This fuckin guy. LOL
This fuckin guy. LOL
Bless the schizophrenics
lol, wasnt he saying yesterday a major crash was coming? fucking hacks
Wasn't Bitcoin supposed to die after a "wallstreet bulltrap" or something? Now it's going over 30k and alts will moon even hard?
86% of alts will die in a fire
its a wallstreet bulltrap to 30k definitely do not buy
This guy is a fucking hack, if you listen to him you deserve to go broke
Literally two days ago he was claiming BTC would crash and now he’s on the “BTC bullrun imminent!” bullshit
To any anons thinking of following his (OR ANYONES ADVICE): don’t. Crypto isn’t stocks, TA isn’t applicable to 99% of these market movements. No one has a clue what the fuck is going to happen outside of whales who control this market and can sway it in both directions whenever they please.
This entire market is luck, don’t ever forget that.
If this fuck is even remotely close, I'll eat my own dick on national television.
How does that work? If whales manipulate it, why would they keep it down? Why wouldn't they just pump it l, cash out and dump it?
Did you see his site? It looks like a 2009 WordPress blog lol
Didn't this guy also call a big crash and instead we pumped back to 10k+?
There are a myriad of reasons why I won’t go in to because it is pure speculation given that I am not a whale nor do I know any. The only logical theories I have are
1) repeated pump and dumps in short spans are not good for market health and create very noticeable patterns which could be analyzed and acted upon by everyone outside of these groups making it far riskier
2) Not all whales are interested in money. I can see large groups of people holding massive amounts of bitcoin not giving two fucks about having millions upon millions of dollars they could cash to FIAT. To some people it’s about power, knowing they have such an incredible control over a market which can bankrupt millions of people is potentially far more intoxicating than the money itself
Like I said, no one knows what this market is going to do - me included. Draw your own conclusions.
whales make money no matter what.
but beyond the whales, there are people who aren't worried about the money they make or lose, as long as they have a controlling interest. control.
user gets it.
think about what you can do with a large amount of controlling interest in crypto. this is the next fucking internet. see an alt doing/disrupting something and it goes against your agenda? they'll burn it down. fuck that alt.
more and more schizophrenics with delusion of grandeur, like that z oracle faggot, they will 'bend the facts' to retrofit their vague predictions to what actually happens, most of the time they give a bull and a bear scenario, yet are still wrong. If they're so smart why won't they put a livestream on youtube with their open positions? why won't they show the their Lambos? every day there seems to be more of them and they're more annoying than link shillers.
To add to what I said here, crypto is still phenomenally young. Every time someone claims you are not an “early adopter” is full of shit. A very SMALL percentage of normies tried to buy in during the mania phase in December does not mean we are anywhere close to adoption. Everyone participating daily in crypto is too close to understand how far away we are from mass adoption, a 20 trillion dollar market cap, or anything resembling a polished, worldwide ready project. This is literally the beginning.
Please ask yourself how many people you know in your life who can troubleshoot the most basic of IT problems, stating with something as simple as restarting a router. Now imagine these people trying to buy crypto, transfer it between exchanges, understand the difference between a public and private key, know what a white paper is, or understand even the most basic of the tech behind these projects.
Patience is key. You won’t be rich tomorrow - you may not even be rich come December 2018. You will be rich if you are persistent, never stop learning or being skeptical, follow the market, understand the tech, DYOR, and continue to invest. Don’t worry about losing money today.
Once again, for those reading this and feeling validated - don’t listen to me. I know as much as your grandmother does about where crypto is heading, this is just my theory.
You guys didn't read his entire forecast.
>bitcoin will go up to 11.2 ~ 11.5k in the next 24 hours
>then flash crash to sub 8k
>will then trade sideways in the 8k range during the first week of march
>after that biggest bull run in history
Let's see how it pans out. This guy predicted the jan 17th and feb 06th crashes days in advance with remarkable accuracy, just check his tweets since early january.
put me in the screencap
you sound like a nice lady, a real sweetheart. do you have skype? we could talk about blockchains and stuff.
the absolute madman said WHAT?
This guy deleted his tweets in December/January and stole his calls from Gold2020.
Dude's garbage. Makes bs predictions and deletes the wrong ones.
The beauty of Twitter
John ?
Why would whales cash out before institutional money comes in?
The point is to accumulate as much BTC or equivalent. By dumping, whales force people to sell cheap and expand their stack
BTC $1,000,000 by 2019
normies got a taste of crypto and got royally screwed over. No one but gamblers are going to touch it from now on. You're right, you dont know shit