I'm making these tomorrow

I'm making these tomorrow.


Any tips? I don't bake very often.

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Good for you? *golf clap*

You did what any local bakery could do better for all of $2.

*repeats golf clap*

>Any tips?
Follow the recipe

Dude, are you the same guy who I linked this recipe to about 3-4 weeks ago?




You've used the recipe before then?

Use an oven, or other indirect cooking method.

oh shit that was me.
thanks for the recipe man.
I fucked them up though, i think i kneaded them too much?
they tasted fine but were VERY dense

Use King Arthur® Brand Flour, you can only get great results with King Arthur® Brand® Flour®

>I see what you are fucking doing shill

golf clap
noun: golf clap; plural noun: golf claps

a round of deliberately quiet applause, considered appropriate during a golf tournament but often uncomplimentary in other venues.
"it's not that they deserved a standing ovation, but the golf clap was just plain insensitive"

get a recipe that goes by weight instead of volume
get a scale
follow that recipe instead
(or don't. It's just more reliable that way.)

sounds like your yeast didn't rise properly.

did you check that the dough had doubled during the bulk rise.

yeah it definitely got pretty big


of course it will taste good. But that's crap food, dude. You can make perfectly good buns with only a small amount of oil, and no sugar or butter or eggs.

>no sugar or butter or eggs.
fuck off you miserable twat.

>1/4 cup sugar
Delete this. Delete this fucking trash and start this thread over again WITHOUT THE FUCKING DRUG. SUGAR IS NOT FOOD AND COOKING. SUGAR IS NOT Veeky Forums. GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD.

-Use bread flour

-Make sure yeast is mixed in warm water and mixed in bread thoroughly/evenly



Too much effort. Just buy a quality bun that you'd enjoy.

>Weight instead of volume

A cup of bread flour weighs 130 grams, convert away.

the density of flour varies depending on how tightly it's packed.

danganshit poster please go back to /v/

th-they're rustic.

Is there a Dutch person who knows how to make raisin buns Krentenbollen?

I would like them to be like store bought, moist and soft. Not some random recipe from internet, i can get that by myself, thanks.

Pic unrelated

fuckin kek

you think theres some sort of special recipe?
what youre looking for is a lot of BUTTER
other than that its all the same shit
(I've worked at a bakery)

>oure looking for is a lot of BUTTER
>other than that its all the same shit
>(I've worked at a bakery)

i was hoping to get my hands on some special tips, i found a kind of recipe i was looking for but i can't understand dutch


That doesn't matter. A reference cup of bread flour is established in the baking community as 130 grams. 120g for all purpose.

That's why people use weight. 130 is the established agreed upon value for a cup of bread flour. It is not the weight measurement that is at question, it is the volume. For converting from a recipe, you assume a standard cup which does have an assumed, set density.

well he says it comes down to how you kneed the dough
(shows the consistency here)

nothing speical in terms of recipe though (other than using a lot of butter and raisins)

Thanks guys i really appreciate it. My husband is gonna love these

roger that

good to know

omg i love Krentenbollen

ikr! I love seeing my wifes son smile when I send him to his dads or the weekend with a sandwich made from bread I just baked! So exciting.