A blue steak is the best kind of steak.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
A blue steak is the best kind of steak.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
You're right, I cannot prove something that is ultimately subjective.
it's not subjective, it's objective.
Blue rare steaks are better, taste better and are healthier.
i prefer it medium because its warm
Some people prefer the taste of rare. Some the taste of medium. It's subjective.
Yes, I'm aware taking your shitty bait, ijdgaf
you guys are killing everything healthy in that steak
There's a reason animals prefer raw meat to cooked meat, it's because it's healthier for them
so stop ruining your health
Animals don't prefer raw meat. They just can't fucking cook meat in the wild you dumb fuck.
Fuck off well done is the only way you should eat a steak if I wanted to drink blood I'd become a vampire.
take a random animal and put in front of him raw meat and cooked meat.
He'll eat the raw meat first
good luck eating that shoe :^)
Plenty of animals refuse to eat cooked meat.
>too dumb to know what subjective and objective means
Looks like your brain already got eaten by worms, rawfag.
Rare with lots of salt.
citation needed
do you actually believe this?
that just because it might be better for some animals (which you dont know either) it must be better for humans
Blue rare:
>Not enough time for a proper sear
>Juices haven't been released
>Fat marbling still solid
>Cold and gummy inside
If you want a juicy and flavourful steak, blue rare is objectively terrible.
If you want the clean flavour of raw beef, you should have chopped the meat and made tartare.
because its used to the raw meat
For me it's more of a texture preference. I prefer the texture of med rare over blue rare. Pic related
that's rare, not medium rare
Really? I guess I actually like rare
Are you fucking retarded?
I like my steak medium. Do you guys hate me?
How dare you speak on my behalf? I'm the user that posted that steak. And while i agree that it may be on the rarer side of medium rare, it's far from blue rare
no offense, but you like a pompous cunt.
Veeky Forums is an open discussion. I wasn't speaking on your behalf you autistic sjw beta cuck
Get off my board
You can sous vide your Steak first and fry it blue rare.
Than it is perfect outside and inside.
You have to be over 18 to post here
Objective depending on the cut and type of beef
Show me a person who would ever order a kobe ribeye, and I'll show you somebody who deserves to be shot.
Same with London broil
That steak is rare as fuck, retard.
But not blue rare. Blue rare sucks
aint nobody got time for that tho
That's a nice looking 'tato
Only when your mom gets off my dick.