what is Veeky Forums's opinion on Jack's cooking show on Youtube ?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Jack's cooking show on Youtube ?
I wish people would stop talking about it desu
It's not funny and it never was
I dont understand your Problem ? Its a show about Cooking or not? Dont be so Broccoli
Same here.
>>Its a show about Cooking or not?
It's a trainwreck of deliberate failure, and thus isn't worth watching for even a single second. It certainly isn't worth discussing, so I wonder why it gets posted so often?
because its him shitposting (shilling) his channel, i meant he looks autistic so he definitely belongs in Veeky Forums.
he's quite successfull.. so it cant be that bad
Jack is a retard who can't cook and literally got pissed off on camera because he cut himself with a knife he was reviewing and the packaging the knife came in didn't explicitly say "warning knife sharp"
So when people talk about movies on /tv/ they are shilling? When people talk about music on /mu/ they are shilling?
Jack is a figurehead for the American way of cooking.
I'm sure you feel the same way about every other food personality that gets posted here, right? Like it or not his stupid show is food/cooking related.
Time to start """"""""""""""""""""""""""""SHILLING""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
More webms i need to trigger people.
What's so bad about this one besides overcrowding the pan and using an unholy amount of butter?
He's messing up his flip by using the tongs incorrectly.
it's rage porn for me tbph. not much makes me angrier. it's irrational i know but sometimes i just like to sit down and watch the fat disgusting retard with the motor skills of a paraplegic and table manners of a baboon ruin some food. don't know why. anyway i want to kill him.
He fries salmon in a pool of butter and olive oil, then proceeds to put it in a pan with some potatos and a "dijon broth" and bakes it until it looks like cat food
You mean aside from him being a fucking retard?
how he eventually tortures it is not present in the webm, bruh
Thanks for the nausea famalama
I should save these.
watched his big fat disgusting head in slow mo in that webbum and could perfectly picture beating it to a bloody pulp. it was nice.
>Jack's cooking show on Youtube ?
It doesn't belong on Veeky Forums
>a cooking show doesn't belong on the food and cooking board
How'd you work that one out, Ennis?
Jack is to cooking what Donald Trump is to human decency.
and there goes the thread. which is fine cos it was shit anyway.
It's hardly food nor cooking.
Middle aged schlubby guys with goatees should be shot.
just picture your foot in a steel-toe-capped boot connecting with that fat disgusting head while you watch it. so satisfying.