Do Americans actually do this?
Do Americans actually do this?
Pb and banana master race on good bread. This shit is like drugs.
>crunchy peanut butter
I'm Australian and I do this
Except we call it jam because that's what it fucking is. You can't jelly that shit in your mouth, you jam it in there.
you jelly?
>He doesn't want his food to have varied textures.
This was terrible, but I love it.
Pb&j is objectively the best working class food
Best with raspberry jelly and smooth pb
i'm euro and i've done it
it's tasty
Yes. So do non-Americans.
Peanut butter and jam are a match made in heaven. I prefer crunchy pb and either strawberry or raspberry to go along with it.
too much jam. and i prefer preserves
Preserve this
*unzips dick*
Why is there an influx of posts like these on Veeky Forums. It seems like I can't enter any thread without seeing someone making a shitty joke about someone elses mom.
Did a 14 year old kid just discover Veeky Forums
They come from /tv/
I do too
Someone has been posting loads of Jack vids on /tv/ and got us to go here
Jack is a fucking retard
You mean Ramsey not jack
I've heard of unzipping your pants, but unzipping a dick.... Were you in a horrible accident or something?
Euro here, fucking love that shit.
I should get some peanut butter, been ages.
Just turn 360 degrees and walk straight out of this thread
Just turn your unzipped dick around 720 degrees and be exactly like you were, but with a dizzy dick.
I think it's an anglo thing, not just an American thing.