Unemployed members of Veeky Forums

What the FUCK is your problem?

You mad?

Two personality disorders from past trauma and ptsd. Yours?

All my experience is in constriction and recently they changed a law in my country were trying get a job in it is abut 5 times harder plus i didnt go to collage planing to go this tho

I'm overqualified

Is this a meme? Why do employers do this?

26yo and only experience is working in a grocery store (family business)

Then get a job you’re qualified for you larping, brain dead fuck

because i'm a contractor

I work when I want

cuz high pay

If you don't have a high GPA from a great University + work experience while getting your Bachelor's it's literally impossible to get an entry level accounting position in Australia.

Fuck accounting. I regret ever studying it in the first place. Most people in this field are brain dead normies and roasties anyway and the thought of being just another fat middle aged bean counter for the rest of my life is getting less and less appealing as the rejection emails pile up.

Don't do accounting guys.

I'm thinking of starting my own Cleaning company (maid + office cleaning) now. I'm young and have all the resources in the world to help me so I'm gonna carve out my own destiny if these filthy animals won't even allow me to get a shitty temp or intern job.


got a comp sci degree, now i can't find a job cause shitty location and nobody wants to relocate some retard. also overqualified for any other position. literally have to say i never went to college just to get a job and thats how i got a job at wal mart. at that point i said fuck off.

Why don't you relocate yourself? Live in a car if you have to. Just go where the jobs are man that's the only way if you're living in a bad job market. Or try and find jobs on your own. A friend of mine doesn't even have a degree and he builds websites for small businesses, hairdressers, personal trainers, etc. There's a lot of opportunities in Comp Science and not all of them involve working for a start up.

Same here. Got an accounting degree, realized I was going to end up having a shit life, went back to school to get a computer science degree, don't regret it one bit

>muh mental problems

Got fired from my job as a chemist after company sold out and fired all my friends. Couldn't find a job in chemistry in my home state. Got depressed and lived off my unemployment. Moved to MN with senpai a few months ago, still can't land a job in chem. Now have a job finally lined up after a little over a year, and it's in finance.

Also fuck you OP, you're not on my road. Took me 2 years into my job to get redpilled on the state of industry in the US. There's no such thing as an honest industry, every thing you do is for the bottom line of the people above you, every one around you is the equivalent of a dollar value and they are all expendable.

I went into chemistry to help people and make a difference in an industry I respected. Instead I got into construction chemicals, made some old men alot of cash, and got tossed aside for wanting more than table scraps.

I don't give a fuck about you or anyone else paying taxes into a system designed to fuck them. And when I do start working again next month, I'm not expecting those stolen taxes to do anything for me. Social security will self destruct by the time I'm old enough to qualify for it. I'm going into finance to learn how to get ahead of the curve of financially illiterate retards in the US, and every grain of knowledge I gain will teach me how to fuck my fellow man when all these speculative asset bubbles pop. I'll ride every wave up, and buy up land, securities, and commodities for pennies on the dollar (which will likely be equal in value to todays pennies in the near future).

I just wish I knew what this society really was when I was younger. I would've made very different decisions than I have.

it's not a meme. if you are overqualified it means that they expect you to get bored and find other work in a short period of time. It removes you from the candidate pool of any position where they want someone working long term.

I went with Accounting because I thought I wouldn't be able to handle Comp Science as I was never that good at STEM subjects at school and my career counselor said that accounting would fit my introverted personality well which was so fucking wrong solely for the fact that this profession is filled with roasties and normies. Now that I've seen some of the retards who have managed to get Comp Science degrees, I regret it bad. What can you do. I'm 22 now and not sure if going back to school is a good option especially since most of my friends have started their careers already so I'd feel like a loser still being in school. I'm really not sure what to do. Also my worst fear is getting a second degree and still not being able to find full time work. You just don't know in today's economy. A lot can change in 3 years.

Rn I'm thinking of starting a business, continue to look for accounting work and self teach myself programming in my free time and see where things go. Right now though my future is not looking good. I just have to use my time wisely and use all my free time to become the best version of my self.

Honestly i miss being unemployed. This wagecucking bullshit is getting to me t b h

Congrats on waking up honestly.

Can you tell me how you managed to get a finance job with a chemistry degree?


teach me your ways, user. A good introductory book about finances?

Apparently the financial world likes STEM degrees. A family friend said his wife would vouch for me, but last second said to leave her out of the application. So I applied, they brought me in, I said I wanted to learn exactly what they were going to teach (navigating through securities accounts, including taking certification exams to deal in securities), and I got the job.

I think they think I'm smart.

bretty accurate

I made what the average wagie will make in 60 by trading shitcoins.

retired, making around ~60k/year off some sites i built back then

>work seasonal positions in vegas
>start new position last week
>company is absolute shit
>seasonal staff is full retard
>quit without notice
jobs are plentiful here, not even worried.

Yeah, Accounting drove me crazy at Uni, but was okay at TAFE (like community college). I switched to Management, ran my own business as a tutor. When we were at TAFE, we visited an Accounting firm. The young guys looked sick - they were so overworked. The guy that gave a presentation looked so bad that I thought he was going to die on the spot. I'd already worked for a law firm in the past so I realised how much the partners exploited the younger workers. The happier Accounting grads I've known usually worked for a medium to large business, but never firms.

>I'm 22 now and not sure if going back to school is a good option especially since most of my friends have started their careers already so I'd feel like a loser still being in school.
I'm 30 and just and going to graduate with my accounting degree next fall. If you think you are going to be successful and young, you have plenty of time to go back to school user. After 25 though, you'll stop caring about the rat race and chill out. I know I missed my opportunity to be young and in a career. Honestly, I have a lot less stress now knowing that i've already missed my prime. Don't be such a sperg, and relax.

I go to school full time. About 10 hours a day so I can finish quickly and get to the real work. And away from these absolute tards chasing art, communications, sports science, gender studies bullshit degrees.