Satoshi is Kleiman + Wright confirmed!
>s-satoshi confirm
Need segwit to confirm.
I can't wait to see how r/bitcoin will react to this
Its been obvious to any non-brainlet that Craig is Satoshi. Yes he didn't provide proof to the world because he's a paranoid mother fucker who thought it'd be all over for him and his family if he did (probably right). But it doesn't take much deductive power from the mounds of evidence to realize its him.
He sat back in his large black chair and asked me if I wanted more tea. ‘I could have been working with Satoshi, I guess,’ he said, ‘who told me he was going to fire it up at this time and I had all my machines ready and just took over from him. But that would make me Satoshi anyway.’ He stared into the bank of screens and seemed nostalgic for a more ghostly self, and I asked him if it felt overwhelming.
‘I don’t care – whatever,’ he said. But of course he did care – care is what he did most. He was agitated through the whole process, mainly, I guessed, from an old cypherpunk embarrassment at having to bend to authority. He wasn’t satisfied when he sat back in his chair, he was annoyed and already making his detractors’ arguments for them. ‘They’ll say I killed Satoshi and stole the keys. Having them doesn’t prove I created them. Maybe it was a collaboration between me, Dave, Hal and some random person. Maybe I compromised Hal’s machine and stole everything and his family didn’t know. Maybe, maybe, fucking maybe. All that bullshit. Those people don’t believe in Occam’s razor. I’ve seen Reddit. They want the most convoluted explanation. But they can say what they want; I’ve got nothing more to prove.’
if you were actually satoshi or had knowledge of him/access to his holdings, youd be a fucking moron for ever coming out if you didn't have to
fuck, if those bitcoins get into circulation again we're fucked for years
youd have to be a retard to believe craig hahahah
i've never seen such obvious paid shilling, he obviously set some internet influence company on here. not gonna work dumb niggers.
the entire fucking lawsuit is a marketing ploy to release that fake email in hopes of tricking the masses into believing he's satoshi after all. its great how this little plan was instantly shut down on the first day too lol. how many times is this guy going to embarass himself? craig money can't buy you class, brains, or believers. your reputation is trashed forever. no more gimmicks, no more ploys, just give it up bud
Craig commented on twitter and said lawsuit was all cause of greed
pretty funny on reddit watching the fear as their hopes vanish of segwit actually being bitcoin
Think about it, retard, why would Wright build on this manichations with fake signature for imaginary bitcoin as far as 2013 when noone knew who the fuck he was?
The question is more to know if Wright managed to gain access to Kleiman BTC considering the last one was a maniac when it came to security, maybe he took the passphrase in his grave and CW is blocked with a forever locked wallet.
LMAO. Those little fucktards are in denial, what fun to watch.
Fuck off /r/bitcoinigger, go back to your cult.
Its sad that paid shilling is common enough that dumbasses like yourselves assume anyone who doesn't conform to your little brain's thinking must be paid to argue with you at this very moment.
Meanwhile Blockstream has literally confirmed with their own mouths they have a paid shill team so if I was going to assume anyone was paid it would probably be a core cuck.
>Yes he didn't provide proof to the world because he's a paranoid mother fucker
Then he would never claim to be satoshi to begin with
oooh, edgy shill! but really, everyone here can tell you're an outsider, you're just embarrassing yourself and craig.
"When you claim to be Lord Satoshi when you were in fact one of two early miners and you backdate and falsify documents to steal your partner's shitcoins."
do more research on a community before you try to breach it. no one here believes craig. sure, there are a lot of stupid people here, but craig has been one of the main laughing points of crypto for years, you're not going to convince Veeky Forums that craig is satoshi lmao
why the hell are you arguing who's satoshi retards? the problem is that if the kleiman guy is right we are looking at potentially hundreds of thousands of BTC dumped on the market, it will take years to recover
Craig was never into mining coins, this dead Kleimans brother is trying to get money that was never left to him. I suppose he teamed up with Blockstream and they concocted this scheme, hope it backfires big time on them.
this. crypti would be eternally fucked. that's why it needs to be killed. Grandpa is in hospice and refuses to die until he is sure everyone around him feels as horrible as he does.
This. Craig is being framed.
Kys faggot