Did anyone show up?

Did anyone show up?

Other urls found in this thread:


A couple hundred. They wanted thousands.
Ken has lost money on this, it's glorious.
Just wait for the YouTube videos. It will be cringey as fuck and we'll bask in a new golden era of meme-ery.

I meant hundreds over the two days.
I'm excited to see the KBD productions tv video comment section over the next week or so.



That logo is incredibly unappealing. I can't articulate why, but I hate it and everything associated with it.

Crave Con is a mess. SAD! - Donald Trump

It looks like a logo for a mexican candy.

The results are in!
Now we can listen to Ken Taxdomik call it a huge success!

>infant in the aisle
>Asperger's with T-rex arms in front
>"fast foodie" display in back
>fat fuck spilling out of his chair
>woman/man(?) in rubber boots picking his/her nose
>many neckbeards
>empty seats

When I first saw the photo I hoped so much that was Jack on the left.

>with darkies
Bye now.

ended 12 hours ago and Ken still hasn't posted a video of the 'huge success' of Cravecon.


Look at this. This is one of the strangest images I have ever seen.

Can you just imagine being in this group of people and actively standing around a rented car watching 2 obese men sit inside reviewing a cheeseburger? Did they even know what they were saying? Did they stand outside and cheer when they saw Daym Drops saying a catchphrase? Did Daym and Ken acknowledge the people outside during the review or did they just carry on as normal? If I went to watch a play I wouldn't want the actors in the play to constantly acknowledge my being in the crowd. So I'd be pretty angry if I paid good money to watch a live food review only to have the reviewer focus on me and not the burger. What about sound effects? Did Daym and Ken use speakers to make the sound effects from their reviews? Did the people in the crowd get so excited to see their heroes that they started making the sound effects themselves? So whenever Ken turned his head the entire crowd made the 'zipping' sound effect he uses in his videos in unison? Will live in car food reviews become a thing? Did the Romans do live in carriage food reviews where Celcus Domunicius III ate a Lion Steak from the Colosseum before writing it off on his taxes so the Empire couldn't afford to build roads in their new Western European territories?

Why would anyone watch this?
What is the appeal? When you attend sports you can cheer and shit. Did the fans cheer as the food review happened? It isn't even a real live food review, the car isn't owned by one of the reviewers and is just a prop, so its basically a simulation of a food review.

Look up the Public Disgrace video with Alina Li and then ask yourself why Al Gore invented the internet

Ken's going to have a hard landing one day.


forgot the pic

baahhh.. I'm having a rough time finding info on the cost of a Bentley for like 2 hours in Galveston.. /r'ing for help from someone who knows the rental car biz.

found a daily rental of $645.00 on a Bentley flying Spur in Galveston..

not sure what kind that is in the pic..

haha wow this is so cringey

Why were so many posts deleted from this thread? Was a mod/janitor part of this shit show or did we insult a sponsor lol?

That assburger with T-rex arms in the front is the best.

Jesus christ this is horrendous


fucking cringe con

I can't wait for the youtube cash cow to come crashing down so these no-life fucks actually have to work for a living.

"Content creator" is not a job.

The janitor didn't like my unrelated pics of non-nude sexy ebony ladies bound and gagged.

Finally, a post of the Bentley review. Daym Drops version.

still waiting on ken.


he sounds like he spits a lot when he talks
i wouldn't want him sitting in my fucking bentley

I have such a love/hate relationship with ken domik

He is so easy to but so hard to love.

The production value of his vlogs is hilarious.


>Ken has lost money on this

I'm going to make a guess that Daym had the most money in this. Judging by the fact that he seemed to be the major MC of the event and seemed to be the 'controlling' partner when ever he and Ken were together -- like the review in the Bentley. The Bentley seems to be a clue as well. a "review in a Bentley" doesn't seem like something a canuck would think of -- much less tie up money into.

I think Ken's monetary participation was minimal and his contribution was his 'subscriber' base. Once Daym has gotten his bounce out of Ken, he'll kick Ken to the backseat.

That chink proposed to his qt? How big is his dick? Also, fuck Boogie, that fat fuck.

How's the bike riding going Ken?

On the subject of youtube food reviewers can you guys give me some tips?
Basically, my parents suspect me of anorexia (I have dropped from 150 to 110lbs in 10 months) and I want to push them off and make them leave me alone.
My dad LOVES the food reviewer Daym Drops. So to try and throw him off I am planning on faking emails to myself from Daym to make it seem like I am trying to become a food reviewer, so he thinks I can't be anorexic. Pic related, its what I have so far.
I will probably leave my laptop open so he can stumble upon it and I know he will read. Do you think this could work/that I sound enough like Daym? I don't watch him but I tried to capture him.

just leave picture on your desktop of naked older black men for your dad to 'discover'.. do this for a while..

Then show up at home one day with a traditional girlfriend. Your dad will be so happy that he wont worry about your weight anymore.

always relevant

doesn't even look like him

Prison changes a man, user.

Fine fucking lee


Oh, it's him alright.

Keep beast on /b/. That shit has no place on a food board.


This beer reviewer guy going off on Ken Domcuck and Daym drops, saying he dropped out of cravecon.

>for $250 you can drink beers with a guy who doesn't fit in a scooter.
What a bargain.

Ken Domik banned my comments for posting this.

Youtube is an advertisers wet dream. It isn't going anywhere when children are being raised on youtube.

>what the fuck is Cravecon?

>Do you crave Food? Gaming? Entertainment? Internet Personalities?


> The whole family will enjoy meeting all of your favorite YouTube personalities




is that boogie? I know hes really fucking fat but I didnt think it was to the point where he can only wheel himself around now.

He claims illness is the reason.
He should just get a scooter with a pincer stick already.

i remember when he was actually starting to lose some weight.
he was still huge but you could see a difference.

I keep hoping the advertising industry will wake up and realize they don't actually produce anything of value.

No one has ever seen a Kia commercial and went out to buy a Kia. You may as well burn all the money spent on commercials.

Faceblindness is a common symptom of autism. You'll see it a lot on celebrity nudes boards, with autists convinced some random tumblr whore is a Ariel Winter, when they don't even look alike

>No one has ever seen a Kia commercial and went out to buy a Kia. You may as well burn all the money spent on commercials.

The fact you even know about Kias means its working

Advertising works.

Advertising culture is killing Western civilization. It's fascist propaganda science, repackaged.