Thanks Veeky Forums, being toxic, rude and degrading on this board for shits and giggles haha. I can’t differentiate from reality and Veeky Forums anymore. Lost a lot of friends and no dates anymore.
Thanks Veeky Forums, being toxic, rude and degrading on this board for shits and giggles haha...
haha jij bent echt kankerstoer
Je kankermoeder
Hoe is pikkie trekken virgie
>cancer tough
I always get these underage vibes from Dutchies who use the word cancer as a curse word
Deiner mutter hab ich es auch bezorgt du kanker mongool
well played user, fuck being normal
Yes, every dutch person under the age of 18 uses cancer as an adjective/curse word. Pathetic but an easy way to differentiate brainlets from normal people.
You're just a retard.
Ik neuk jou moeder vriend.
Did she reply?
She said: “I don’t have a dick”.
You did good user, very proud. Don't be nice to women.
she didn't understand it then.
Eurofags trying to speak and write in English on their own native countries are the cringiest thing.
Brainletta figured it out.
op confirmed fag
keep sharing
Hoe heet deze app
>Talking to mutts
this works if
a) you're the 3% or something. even so, probably only works with half the girls
b) if you're in a crazy place and especially if you match kinda late at night. I've asked girls to suck my dick on my first message (while in prague) and...that's exactly what happened.
Why the fuck is she talking to you if she doesn't want to suck your dick
Go back to your safe zone, soyboy.
Fuck. Will she answer?
is this a cringe thread now?
Let me tell you something virgin beta cucks. I used to be you, the person you see when you look in the mirror. “H-hey, S-stacy. C-can I borrow your pen, p-please? Chadius Maximus stole m-mine again.” Getting a boner whenever a girl accidentally touches you with her elbow. Fapping 3x a day. You will DIE a virgin bizraelis. Not until you realize women are just a man’s tool for sexual pleasure is when you will evolve from a toyboy to a chad. Women are not people, they are objects. Treat them like one.
What app is this?
A lot of whores in prague, please tell me she was goodlooking.
Instagram Premium
rape level 9000
moar pls
Bumble, Tinder but the girl messages first
cause she probably is attracted to him, his also horny and is trying to think of a way to actually suck his dick without accepting his offer right away.
or shes bored.
That's exactly how women on Tinder behave when you just start with Hi.
both of them were attractive enough lol.
they weren't whores.
wtf how is that not blatant sexism
What’s attractive user, show picture of similar girl user
Bumble are super SJW. Yes it's obviously sexist.
"The women controls the conversation."
top kek
the upside is you don't waste time messaging roasties on Tinder who can't be bothered to reply to you
It's not against women
why do you people use tinder instead of just walking up to a girl and asking her out is beyond my understanding, it's just wasting time
Not realizing women are waste of time and energy, unless you have a good carrer and money. They will take your every punch as long as they are with someone that is financialy stable and you aren't a complete dick.
Thank you.
It's actually helpful for normal guys as it weeds out the white noise all of the creepy spammy shitheads give women
I don't mind it, no one's time is wasted
Having a fake conversation with yourself still gets 40+ replies in 2018
>Not understanding that these kinds of conversations are normal in regular society
Virgins are so cute
ik kan deze autisme niet aan
sorry. She hasn't responded.
she sees him as a beta provider not a Chad
>it's another Veeky Forums discredits personality thread