REQ hodlers laugh in their chairs reading the ridiculous FUD. one of the only projects with a future crypto gets shit from tron baghodlers.
have fun missing out on 5x gains on mainnet launch, retards.
REQ hodlers laugh in their chairs reading the ridiculous FUD. one of the only projects with a future crypto gets shit from tron baghodlers.
have fun missing out on 5x gains on mainnet launch, retards.
Other urls found in this thread:
5x gains? More like breaking even at best.
>have fun missing out on 5x gains on mainnet launch, retards.
when is mainnet nigga?
you can't fool me, i know ur a wigger.
but it's releasing sometime before the end of Q1
shill me
At least there wont be any sell the news garbage. We already bled to white.
Fuck off, this is our party.
Mainnet annoucement coming on the 2nd or 16th.
Also Mainnet will release 30 march.
Vote for REQ here
you guys are still alive?
Vote please
just did
my bags are ready senpai
I unironically am not selling after mainnet. I will not miss out on token burns
I could not be more bullish on this shit, especially after BitPay announced they're enforcing bans on explicit content.
REQ has literally no competitor right now that doesn't look like complete shit.
Easy x30
All i need to GDAX to hurry up with my bank transfer and im doubling down
Future millionaire here. AMA
Hope it's the 16th.
Dropping big news in shitty ass bear market will not have much effect.
I feel like this update is going to just say "We're still on time for mainnet" or something to that regard to let us know that we can still expect it in Q1, with the 16th actually coming with a concrete date.
They have to realize by now that everyone's getting antsy to hear if they're actually going to be able to release it on time.
They seem pretty competent, they will wait for a bullish market.
Trips check out. Gonna sell the pump.
REQ is just a poor man's OMG
I just hope they won't actually announce the precise mainnet date. We saw how it went with ICON.
Yeah, we get AMA questions answered this Friday, which you can post on Reddit.
I asked them about YCombinator and their level of involvement. Hope it gets published. Pls upboat if you see it.
One is days away from a working product and with a 200 million market cap,
The other is a 1.5 billion dollar white paper.
Really activates the almonds doesn't it?
>Ruins portfolio by having JNT
why the fuck would you buy that shitcoin?
>he doesn't understand JNT
If not larp, I feel honestly sorry for you. You're missing out on an EASY 100x.
Cant wait for REQ to moon
Shill me on JNT
I don't need to shill, because long-term it'll be completely detached from any speculation. You'll have to DYOR. Show some effort for fucks sake.
Also voted
12.3k REQlet reporting in. Feels good to see so many REQ senpais here. March is gonna be good
Req holders should just be glad they're not a verge bag holder with no future.
Hey REQ marines, anyone got that pic of hot blonde girl looking at the REQ logo then the logo turns 90 degrees and her facial expression changes thanks
Alright chill man
Got a recommended article?
she's not blonde but her name is emily rudd if that helps. i would penis her
Wow im retarded youre right but still cant find that req pic lol
I never ever saw that
Also $100 EoY
Almonds activated
go look at their website fucktard
don tapscott is signed on to the project
100k reporting in, this shit's gonna go parabolic soon
Your mouth to God's ears
Lol the shilling here is hilarious after that koinex listing. Yes you guys bought bags its ok.. Im glad I uncucked myself from this coin by selling back in January.
You’ll want to kill you self at the end of March pal
>Hey REQ marines, anyone got that pic of hot blonde girl looking at the REQ logo
I have bad news for you...
That get
holding my req to $5 at least. have a decent stack of omg too. /comfy/. not chasing pnd shitcoins