I'll be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas alone this year.
Any tips for festive meals and activities for one?
I'll be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas alone this year.
Any tips for festive meals and activities for one?
A whole bottle of fireball
Here's an activity for you, try killing yourself.
Not a terrible idea
Not this year
No one cares about you son sob story faggot
I spent Christmas alone last year because I had to work through the holidays so I couldn't travel to the family, so I just made a roast chicken, a couple of sides and desert for myself.
You get leftovers for a couple of days and actually having a nice meal even if you don't get to see friends or family can be pretty rewarding.
That and a nice bottle of whiskey will keep you occupied for the day/night.
go back to
OP didn't post a sob story at all edgelord.
I've been alone for the holidays since I moved out.
I usually bake a pot pie and get stoned
I spent the last Christmas alone, it was totally fine. I bought a 120 euros Laurent Perrier Champagne bottle and another of absolut vodka + a big bag of weed, I drank both of them while eating foie gras on toasts and smoking weed, I was supposed to cook something for myself but I was way too wasted, so I ordered a giant menu from my favorite Chinese restaurant and ate while watching funny movies, I was way too drunk to realize that I was alone, it was good, would do it again!
I was so wasted this day that my usual delivery guy laughed when he saw me, I answered by saying something inaudible and gave him a 20 euros tip.
Homemade pot pie is incredible. The higher grade frozen ones aren't bad at all.
I like your style. There's an excellent Chinese restaurant near my house that serves dim sum on Christmas morning and afternoon. I might do that then go blow a bunch of money on fancy scotch at the gay bar.
9/11 thread
peppermint schnapps mixed with eggnog over ice.
Fleshlight and eggnog.
Psychedelic mushrooms and a whole season of Cheers.
The last Thanksgiving I spent alone I sat in my barracks and ate two Hungry Man Turkey Dinners and then binged on anime and video games.
It was the best Thanksgiving I've had in years.
>Homemade pot pie is incredible
This OP. Have fun making a pie crust and about 4 individual crocks. Freeze the leftover ones for yourself to enjoy through the winter. You'll have fond memories of the evening you had alone making that creation for yourself.
Homemade bread, something you can do over the hours. Knead and rest, some lovely herb butter to finish.
My favorite pie is mystery pecan pie (half cheesecake). It can be made beforehand, because it's best sliced and enjoyed while frozen (don't get hard).
A trifle is boozy and lasts for days. Try your hand at making the layers, the day before, custard, cream sherry, fresh winter strawberries and cherries, gelatin, lots of whipped cream. Spoon that sucker out into individual dishes, or a big trifle bowl.
It's just you, so you can afford the single portion of the most delicious prime beef you enjoy most, from making a stuffed roast, a personal wellington, or lovely seared tomahawk ribeye (buy a whole tenderloin for cheap at costco and butcher it up). Also a good day to smoke something lovingly for hours...a brisket or something adventurous.
If you are looking for some people, anyone just anyone, consider lots of folks help out at soup kitchens all morning and midday and then go home to their own dinners or dine together. Also, certain restaurants/bars are open. I mean hospitals are open, surely Golden Corral. Might find some other alone people to dine with at the bar, in a more upscale hotel or other gourmet way.
You could treat it like any other day, you know. Make great lasagna, and enjoy some wine and a movie and get up early for the black friday deals. Buy the on sale fresh turkey though, rub with lemon and pepper, roast it on Sunday, for delicious sandwiches all week. Freeze the sale hams for soup, or throw into a pot with beans.
Cheetos and Mountain Dew. Play video games
Come over to Veeky Forums /vr/ and /v/
Last Christmas I spent mostly alone eating delicious food and reading the Tibetan book of the dead
Well the biggest advantage of eating alone at a holiday is you have complete control over the menu so you can do whatever you want. You don't have to waste time on making side dishes you hate because you great aunt whateverthefuck will bitch all night if you don't have green bean casserole. Personally I'd splurge and get a heritage breed. The main downside to them is that they are smaller (and much more expensive) then a normal turkey but if you are the only person size isn't a problem.
Someone post sad single meals please. I need it.
Are you talking about this one?
Get something comfy that YOU like. Kick back and let the holiday rush go by. It bummed me out at first but it's seriously easier than going to some holiday party.
Maybe porkchops with a good apple/cranberry stuffing. Green beans with mushrooms and brussel sprouts? You can make smaller servings since youll be alone. Or make some to last all week?
Every year.