What brands of knives do you guys recommend?
What brands of knives do you guys recommend?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not forging your own knives
>TFW stock removal pleb
Should of gotten that anvil
Veeky Forums generally recommends stuff like Tojiro.
How comfortable a knife is and how you care for it is generally more important than the brand.
ginsu my nigga
A jackknife
1) cheapest ceramic knife with a sheath you can find
2) cheapest steel knife you can find
Now you can literally cut everything the best way possible. Brand knives = meme knives
You've summoned Ja/ck/
>muh 9,000,000 folded times
>muh weeb steel
I use a $9 ikea knife and I buy a new one when it gets dull. At this rate I'll steel be ahead of the weebs in 300 years, long after they've committed seppuku after realizing anime isn't real
Don't forget to shill heartburn medication to offset your shitty food
>being part of the disposable culture is better than having fewer, high-quality items
American? American.
I like ceramic chef knives because they are reasonably priced, sharp, and don't need maintenance. If you need paring, serrated or flexible knives you have to go with steel but you can go cheaper with those types of knives anyway.
So for me, 7-8" ceramic knife with good reviews for general everything and a cheap pairing, serrated, and fillet knife that you can replace when it gets dull because fuck you and you constant knife honing bullshit.
Global makes good entry level knives.
they eventually need maintenance too.. and where do you go then?
You don't maintain a ceramic knife, you just don't use it on thick bone or hard surface and chip it in any way.
The other knives you can buy for like 5 dollars sharpened to fuck at walmart and they are so rarely used at home that it will take a good year or two of regular cooking to need replacing.
If you are in a professional kitchen your employer will have good knives already bought for you.
I'm also part of the IKEA crowd, with a cheap two slots sharpener
>he didn't pull the blade out first before dumping that stuff in
God dammit, Jack can you do ANYTHING without fucking up?
Stay obsessed, Achmed
watch out, king jack coming through
kek, haven't seen this one before
Hardness matters more than brand. A hard steel knife will keep an edge longer, but is prone to chipping. A softer steel knife won't chip much, but will need to be sharpened more often.
Buy a good sharpening stone.
I fucking hate the way he eyefucks the camera
>If you are in a professional kitchen your employer will have good knives already bought for you.
Hahahaha. No they don't faget.
...why not just slice it like a normal person with one knife. What did 2 knives do?
Sabatier. Best starter knifes, and good price for what you get. Everything else is a meme knife
What knives are best for beheading Palestinians?
i've always wondered, when he ends up cooking shit like this that is so ridiculously undercooked, does he actually end up eating it? i mean, can't he tell what a burger is and isn't supposed to taste like?
He probably never ate that though. IF you watch the video until the end he does what he never does which is eat it, and pretend to talk with his mouth full, then at almost the last second he covers his mouth and laughs out the side like he's gonna spit it out.
Name of the video pls
Dollar store knives. Just get a bunch and use them till their dull and then get them all sharpened at the same time.
Knives are overrated OP. You can buy decent ones for cheap, honestly.
Spending a fortune on a knife is retarded, it definitely won't make you a better cook.
>cheese isnt melted
>meat is fucking raw
>knife juts crushes its way through the burger
That can't be serious.
>Truly professional culinary position
>Kitchen provides knife kits.
This has to be trolling
Can someone make a webm of the one where he does the poutine redo and at the end fucks up horribly cutting up a potato?
When he puts it in the cold oil...
what a fucking pussy
I thought that was a human face he was slicing in the thumbnail.
he's such a fuck up,it's amazing
that actually really pisses me off
i wanna grab his head and push his face into it
Why didn't he just use the fucking spoon to lower it in?
Rose handle victorinox are about the best bang for your buck here.
You best be kidding. After working with a set of globals for over 10 years I would not recommend.
The back of the blade is too sharp and will give blisters to un-calloused hands if they have to use them for heavyish work like peeling a lot of pumpkin.
The steel is too hard and that makes them hard to sharpen on a stone, unless you know what you are doing, and even then it is a chore.
3 or 4/10 knives would not recommend, would not buy again.
Except for the vegetable santoku, that really is a dream to use.
Have you been in a kitchen? Lmao
He doesn't even know that if you lay food in hot oil away from you, ie with the lowest part toward yourself, the other way than he does it, any splashes are likewise going to go away from you?
This isn't even funny, it is bad practice and if enough people do it like this someone will get burned.
Please do this
Enjoy senpai
Just cut it in half first jack, jesus christ man
thank you so much I love you user
how the fuck is he getting flare-ups with Grill Grates? does his incompetence know any bounds?
>obligatory phone in the meat tray callout
half the time i think this guy has cerebral palsy
but now i think he's just retarded. what the fuck? who doesnt know how to open a fucking beer?
some men just want to see the food burn
Reminder that Ja/ck/ had pink eye for over 2 weeks
He's clearly only drinks megabrewery stuff. Almost all Anheuser-Busch bottles have screw off tops.
then he proceeds to pour cayenne pepper into his eyes
Damn.. after watching all these videos, I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy.
It would have sufficed to cut off one end and place the potato on a wet kitchen cloth.
The IKEA all-steel knives with the black grooves in the handle are actually not bad. Also, the Wüsthof Silverpoint series is much underappreciated. IMHO they have a nicer blade profile and a nicer blade geometry than the Victorinoxes. They are especially well suited for people who have smaller hands and/or don't like the bulky fibrox handles.
The phone in the used meat package always gets me.
Why does he eat burgers like that?
How is he completely unable to do anything right?
Yes Chef! - Cooking App For The Blind
Its super cool
I use a Katana and a Wakizashi to slice Japanese beef for my Japanese food.
From my experience, a $5 Kiwi brand knife and a piece of smooth slate that's been flattened by one of those $2 200/400 grit blocks for sharpening will do most things in a home kitchen with ease.
I mean, it looks... did Jack make something EDIBLE!?
I still don't understand how he managed to get the yolk more solid than the albumen
I'm laughing in the outside but inside I'm fucking dying. How can one human being be such a complete and utter fuck up?
Does jack review shitty unitaskers or does he actually regularly use these as kitchen tools?
He reviews them, but every SINGLE time he unpackages one he says "we're gonna do this the guy way" and tosses away the instructions. The first time he tried a melon cutter he held it backwards, then the comments lit him up and he re-did it (which you see in the webm) and cut his finger because he's fucking stupid.
I had Victorinox knives recommended to me here a while back. I picked up a Victorinox Chefs knife with riveted wood handle and it has been a great knife. They come super sharp and I would buy it again for the $45 I spent.
I hate the ways he breaks eggs
I bet he thinks he's so cool
I was thinking about getting my first half way decent chef's knife but I'm not sure what length I should buy. Any suggestions?
a spoon
I think it's so funny that he leaves this footage in. He is a shamelessly terrible cook.
t. retard