>Military, government and private bank data will never be done on decentralised blockchain systems
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>Military, government and private bank data will never be done on decentralised blockchain systems
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This article looks like a shill but ends up being a major fud :/
Thanks for the heads up, looks like it's time to sell these bags
>Ever running top secret shit on Les Blockchainées
Topkek to you my lad
But chainlink is not about blockchains, is it? Smart contracts faggot.
"Still, we all know smart contracts are coming in a big way. We all know decentralisation of services is going to be mainstream in some form or the other. When I read the various potential implementations of smart contracts, I can’t help but think a decentralised oracle solution is not a novelty, but a necessity for blockchains to function and interact on a global scale."
bought 100k
Listen pajeet, I want link to succeed as much as anyone, but if banks won't use it that means insurance companies won't either, therefore neither will the businesses they deal with, so what are we left with?
pds2 requires banks to make their api public, so they will use for some applications
Then we're just left with women and the gays, and they don't hold any economic power.
Ok so the api is public, so what? Banks can still choose to use Microsofts or anyone elses centralised oracle network. What is the relevance of open APIs meaning decentralised oracles have to be used?
Yes they can. Anyone can use a trusted oracle if they don't want a trustless system. We don't need to rehash this for the 10,000th time.
>scroll down
>jason parser Veeky Forums meme
depends on the adoption, cl can be used as a centralized oracle to. Depends on who penetrates deeper. Beyond this point it's all speculation and I don't want to wank the same shit that has been wanked here 1x10^100 times.
Rigtht, so all this talk of open apis has been fucking irrelevant shit, it doesnt increase the incentive to use chainlink at all.
everything is irrelevant shit at this point. You have fucking ceos making announcements of announcement. What do you expect
Op why is nobody responding to you is this a bad article?
We're tired of having the same discussions over and over again. That's why most people with an understanding barely participate any more, and leave it to the Decemberfag memelords.
they dont want to admit the truth. chainlink is not bad but it is not nearly as special as they think. just look how this is the only link thread that isnt even getting shilled by pajeets, they just want it off the front page and archived as soon as possible
The funny thing is, there will be huge projects launching in 2018 that will be able to do everything that ChainLink is purported to do, and much more on top of that
It actually does, because Chainlink is way way cheaper.
Just market sold my bags.
Correction: They will never adopt it right up until the private sector shows how their contracts execute with perfect accuracy and is saving them trillions of dollars. Then they will probably adopt it.
mobius sir