any one here eaten human meat
any accounts of soilders eating human meat for survival
also how does it taste like
any one here eaten human meat
any accounts of soilders eating human meat for survival
also how does it taste like
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It tastes like pork, literally, and Asian, more specifically Japanese taste the best, but its like cows eating cows, too much will fuck you up
Source: worked with msf for 2 years with an "ex" cannibal tribe in Malaysia, very interesting shit.
This, eating brain and CNS tissue can cause a brain prion disorder much like CJD, caused by eating meat infected with BSE (Mad cow disease).
Enjoy your dementia and prompt death within a few years.
>Enjoy your dementia and prompt death within a few years.
Don't care, ate out a woman.
I ate a oiece of my own finger. I had an accident with an ax and sliced off a 1.5" long and almost a finger wide piece feom my left palm and index finger.
After I got gome from the ER I found the piece from the snow and feied it with some bacon. Very chewy and didn't have a taste.
>/k/ - a magical place
>Very chewy and didn't have a taste.
So the meat was like the person.
How do you feel knowing you have no taste user?
Isn't it called Kuru or some shit?
Not soldiers, but still an interesting read
I'm ok with it.
I was more worried that my finger would be fucked up but it healed fine.
The piece was surprisingly easy to fry, almost like bacon. But if you do it I recommed using salt.
Probably was mostly skin. No wonder it tasted bad.
Usually human MEAT (muscle) tastes kinda like pork, but a little bit sweeter.
Include me in the screencap
It's not called long pork for nothing.
It had skin and fat and that red goo stuff. Also a bit of a tendon or something.
I told my doctor about my experiment during a check-up visit and he told me it wasn't wise and almost made me see a shrink.
Yeah, don't tell people that shit irl.
I had the opportunity to try it in Eastern Europe decades back. I'd love to be all edgy and say it made me hunger... FOR MORE.
But the sweet tinge makes it kinda gross. I think that's a biological switch, overly sweet meat making you nauseous to prevent folks from eating one another. Would not recommend.
But back to my point, I have and will never tell a soul about that in person. Because cannibalism is probably the biggest taboo there is. People seem to react to that sort of thing even more strongly than pedophilia, which is baffling to me. It even creeps in to our myths and legends. What are the most feared and reviled things? Vampires? Zombies? Humans that eat humans. Despicable acts in myth? Chronos eating his children? Hannibal Lecter...
Don't ever tell anyone about that story unless you want to live as a pariah and perhaps be involuntarily committed.
Do you want Kuru ? Because this is how you get Kuru.
Fucking report op for being subhuman
I'm a part of this one group of people that share the same fetish. We like to get young girls, fuck them, then have them willingly skewer themselves on a metal spike to cook themselves. I must say there is nothing quite like tasting breast of a woman. It's sweet and savory like pork. Anyways after they skewer themselves we gut them while they're still alive and stuff their abdomen full of herbs and spices. If we did everything right, they cook alive over the open flame. It's kinda of amazing how the human body can stand so much abuse, you'd think they just die right away from being skewed or gutted but no, they will wiggle on that spike while the flames lick their body. So, yeah, Humans taste good. Get yourself some bbq sauce and you got a real outing with friends
Nice high functioning autism you got there pal
goddammit /k/.
I swear I read a doujin about this, where evil chefs had a competition to cook and serve girls in the most fucked up ways while still keeping them alive.
Not only fake, but also gay.
Seek help.
Idk why, but your tone seems really casual.....for a guy who ate a chunk of his own flesh....
this seems like a topic that should be on Veeky Forums might even find recipes there
ive heard you can tell those eats human meat by their shakes their hands will shake and tremor and gets worse over time
I read that due to supply failures in New Guinea the japanese soldiers trapped in the Green Desert would carve up the thighs of dead soldiers on the side of the road fuggin spooky as hell to fight there
user why
Pic or didn't happen
I live in Malaysia in my entire life and I've never heard about a cannibal tribe existing/existed
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gorram reavers
English is not my native language. I apologize if my tone is wrong.
If you ate your own flesh, you're not gonna get spongioform encephalopathy, you dope. If it was in his flesh, h3'd already have it. That's like saying drinking your own blood will give you aids.
And yeah, every time you eat human (particularly brain), you roll the dice on getting Creutzfeld-Jakob's Disease. Which is like Mad Cow but for humans. Basically dissolves spots on your brain, turning it into sponge. Gives you the shakes and eventually melts your brain and you die.
Eating your own flesh is not illegal.
oh come on user, we're just speaking hypothetically here...
actually, its all just a joke yes haha right guys?
i heard you can tell who your mom is by the the way she quivers and shakes on my dick
is eating human flesh even illegal?
oh look another hatter out of the woodworks
oh look another hatter out of the woodworks pi$$ off lumploaf
Dunno, but some idiots eat their placentas after child birth
Really hard taking pics of scar tissue as it shines. It was three years ago. Healed to functional.
If eating your own flesh was illegal, then just fuckin arrest me right now. I ripped my thumb in a security door on monday and now I can't stop chewing the scabby bits around the nail.
Dammit Tommy...
You're retarded. Seriously. I'm like... 80, 85% certain.
The real question is, why does your handler let you post here? I bet it calms you down. She does it so that you're marginally less hellish to be around. Poor handler.
Your desk is much nicer than mine. Look at that godawful fading...
clean your desk trol! so nasty and dirty must be bad being a dirty gobknuckle. see how bullyfeels not so good right well drop it
I have a hippy freind that cooked up her placenta and had us all try some.
It tasted like liver.
Hahaha, jesus christ! How do you even function???
I can only imagine you, mashing your dick ticklers all over the keyboard in an attempt to type up that response!
And besides, I can't clean this desk now! It's a security desk. The 15+ years of mug stains and rubbed-in spillled coffee gives it that character!
>mfw hater is spelt wrong
>mfw suddenly felt I was Alice
>mfw Wonderland has a lot of shitposting /pol/lution
What a trip down the rabbit hole.
How do you function?
Consider suicide.
If everyone hates you, they aren't haters, they're right and you're all fucked up.
oh look another hatter out of the woodwork
pi$$ off lumploaf i have mor firneds than you garanteed you suck a **** you po*
You're an elaborate troll. You have to be. Nobody could just be this dumb.
Only when your victim is infected. If you just eat the healthy ones, you will be OK.
That's why we need a third-party non-profit organization to certify human flesh.
Recycling at its pinnacle.
My 10th grade History teacher had to eat a monkey to survive in the Persian gulf war. Not sure if this is relevant or not.
>Be careful with your words, user.
“A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.”
- Dr. Hannibal Lecter
It's irrelevant nowadays, but I bet that's a good resource of protein for the mother in prehistorical time.
I love you user
I have been trying to puzzle this out since he started posing here.
I keep flip flopping on whether "yes, he's just that retarded" and "this is a really elaborate, long game troll. With a consistent 'character'"
It's hard to imagine that at one point, "Goodbye Horses" was a legitimate song. It has been so irrevocably tainted by that scene that I think it turns everything it touches to shit.
>saw a .webm of a qt japanese gal dancing in her underpants. It was set to that song. All I could think was "would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard."
>was walking around the city. Older guy drove by in a convertible. Had that song playing, loud. Thought, "bet that guy's a sick fuck."
>had to
you mean got to
Tfw my wife is scared of buffalo bill
and whenever she's asleep i'll whisper in her ear 'Would you fuck me?' while "Goodbye horses" plays in the background
>I had the opportunity to try it in Eastern Europe decades back
Don't say something like that and leave us hanging, man. Tell us your tales of slavophagia.
What. The. Fuck.
If you've ever had food from China, then you have eaten human meat.