Thoughts on people who raise their kids as vegans?
Thoughts on people who raise their kids as vegans?
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I've seen all those news reports about vegan parents getting their kid taken away for child endangerment because the kid is so underweight. I think even a few of the children have died of it.
I'm not against jailing vegans for forcing that on their kids. But we should also jail moms that raise their kids on tendies and koolaid.
I think it may be possible to raise a healthy baby vegan, but the parents should have to pass a test about the nutritional needs of children to be allowed to do it.
What is this, thread # 5?
Are these posted by the same people? I thought almost everyone here was a regular
This. I knew someone who fed their baby Coke in it's fucking milk bottle.
Their kids should be aborted post-term.
It's possible to raise healthy children on vegan diet, but it would require extensive knowledge and really good planning. I bet most vegan parents don't have either of those.
Really, I don't see anything wrong with veganism and caring about animals but if you value their life more than that of your own kid then you should seriously reconsider your priorities. I wouldn't even risk hurting my child with an improper diet.
Not to mention you are not saving any animals by not buying meat, it's just wasted. If you realy care about them so much then at least don't let them die for nothing.
>it's perfectly fine to feed your kiddo mcshit, tendies and soda
>but don't you dare give them tofu you sicko
There is a small percentage of dedicated shitposters
>big mac
>do "x" really eat this
>tendies, etc
I think they're australian
Soda is acceptable in veganism. Stop acting as if consuming sugar is somehow a "meat eater" thing. That shit is completely OK in veganism.
Smart and ethical thing to do. Meat, and other animal products, are harmful for health, expensive, full of antibiotics, and bad for the enviornment.
How about it would require extensive knowledge and really good planning on raising healthy children, full stop. Childhood obesity worldwide has never been higher, limiting calorie dense meat products would be a good step in reducing that.
I say leave that shit legal. If they want to murder their own children let them
Why should vegan parents be the only ones that have to pass a test? Sick kids don't matter, unless they are vegan, right? Kids brought up in a vegan enviornment are far healthier on average than kids brought up in an average household, because if you are vegan, you are conscious about food by default. You can still be unhealthy, but you at least think about what you eat, which is far more than what you can say about most people.
Children can be raised very well on a vegetarian diet, but veganism does not provide necessary nutrients.
It is in the best interests of any country to have healthy citizens, therefore it should be illegal to raise a kid on a vegan diet.
Also, a prescription should be required for baby formula.
But since the US won't ratify the UN's Rights of the Child, none of this will happen here. We basically just act like children are action figures for parents to play with.
too bad your parents didnt feel the same way
>Kids brought up in a vegan enviornment are far healthier on average than kids brought up in an average household,
This is a lie.
>because if you are vegan, you are conscious about food by default.
Being wrong about health and in a cult doesn't do anything at all to improve health.
>You can still be unhealthy, but you at least think about what you eat, which is far more than what you can say about most people.
There are tons of fatties who think about exercise daily. Thinking about things doesn't matter.
veggie yes, vegan no.
Fucking get sustainably raised, antibiotic-free organic dairy, fish and eggs.
God damn. Parents should be resourceful and educated about nutritionally providing for their children.
I was raised vegan but as soon as I had the chance to go over to friends houses and socialize I ate meat and cheese and honey especially. I'm no longer vegan but I eat a lot of vegan meals still since those are like comfort foods to me I guess, parents are mad. btw most vegans homeschool their children to prevent them from being exposed to animal
prouducts so that goes to show you how occult like they are.
I've seen that too. Kid was 4 and easily 150 pounds.
It is a lie because you say it is?
tinyurl je5z7tf
Empirical, peer reviewed data showing that veganism in children is perfectly healthy. And in terms of diabetes and obesity, almost non existent in vegan children.
You are using your feelings and "intuition" as evidence, I'm using actual data.
You realize that the reason that people don't just get that all the time is that it is far more expensive, right? If your solution to a lack of money is just to get more money, you are doing it wrong. Compare that to a plant based diet, and it is still far healthier and cheaper.
>thinking anyone would follow a link shortener on Veeky Forums
>thinking diabetes and obesity are the only measures of health
Sanders, T. A. (1988). Growth and development of British vegan children. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 48(3), 822-825.
What are your measures of health then, troll?
>greentexting isn't an appropriate debate tactic
Sorry, that doesn't work for me. I bust my ass and forgo vacations, own a bike instead of a car, have a flip phone, and live in a very small apartment so that I can buy healthy food for my kid. It's all about priorities.
>Sanders, T. A. (1988). Growth and development of British vegan children. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 48(3), 822-825.
>The growth and development of children born of vegan mothers and reared on a vegan diet has been studied longitudinally: All of the children were breast-fed for the first 6 mo of life and in most cases well into the second year of life. The majority of children grew and developed normally but they did tend to be smaller in stature and lighter in weight than standards for the general population. Energy, calcium, and vitamin D intakes were usually below the recommended amounts. Their diets, however, were generally adequate but a few children had low intakes of riboflavin and vitamin B-12. Most parents were aware of the need to supplement the diet with vitamin B-12. It is concluded that provided sufficient care is taken, a vegan diet can support normal growth and development.
You act as if this settles the argument conclusively in your favor.
You realize this is about raising children, which you obviously do not have?
well vegans only care about themselves anyways, whenever they spout how healthy it is they just want people to go "bloo hoo!! you're right!!!" it's really less about the animals and more about having people think you're special and look up to you. congrats and good luck on continuing to be a good father or mother btw
>It is concluded that provided sufficient care is taken, a vegan diet can support normal growth and development.
Which is far different than what you are saying, that vegan diets can never be healthy, yada yada yada.
so can a diet with meat and cheese, what if your point here? it's healthier than fast food all day but no more healthier than a standard Mediterranean diet
Don't you dare use logic when it comes to an argument about veganism on Veeky Forums, even if you're 100% right, you're still wrong if you don't eat meat/s
>Muh chicken tendies
Thanks. It's not easy, but it's very fucking worth it. Also, it's the least one can do after bringing the little feller into the world.
why do vegans pretend like they care about other people's health and act as if they're the authorities on health and nutrition because they watch YouTube videos?
>what is a vegetarian diet
You'll find its the complete opposite whenever someone brings up they're vegan here everyone becomes a plant sentience expert and activist, citing numerous bullshit studies and just giving rather ignorant reasons for continuing eating meat. Vegans don't care about other people's health they care about the planet and if you're contributing to its downfall they'll tell you, why would you not choose a diet with the least environmental impact and the best for your health all because you enjoy the flesh of a dead animal?
All vegans that I know eat way more processed food than vegetarians that I know.
It's not about nutrition, it's about ideals. As such, it does not constitute a proper diet for children, and should be viewed as neglect.
Yeah, it's like you can have the benefits of avoiding meat without joining a cult!
because veganism is impractical, its easier for me to eat good quality meat like twice a week and i enjoy it. you seem to think everyone who isnt vegan eats fast food all day but plenty of people go days without eating meat or dairy without screaming the benefits of their 'vegan' diet.
I've never met a vegan that's had a problem with vegetarians
lol are you serious? read any youtube comment section on someone making a video saying theyre going vegetarian and its nothing but vegans being pissy.
The study is actually kinda anti-vegetarianism though, if you read . It just states that it is possible to raise a child with a vegan diet, but most parents fail at it. Not to say that this is exclusive to vegan parents.
Also note that the study was done in the late 80's.
I'm curious how many people here think veganism is just a diet. It's not. It's a fucking cult that wants to eliminate ALL animal product/byproduct usage. This shit affects every aspect of life, many very deeply. Food isn't the only aspect. They're fucking psychotic asshats.
most vegans dont think its a diet and if you call it that get all cranky saying 'its a lifestyle huuuuhhhhh!!!!!! muh animals!!!!!!!!!"
Vegetarianism is not the same as vegan friend.
Haven't looked at whatever you were trying to link to, but I'm gonna assume it's an American study, have I got that right? Veganism is healthier than the average American diet, yes. However, veganism is not healthier than the average Italian diet.
You keep making assumptions, regardless of your diet or the average Americans ANY diet with meat in it will always be inferior to a plant based diet. And if you're eating as you say "high quality meats" you'll be paying a "high quality price" so I doubt it's that impractical to consume rice, beans, lentils, tofu etc which will all be a fraction of the cost
I agree with this but just as many vegans recognise it as only a diet for example Brian from humerus fitness went vegan due to severe acne which the vegan diet completely reversed
Yeah because removing needless animal byproducts from most commercial products for superior ingredients is a bad thing
its seems like youre the one making assumptions, i do buy rice and beans and lentils etc, and i just so happen to like the taste of meat and have excess to small farms about 30 minutes away. i can spend my money however i want, i have a 300 dollar espresso machine, is that more 'impractical' than a 20 dollar coffee maker? no, not when it i think its money well spent and i like the final product more. also me eating meat twice a week makes no difference in my health
Cute how you don't talk about animal's roles in research, how they would make all hunting illegal (because like many other "environmentalists" they don't have the first clue how the environment works), seek shit like "freeing" all farm animals and pets, etc. etc. So many of you useful idiots flock to veganism without even understanding or knowing their core tenets it's pathetic. It's like joining NAMBLA because they would happily provide male role models for fatherless children...
I posted this earlier but I was raised vegan and left the diet by the time I was 14. You seem to be forgetting how hard it is to actually expect a child to stick to the diet, vegans usually end up homeschooling kids over a dumb fucking diet and that deprives them of the social interaction they need/deserve.
veganism started in the 40's as a diet and a diet alone, its sad to see a bunch of cult fuckers ruin it, they even erased the name and efforts of the man who founded the vegan society in the first place.
>Yeah because removing needless animal byproducts from most commercial products for superior ingredients is a bad thing
Oh yea? French fries are better cooked in duckfat or sprayed in beef tarrow. Germans know a great potato salad needs some beef broth to soak into those potatoes before the dressing. Name one thing that isn't made better by bacon (very short list). Superior? I don't think you can make a good argument with this logic of using better. There's a best man for the job, and often it's not plant-based. Fact.
>veganism started in the 40's as a diet and a diet alone
Yeah, and if it stayed that way, I'd have zero problems with it, but it's like PETA and various other environmental terrorist organizations:
They keep their real crazy to a select few, but use a friendlier, less crazy front to get money and popular support that allows the crazies to pursue their crazy. The shit is legitimately dangerous.
Ok a ton of shit to refute here
>its seems like youre the one making assumptions, i do buy rice and beans and lentils etc,
I never said you didn't, I was talking about having a diet predominantly focusing around these protein sources instead of meat
> and i just so happen to like the taste of meat
That's a fair enough reason but so did I, I loved all kinds of meat but I realised the impact my choices had on the animals, environment and my health and that influenced my decision to become vegan.
> and have excess to small farms about 30 minutes away. i can spend my money however i want, i have a 300 dollar espresso machine, is that more 'impractical' than a 20 dollar coffee maker?
Yes it is impractical but you have every right to spend you're money the way you want but this example has no relevance to eating a cheaper, healthier diet
> no, not when it i think its money well spent and i like the final product more. also me eating meat twice a week makes no difference in my health
Fair enough at the end of the day the choice is yours but if you know what your diet is doing in terms of contributing to pollution, slaughter and just plain ill health, it's just plain ignorance.
You are creating a false dichotomy.
Vegan does not mean "no meat".
Vegan means no animal products of any kind, including wool and honey, eggs, milk, and etc.
Herro, Tojo.
To be fair, honey is a gray area that's still under debate in the vegan community
yeah and most vegans have that annoying misanthrope attitude, in my town wild hogs overbreed like crazy and hunting them is encourage because they cause millions of dollar in damage by uprooting water systems but a typical vegan response would probably be 'ugh fucking humans thats what you deserve for taking over the hogs land to begin with' i believe humans are omnivores, but with a greater leaning towards plants and grains than animal products besides honey, vegans can stand moderation usually because their diet and beliefs are so absolutist or theyre too autistic to understand concepts beyond extremes
It's never stopped me going out or missing out. Most restaurants are usually more than accommodating when you tell them you are vegan and I'm sorry you felt as if you were missing out, the problem with raising children to believe what you believe is that it's not THEIR choice and becoming vegan has to be YOUR choice.
I didn't say vegan though, I said any plant based diet and that statement is still correct
>be 9
>go to a birthday party
>mom gives you shitty vegan candies
>see cake and ice cream and hot dogs
>s-sorry guys,, ill just have a bun with mustard on it... mom brought me something to snack on
>sits in corner alone looking at forbidden foods i was never allowed to enjoy.
>mom continues to keep her eye on me to make sure i dont participate in birthdays like a normal humanbeing.
food is social and if kids are having a sweets day at school or its a party they should eat the same foods as everyone else unless theyre actually allergic to something.
Underrated post lol'd hard
You are basing this on taste all these things can be made without these animal products and thats the point I was making, also bacon is beyond overrated far better cuts of meat you could've chosen, your argument is dogshit
Hilariously that attitude is actually counterproductive to their goals too. It's like how you're seeing white nationalism popping back up now: a lot of that has to do with the narrative of the white man is always evil. You can't get your goals by turning everyone that isn't in your little group into an enemy.
This is all personal experience so your experiences will be different from others I'm sorry your parents treated you like that my mum would always buy things I could bring and eat whenever I went parties etc
white pride world wide, maybe id hate vegans less if they werent so liberal. i even went vegan for four fucking months, my third eye didnt open and my health didnt feel any different, typical cult behavior like over hyping claims and benefits of their lifestyle.
That you can make them with alternative products isn't "superior". You're the one who brought value judgements into this with your whole "inferior". Now you realize how untenable your position was so you have to move the goalposts.
Being health conscious has no correlation with political stance, I know plenty of vegans who are hardcore right wing trump supporters
>Being health conscious has no correlation with political stance, I know plenty of vegans who are hardcore right wing trump supporters
Yeah no.
For future reference, your personal experiences are not generalizable.
So they have precisely zero redeeming qualities?
I was arguing in terms of superior for your health I doubt any product covered in goose fat is superior for your health than one that isn't, no goalposts have been moved but assumptions have been made
"mommy can i have a slice of birthday cake like all the other kids are having? it smells so so good!"
"no sweetie, now sit down and eat your date bar"
why are you against little children having birthday cake? ps if you make a vegan birthday cake that tastes like a normal it will be about as sugary and bad as a normal one, so 'hurrrr its not healthy' is not an excuse
It's however much easier to raise a child and not turn it into a hamplanet than it is to raise a kid completely vegan. You basically need a full time nutrionist who has experience with child physiology.
>if you make a vegan birthday cake that tastes like a normal
The problem there isn't the taste. You can nail the taste pretty easily. The problem with vegan breads is the texture is fucked. If it traditionally/generally uses eggs and milk/cream/butter it fucking needs eggs and milk/cream/butter to feel right (and honestly, not even just "right", not terrible).
>durr macronutrients are just bad
>amounts have NOTHING to do with it
This is where you people constantly fuck up logically. You take the fact that too much of something is bad for you and try to turn that into an argument that you shouldn't have any at all.
Exactly!!! All the vegans i know hate me for leaving the vegan lifestyles after being raised that way, and guess what my health hasnt changed at all and im not obese, plus i even have homemade pizza or Chinese nights every Friday, but oh nooo I'm too unhealthy and have clogged arteries, despite most of the vegans i know being fat. kek.
I grew up with summer roll parties and rice noodle salad parties, so why not set up a pizza parties or taco/burrito parties if you live in the west?
Pizza dough or tortillas, tomato sauce/refried beans without meat or dairy in it, and several toppings/fillings running the gamut from vegan/vegetarian to meat and stuff. Guests could just add what they allowed themselves to eat. Seems like it would be perfect for everyone, especially since kids like assembling their own meals and playing with their food.
I've never tried making a vegan cake, but I've made vegan choco chip bikky wikkies which are, no joke or exaggeration, identical in taste and texture to their traditional counterparts.
Of course, they're no healthier than normal, but at least no Annie Malls were hurt in making them.
Would cake really be more difficult? Why?
Again this is where you people fuck up, we're not making the argument that too much of something is bad, in most cases though it is, we don't see the point in exploiting animals for there byproducts which can be substituted for healthier ingredients and means all diets can enjoy them. You keep trying to one up me and you keep being refuted, you're more than welcome to keep trying but please try and make relevant arguments :)
The only good vegan is Unnatural Vegan on youtube.
I'm not the one attempting to assert anything about the political leanings. I will point out that there are studies that show a 3:1 liberal to conservative ratio among vegetarians though.
You're not refuting anything. Hell, you can't even really read too well. You amusingly go and do exactly what I said vegans do, then idiotically assert that it somehow refutes my point? Good god, you're braindamaged.
I won't claim that it's because of your diet, but I will say that there are a lot of fuckstupid people who get drawn to your way of life.
people with eating disorders tend to turn to veganism because it allows them to continue their weird restrictive behaviors, plus so many vegan girls tout the whole low fat high carb restrictive lifestyle to stay skinny because theyre incapable of moderation and normal eating.
Wow not him but he's completely triggered you haha
Definitely not mad :^)
Go drink a bucket of Faygo, hammy
>gets btfo
>stops pitiful attempts at debate and goes to LOL U MAD
Damn schools are shit these days.
You were the one who originally stated vegans were so liberal
Also citation needed on that 3:1 ratio
I see you also have nothing of value to say therefore refer to mudslinging
Have I touched a nerve? :)
>if I call him a child I win!
How many of these symptoms are you experiencing right now?
I actually can't believe he squeezed an entire blog post out of you in one word, jesus christ xD
no one has even considered going vegan despite vegans spouting debatable 'facts', however most vegans return to an omnivore diet, why do vegans waste their time?
>You were the one who originally stated vegans were so liberal
Nope. There's at least three people posting in this thread friend.
>citation needed
Google it up yourself.
>I see you also have nothing of value to say therefore refer to mudslinging
There's no point when you're literally not reading or responding to any actual point I bring up.
>Have I touched a nerve? :)
Not really. You're kind of young and new to the internet if you think strong language and hyperbole actually mean that someone's upset. If I feel anything, it's pity because you think you're clever when you're not. You're going to have some bad, bad times when that particular delusion gets dispelled in real life. Don't let it destroy you entirely though. Your friends and family know your limitations and still love you though.
Ignorance that's it, people are stubborn and stuck in there ways even when presented with facts they are wrong they'll do these mental gymnastics in dome vein attempt to justify there poor excuses. As for vegans going back, they were never true vegans to begin with then
i meant no one in this thread* but that still applies to most of the worlds stance on veganism anyways.
>Google it up yourself
= No source
You have literally sperged out and wrote a whole paragraph of shit with no source to back it up
>Welcome to Veeky Forums
explain to do me how someone can eat a vegan diet, and not use any animal products to a reasonable extent and then never been vegan to begin with after quitting it. thats like saying a former athlete was never a true athlete because theyre old and dont run miles a day now
Nah, I have a source. If you're so sure it doesn't exist, why not look? You're the one who cares about whether or not vegans/veggies are republicans or democrats when it's a voting block that literally doesn't matter.
Wow that's a lovely strawman if I ever saw one
Also being vegan as many people say is a lifestyle not a diet, so if you are a vegan you are doing it for the environment, animals and your health that's what it means to be vegan if you go back on that then you can't have been a true vegan, just someone on a plant based diet.
Wow and you were the one calling me childish, hypocrisy at its finest, if said source exists please link me to the relevant material otherwise GTFO as you are no longer contributing anything of worth to this thread
Ah my apologies, thank you for the correction my friend, got the two mixed up :P
Pretty sure the guy going
>whaa, the information only exists if you bother to post it here even though I'm literally only seconds away from doing the exact same search you did!
Heh, no.