What devices do you use to get your crypto on?
phones? Pads? computadoras?
What devices do you use to get your crypto on?
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who cares? sage
ah, i really want to get a x230 thinkpad
I'm currently in the market for an x220/x250. will be going nomad and bringing it everywhere with me for muh coins
Many People here seem to utilize these
What is so great about them?
Wanna hack us? Not gonna tell you, hoe
it's a meme, some people fall for it, it's the same type of people who think they hear the difference between FLAC and 320kb/s MP3 but will refuse to do a blind test, just watch the bizzare arguments they'll make to justify buying this, instead of just admitting they're poor
x230 or ThinkPad ? not the same user btw
look at OPs picture. these laptops are very cheap bought secondhand, were built like tanks, water resistance via drainage holes etc. ama desu.
>awesome keyboard
>awesome ports
>everything replaceable, cpu as well in p models
>ultra durable, drop it while carrying and you'll dent the ground
cool l33t_h4x0r aesthetic, everyone will think you're a god at programming and will be more inclined to hire you
youre a funny user. fudding a coin for your own profit is one thing but don't ever fud freedom technology which can keep anons safe.
my roommate walked over my work laptop (t470s) the other day and my heart nearly stopped. he didn't seem to care for some reason. I grab the laptop to take a look, nothing. if that was his alunimeme unibody it would have been flattened.
they also use them on the space station
i'm interested in why you prefer the x230 to say the t4x0 line. also why not an x260 or newer?
there has been no significant change in cpu speed, the 13 inch thinkpad from 5 years ago is just as powerful as a 13 inch macbook
MSRP: $2,733.00
Lenovo ThinkPad X230 Tablet - 12.5" - Core i5 3320M - 4 GB RAM - 320 GB HDD - with UltraBase Series 3
who the fuck buys this
>windows 10
did you just skim /g/?
dank wallpaper tho
I'm not the x230 user. I'm the above user who mentioned x220/x250.
I currently own a t470s, and much prefer it over any x series. this is my battle/workstation.
why I'm in the market for an x220/x250 though ? size. at home/coffee shops/in the car the t is perfect, but for when I want to go on multi-family hiking trips, I feel a bit anxious stuffing that in my hiking bag. I think I'd be much confier with the smaller x series for on-the-go work. regarding why not newer, price is the only factor. I have the new T which is great, but for risky outdoors stuff is rather have money to buy another old x if it was to even go bad. hope that answers some. :)
Is this the Veeky Forums tpg?
I have an X220t, a new P51 (the xeon one), and a T440 from work
you should still beat his ass
multi-day, not family. fuck.
I have a x230 and love everything about it except the screen, which is shit. Will buy a newer one with hd ips if crypto gods lend me a hand.
thank you user. this really helped me considering to get an old x one. if i enjoy using it, i might even buy the t480 additionally and replace my current workstation
Custom built desktop.
It me, different IP.
I left it on his bedroom floor, entirely my fault. Bless the thinkpad gods for saving me there.
I'm pretty sure you can easily replace the screens on the x220/x230s. You should be able to buy that hd ips panel and stick it right onto your current laptop.
No worries ! Best of luck. I should mention. The older ones are a lot tankier, the newer ones are a lot sleeker. Goes for both x/t. You can check durability tests on youtube if that's a concern.
None of your business!
What flavour are you on, user ?
Notning more than a hipster laptop
Try prove me wrong you can't
read the thread. already did. sageboi.