I got inspired by the Coca Cola Kid, so here I am, the less superior Pepsi Kid.
I own about 125000 VeChain myself and am kind of an insider in VeChain (been to confo's private).
Ask me anything, I know insider information and upcoming partnerships.
VeChain is getting the AS 2.0 Threatment soon for sure, if we could believe other whales.
I got inspired by the Coca Cola Kid, so here I am, the less superior Pepsi Kid
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there something coming up in the next weak. Some teaser to prevent ven from dumping like icx
AntShares 2.0? When?
should i buy more now or wait
and if i wait how long
and how long till it break $10
When will VEN hit 1k USD? lul
I am so sick of larping bastards
I can drop something really cool, I have been to their private conferention 2 weeks ago, something with a green big dutch beer company and a swedish company.
Post proof or larp
Heineken! Well that would be pretty cool. Too bad you are a lying son of a bitch larper.
You might call me a larp, or even a thief but what I will post soon will shock you non-believers with thrief.
post a huge sell wall at 58k sats for a few seconds or fuck off larping
if an insider, could you pass along my suggestion for a slogan: Ein Reich Ein Volk Ein Blockchain
stop talking about it and post it if you have something. otherwise kys you larping faggot.
The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Vechain does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Vechain is inherently less decentralized and less secure.
This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Vechain, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Walton is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Vechain for this reason, despite Vechain's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).
But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Vechain is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.
He posted it!! WTF doesn’t mean its real.
But we do know.. Vechain has 180 projects in the pipeline and everything made in China is gonna have to fucking be recorded on a blockchain, K & N and DNV touch everything in and out. So.. If it ain’t Vechain, its a mystery chain yet to be developed.
I have a big bag in Walton aswell, unlike many others I am a big investor in both and believe that both projects will succeed in their own ways.
Walton has the ability to climb to $50 easily, I think VeChain has the potentional to climb to $50 in the coming few weeks aswell with the upcoming partnerships and QT2.0.
Yes I indeed posted it, I'm currently working on a twitter page and stuff so I can post proof and keep you guys updated with all information I get and got.
nice spelling pajeet
what did u posted lul, link
English isn't my main language, I'm sorry!
I try my best to check spelling and grammar but sometimes the language barrier is stronger.
give us a clue how much of this sideways market we got left then plz?
Should I sell my VEN for link?
partnerships aren't moving VEN up anymore, you said it can be $50 in the coming weeks, how do you expect to get to that price?
OK so if not larp, what's the coolest thing ven has coming?
We should expect a post in atleast two days explaining about BMW, later next week we should expect a post about the green beer company from the Netherlands and in the future a Swedish company which I don't know the name of yet.
Stuff is coming along pretty quickly and it is work in progress.
I expect a new ATH at 8 February if Bitcoin holds tight.
Wow 8 February 2019… long wait Mr pepsi kid
at 8 feb? u can only prove yourself by being right tho so lets see!!
Kek. I don't believe you but Heineken would be absolutely sick.
Also you mean 8 march I think.
I'm so tired of this fucking coin and all the larpers. I've held since under a dollar, I have 16k of it but i just want to get rid of it finally.
some faggot came online last night and did the exact same thing but claimed to be CCK. he did an instant market order of 300 ETH and spike the price by 3k sats instantly. after we asked him to proof.
He said tomorrow will blow our minds and that PBOC will be announced and other shit. LOL.
When are we going to see legitimate technology demos? Seems like partnerships don't really impress investors any more.
If BMW didn't do shit why would Heineken. Fuck this coin now, seriously, I wanna dump it. Hey OP, if VEN spikes in the next week I'm joining you in the almost-all-in-on-MAN club.
They had some technology demo's on the floors today at the rebranding events up for anyone to try.
There are videos on Twitter if you search for it.
ive considered dumping my ven bags for MAN for days now. MAN seems like its even longer out than VEN is though. Q4 before we see anything.
I'm currently selling my VEN at a loss to accumulate more Chainlink, I suggest you ignore this larp and do the same.
Well he didn't actually say that did he? He said pboc was in the early stages and there would be some big announcements. The event was cringey as fuck but there was lots of good news. At the end of the day however this coin needs new buyers to give it the pump that news would have gotten in December or even early January, and the market is too tired out to provide them. No coin will explode under these conditions, it's just not happening.
Yeah that's my problem. I'm hoping that because of that, MAN doesn't pump much so I can dump my bags or decide to hold around mainnet. If it pumps enough and MAN hasn't spiked a ton, I'll probably put at least half of my VEN in. It's just so disappointing watching it shit the bed constantly despite all of this incredible news. At least MAN would give me a clean slate.
You will be heavily disappointed soon, but is your choice and your money.
I want to gain some trust with my green beer company statement and I think The Coca Cola Kid will happily confirm aswell if you ask him on Twitter afterall he has seen.
Although I may not know CCK directly we may have spoken as those private conferentions aren't that big.
>swedish company
penis pump tracking? big if true
Also just realized I responded in one thread about this thread and one other; the MAN comment is about another OP.
THIS. MAN is coming with mainnet in Q4, but it will work like VEN. They will warm you up with big news, bigger than VEN. Mark my words. It will explode, starting next month.
you are all so retarded, everyone knows VEN is a long term hold and you expect it to be 100$ over a night in this dead market
Tell us about PBOC..
When is MAN hitting other exchanges again?
Guys chainlink is about to explode get in NOW
How would anything pump this coin right now if BMW didn't? Anyone who 's in crypto right now probably isn't surprised enough by more partnerships to buy, even if it was your green beer company.
why the fuck would Heineken want tracking? are there fake Heineken bottles, and if so, who cares? its just cheap beer
every business has a supply chain.
can you link me with a website or something? Can't find much about it
From what we've been told they are currently communicating with big people behind the PBoC and they are indeed working together on a big project but it is at beginning stadiums and might take a few weeks or months before details will get to the public.
Pepsi Kid as a pseudonym? At least be orgininal. Like... FANKY. We should call you Franky.
indeed i think the market conditions really only leave bad conditions for anything to really moon. lately anything more than 15% is a moon.
Tis why i am fighting the urge to liquidate into BTc and go in and out of tether till we get bullish again. no worrying about alts, just shorting and longing BTC.
Someone axplain something for me please, I am not good with crypto:
If BMW or whoever uses Ven (or other similar blockchain token) to help track it's supply chain, does that mean that company has to buy massive quantities of that token to enable the tracking? If so, that seems to be a huge cost, especially if the token price is volatile due to market fluctuations. Wouldn't they want a much cheaper solution for tracking?
why did vechain choose to go with a corny scifi theme after rebrand? is this unironically appealing to young adult asians?
are the rumours about a large chinese exchange (possibly gov't backed?) with direct fiat->VET true? is this where the new "pilgrims" will come from? is this the "red swarm" that cck speaks of?
>If BMW or whoever uses Ven (or other similar blockchain token) to help track it's supply chain, does that mean that company has to buy massive quantities of that token to enable the tracking? If so, that seems to be a huge cost, especially if the token price is volatile due to market fluctuations. Wouldn't they want a much cheaper solution for tracking?
VeChain are releasing VeChain Thor for this specific reason. VEN's purpose will be for generating Thor power which is what will be used to power the use of the blockchain, the price of Thor is going to be controlled. The twin token system was created to solve this problem
- Lenovo founder controls the matrix domain names.
- hackernoon.com
Matrix chain for one belt, one road (1 trillion dollar project), imagine when they confirm it. Yes you will be fomoing like fuck. Thank me later. enjoy.
Ein Mensch, ein Ziel
Und eine Weisung
Ein Herz, ein Geist
Nur eine Lösung
125000 VEN is really not that much in the grand scheme, so I'm not sure how you were able to get insider info. But Heineken does seem to be a client of DNV GL, so it's possible. Hopefully you can build up a reputation.
CPchain is also a very very good hold. Very strong team, Vechain, QTUM, Torque invested in CPC. Investing -> partnership. It means much more. They call it IOTA of China, they also have a partnership with the biggest car manufacturer in the world.
proof or GTFO
This is such shit. whoever works at Vechina knows that their Coca cunt kid has lost his impact now and peopel have caught on to the inside trading and suppression tactic that it is.
Pepsi cola kid? sadly we all know the market is retarded enough to fall for it agin with a slightly different name.
thanks. so if Thor is the token/power that companies use, what is the purpose of Ven? Is it basically like trading stock in the VeChain company?
First of all I'm not totally sure, but I seem to remember sunny saying "free to start, pay for value" as in buisnesses are given VET to begin with when they go to VeChain for a their services, which then generates THOR thereafter to pay for the cost of using the network. Now I'm worried by that point as it lowers the price of VET it it's freely handed out, but I guess that the gamble is that VeChain becomes big enough that they stop handing out free VET as an incentive to new partners. You may ask how VeChain make any money themselves, but they've previously said that they charge each company a one time fee to set the whole thing up (I presume with fiat...). So yes there are a lot of question marks around this, not least how much data 1 THOR would pay for being written to the block chain. The one optimistic point is that the VeChain team owns a lot of VEN so have incentive to make it valuable due to that, but they also will want to make the company successfull with a lot of clients, which seems contradictory. No FUD here, I own a lot of VET and for a long time but I have wondered about this before. No matter, I'm still up many times in my original investment.
Owning VET is the same as owning stake in a network and entitles you to a portion of the fees generated from the traffic on that network. It also gives you 1 vote towards consensus.
If ven was a guaranteed moon mission, institutional money would be buying it and it would be at least 20$
Breyer bought a less than a dollar. He could buy the whole supply if he wanted but he obviously doesn't
>buy now or regret later
Thor won't be worth shit in 2018, all those locked nodes will produce millions if them from june on and you're delusional if you think drmand will be high by then
sunny knows only basement dwellers are stupid enough to push the price past 10$
Breyer said he didn't research this coin until December when it was around $5.
Why do you ((((people)))) feed into larping bullshit every fucking time by every fucking trip and namefag? How is it possible again and again?
wtf dude, you ever thought about the share of coins that is given to investors/partners? You really think breyer bought on Binance?
Why is VEN leaving their marketing to someone like CCK? BMW and PwC can't be happy that some dude named after Coke is writing haikus about their business deals.
Enough reasons why Heiniken will endorse blockchain
Pretty sure he said it himself it was about $5, but whatever man. I can't provide proof I guess, but neither can you.
This is just another VeChain post now, and of a higher quality than some. OP is rightly being ignored for the most part.
Exactly, that's shady as fuck
I held ven until this morning but it just became worse than tron imo
Ven is good but it doesn't have much moon potential left
VEN wasn't $5 in December. You can check the charts and see that
Anyone want to explain this point for me? Seems like this is a big barrier to at least the short-mid term price potential of this coin.
Is the Vechain company keeping the price low, for investors i mean?
What price we can expect and the end of March?
Shills expect that pboc will make them millionaires overnight , if they thought it had that much potential they would have bought ven a $3.5 during the february btc crash
Ven would need to sell for about $300 million worth of thor a year to justify its mkt cap, it may happen in a few years but to think it's mkt cap will moon from there is wishful thinking
Now compare ven's potential with other tokens and it's a clear sell imo
Yeah, my bad. I was just arguing based on what I remembered. Dumping my bags soon anyway.
Cheers. Although you are right, all coins currently have a speculative value far in excess of their real world value. What coins do you think have more potential out of interest?
OMG is the one that has the best use-case imo
Currencies like nano have an unlimited potential though
That's my portfolio, posting this to help, please abstain from fudding
Req and link are high potential, high risk
Bought the fota dip this morning and will dump later
Qash is ambitious, a long-term hold for me
What a shit fucking portfolio hope no one takes advice from you
Omisego is the only decent one there
Thanks user, I'm a big fan of OMG as well. You like JNT by any chance?
I was expecting that, the fact is nano made me a lot of money
I should mention i bought the dip on nano, req and link and I won't hold on them if they moon
You're gonna make it
I don't see how jnt can be decentralized, quite prone to be a scam and the team isn't reassuring so not buying for now
You are full of crap. Every asset has some speculation, most of all crypto but you think that Vechain needs a 1 to 1 ratio to justify the current Price? That's not even talking about the math behind your statement that 300mm is needed to justify current valuations at 1:1
Everything is priced in. Remember to sell the news after every announcement.
Only in a bear market
If it was alt season every news would pump
I was keeping it simple, you sound like a typical ven lover who thinks it overtake btc mkt cap just because it has a better use-case
Ven has a mkt cap of 3billion so i think it should make 300million a year at some point to justify it
That logic doesn't apply to crytpo currencies because people hold on to them which limits the offer, nobody want to hold thor long -term
There will be no bull markets again ever
>0 results
This LARP is fake as fuck
mfw Veeky Forums fudding is ruining vechain
pic related
Lol that’s where you’re wrong
stop fucking shilling man u cunts . fuck off . fucking stop . im not done fucking buying . the price is rising . fucking stop it you dumb faggots . shut the fuck up and accumulate . jesus fucking christ
Neat, an actual pajeet.
He said bmw will be announced with others but not pboc. Because pboc is still in the early stages.
He was 100% on point.