Meme Foods - KBBQ Edition

Explain to me why you're paying 20$+ for a meal you have to cook yourself?

INB4 the following:
>"It's all you can eat!"
>"It's about the social experience"

Seriously Veeky Forums it's just meat over fucking rice with dipping sauce.

Why do people think this is worth their money?

You don't pay for meat,rice, and dipping sauce?

By your logic man, ANY restaurant unless it's some insane shit isn't worth money, since any real experienced cook could cook just about anything any restaurant serves

Generally if I'm eating out it's not because I can't cook it myself, it's because I can't be assed to cook it myself.

Additionally, I don't keep the ingredients stocked to make a lot of random different culture's dishes because I only like them on a long enough period basis that I'd end up wasting them.

And it's fun to go out to eat.

And I really fucking hate doing dishes.

And yes, it's an excuse to hang out with friends.

You don't get my logic.
What makes something a restaurant?
It's a place where you go to order food and be served. Part of this involves a chef preparing your meals and the staff serving you.

The only thing they serve in KBBQ is drink and they bring you your food so you can cook it. You also serve yourself off the grill

Why not just go to any other kind of fucking restaurant for a social experience?
Why not just go to a normal fucking restaurant?

KBBQ is always a ploy for a social experience with friends. Nobody likes it enough to go out and eat it by themselves.

Korean BBQ is for special occasions. It's great for meeting up with friends you haven't seen in a long time. It's very expensive and people only go when

So what does that say about it as food?

It tells me it isn't fucking good enough on it's own to merit the price.
It's literally cooked meat over rice, except you have to exert the effort of cooking it yourself.

So? Rich people find stupid things fun. To the average person, paying extra money to cook your own food may seem asinine, to some rich fucker who never has to cook a day in their life and has catering and eats out all the time, it's a fun novelty that offers something different

AYCE KBBQ for $12 for cheap ass meat, so it's like any all you can eat place except it's all meat

$20-40 to go to an actually good place and get actual meat

Even if it's nice meat it's still being cooked mostly by amateurs and it's still just meat over rice.

honestly the cheap meat works better most of the time because people just burn the fuck out of it everytime they cook it.

>>"It's about the social experience"

That's exactly the reason. It's fun to sit around the table and cook your own food like that.

I don't know why anyone would pay to do that at a restaurant though--it's easy to do it at home. I guess if it was a business lunch/dinner maybe?

It's high quality meat and you get a bunch of sides to eat the meat with. You also get a bunch of other stuff to fry . You make your own lettuce wraps.

Hi quality meat in what sense? if you over cook it?
Because most people who cook KBBQ know how to handle high quality meat.

My friends ordered scallops one time and couldn't even cook it properly

I dont know about the (shitty) kbbq you have been at, but you seem to be majorly confused about what the real deal is.
You ONLY put the meat on the grill and maybe turn it once or twice. Different surface for each different meat. This is the social part and all the cuts are fastcooking, it is literally no work at all. Also you get a lot of free sidedishes, omelette cooked in an integrated part of the charcoal grill and other things, thats why prices for the meat is high, because you get stuff for free. Kbbq places usually also serve jiggae and other things.
Also, no "dipping sauce" meat is either marinated or intended to be eaten pure.
Also you often drink a lot of soju with it, its often part of the larger amount of nightlife activities in korea.

>meat over fucking rice and dipping sauce

Maybe if you had to pay that much and the restaurant you found was shitty, I understand. But my family went to a place in LA where it was $11 per head, premium cuts made it $15. We had rice and a fuck ton of sides dishes that you eat with the meat and rice. And if you don't eat like a bird and really have your fill, you can easily get a good deal out of it. You can say cooking your own food is a downside, but putting the time and effort into my food helps me appreciate and savour it more. Kinda like how when you cook food for yourself, you'd enjoy it more. Unless of course you can't cook for shit.

>bu-bu-bu overpriced $20 rip off for cheap meat?

Realize that a lot of Korean restaurants can Jack up the prices, especially if there's no competing restaurants nearby. Sometimes they don't even have good food at those expensive places. It's your fault for not finding a good one around you/choosing a location where it sucks.

And burgers are cooked meat between buns, steak dinners are just cooked meat next to veggies and/or starch. Lobster is just cooked Seabug next to sides. What's new?

>KBBQ is always a ploy for a social experience with friends

Sounds like somebody is salty over having no friends..

I actually was invited by my friends to eat KBBQ. i told them it was a scam and stayed at home.

It is a ploy.

>I don't like this so it must be a meme
>I'm definitely not a miserable fuck with no friends who can't understand why people like having fun

Live a little

Yeah you get a bunch of untasty shit like kimchi and fucking bean sprouts.

Literally half the sides they serve are shit.

That's just my opinion though.
I remember living a little with KBBQ. i spent 40 damn bucks.

>40 whole dollars

That's not a lot of money for a good meal. But assuming you didn't like it I understand being upset.

maybe i dont get plenty of meat because I only grab small amounts out politeness to my friends.

Maybe I should literally be a faggot and take half the meat off the burner

aren't these places supposed to be all you can eat?

they are but you have to remember even if you get small amounts you may have to wait up to 10 minutes for them to bring you food to cook.

Maybe just accept that you went to a bad restaurant. I would understand your point if you were talking about any other dish, that actually involved korean ingredients,but with bbq it really all is about quality of ingredients

i've been to several kbbq places. did the food taste bad in any place. No.

The food taste good, but I don't feel like it is good enough for the money i spend.

fair enough. i see your problem with them

Then dont go there??
Also all you can eat and quality red meat are absolutely not 2 concepts that can be combined, so i stick to what ive said, youve been to shitty places, dont know the og stuff, and whine about a shitty do it yourself all you can eat concept.

>The places I've eaten were shit because I didn't like them
Maybe i just don't like korean bbq

It's cheaper to always cook at home, but that's assuming you always have essential ingredients stocked or that you live nearby a store that can provide you with any ingredient. It also assumes that you are always in the mood to cook and don't mind the clean up.

>a meal you have to cook yourself
>have to cook yourself
>have to

That's the fun of it, dum dum. Why are you on the food and cooking board if you don't like food and cooking?

You're a meme. Korean BBQ tastes fantastic and its a good social experience with friends having soju beer and cooking pork and beef. Yummy!!!

Fuck off vegan!

Maybe you don't want your friends to mess up your house. Dishes etc. Also harder to ask house guests to pay a fair share.

They're putting too much meat on at once

>go to 15$ all you can eat KBBQ with a couple friends
>EASILY eat more meat and sides than 15$
>get to have a large variety of cuts/marinades
>fucking love banchan

I only do AYCE, but its definitely worth the price.

Korean BBQ is a great experience and isn't any more expensive than any other restaurant

You're just a fag

>he doesn't like kimchi and bean sprouts

Kys my man


>Why eat out if they won't chew the food and place it in my mouth

Why must every restaurant be the same, user? I know you have difficulty with changes, but some restaurants just do things a little different.

>having soju beer
10/10 bait
I love meat just not having to cook it for myself when I pay to go out to a restaurant
Willing KBBQ cuckolds, defending paying a retarded price for cheap meat that you have to cook yourself.

yeah, i think you just went to a shit place. every ayce i've been to has been self-serve with the meats and sides, though they have a regular menu for people who don't want to bbq.

>go to Korean BBQ with 2 other people
>get a huge seafood pancake, steamed egg, a massive platter with 3 different meats, rice, and a ton of side dishes
>way too much food for all of us to even finish
>the bill was less than $70
Sounds like you're just a retarded faggot, OP.

It always amazes me how people are able to answer their own fucking questions and still be unsatisfied. Also it's cheap as fuck, don't make shit up.

You can't call someone a faggot and use that facebook tier.jpg.

You're going to have to do better than that.
Your meal was expensive as fuck. 3 other people, and you spent around 20$ each.

Yet you couldn't even finish your place.
Scammed by the KBBJew

>Explain to me why you're paying 20$+ for a meal you have to cook yourself?
I don't eat ethnic food.

Are you special needs? $20 a person is not expensive when you get so many unlimited sides as well as 2 big appetizers (steamed egg and the pancake).

t-that's not that much, is it?

>special needs
They're called retards. Go away.

Nice 77s though.

Your tears sustain me.

Any thriving restaurant will charge more than what the cost of food will be.

Your a retard for thinking that you're getting a good deal, in actuality they are getting the better deal.


In your book it's impossible to have a good deal if someone's making a profit, that is what you're saying, am I right? Please, explain to me how you avoid paying more than the cost of anything you buy.

>this fucking post

>tfw live in Japan
>meals like this at $20 are considered a steal

Unfucking true.

>doesn't like kimchi

You realize this is the cooking and food board of a korean barbeque site, right?

I like kimchi

You don't have any friends.

>Explain to me why you're paying 20$+ for a meal you have to cook yourself?
20$ is cheap

You really think anybody would believe that, you little autistic faggot?

>$15 all you can eat korean bbq
>eat 4 plates of meat
>rice is filler
>eat all banchan get more plates
>eat 3 more plates of meat
>pork & beef bulgogi
>completely full cannot eat any more
>finish 2nd beer and leave happy

I do this once a week. For some reason they love me because I can eat a lot. guy who cooks food on the giant wok for people always says to me you eat good, eat more, eat more.

literal autism

in the korean culture
there is nothing less complimenting the host than to eat a lot and merrily (couldn't find a better word)

prior generation of koreans had very little to eat in a post korean war country

No need to lie on a Malaysian woodmaking board.

Oh yeah, I'm sure they feel bad when people eat at their restaurant.

thats good to know thanks. theyre always happy as pie when I go in and I always think theyre being sarcastic for some reason when they say "eat more, eat more"

just do them a favor and bring some friends next time.

you do have friends right user?