jewish people got accused of poisoning everyone because Jews rarely died, turns out it was a combination of being half segregated, having their own butchers and the tradition of washing their hands 3 time before eating that kept them safe
To be fair the amount of restrictions Jews have can't possibly mean they are all about safety or population control, half of them are actually worship like not saying meat with dairy or going two weeks without yeast of any kijd
Yeah, I should have mentioned that many of them also had connections to ritual sacrifice, because they were superstitious in addition to being retarded n
I was born and raised Catholic and went to a private Catholic school from kindergarten through senior year of high school. I had theology class everyday and I've never heard of any rule regarding shrimp. I ate it all the time growing up
That's because they got rid of most of the dietary laws in the 50s.
guess you're going to hell then, sorry user
>I was born and raised Catholic and went to a private Catholic school from kindergarten through senior year of high school. I had theology class everyday and I've never heard of any rule regarding shrimp
maybe you should have read the bible sometimes. moron.
I'm a catholic syrian, we don't have this bullshit in our holy book (the bible), the more time i spend on the internet the more it seems that the nose is controlling your perception of Christianity, it's shocking to know how much control they have over the population, they've even turned Christianity into a tool to kike the masses.
I know plenty of Catholics who eat shrimp
Yeah, OP is retarded. Old Testament dietary laws don't matter to Catholics.
But Catholics don't follow any purity laws from the Old Testament, so most of this thread is babbling gibberish.
Find me a single thing from the Old Testament that is a binding restriction on Catholics that isn't also supported in the New Testament.
must be some kike trying to send a subliminal message to kike shit up.
i mean that's the same pattern of posting they use on /pol/, people see through their kikery every time so i'm guessing they're now trying to infect other boards.
That's probably why he got so mad when I called Jews retarded.
If you say shrimps instead of shrimp you deserve to be taken out of the gene pool.