ITT: we post desserts. pic related: it's full of sugar, so it's a dessert.
ITT: we post desserts. pic related: it's full of sugar, so it's a dessert
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this is a shit thread
>he doesn't like to sit down at lunch and eat a nice, sugary apple dessert
Kindly kill yourself sir.
Honestly, it's a pretty damn good perspective. The difference between a lot of "shit" desserts and fruits is that fruits generally have nutrients other than just sugars in them. They still generally have a fuckton of sugars and are something you should regulate your intake of.
Wow, salty. Good thing I can't taste all this salt over my breakfast dessert.
There's a lot less sugar in a banana than say, cheesecake. I also read that because of how sugar is stored in the fiber and starch, it doesn't spike your blood sugar like other sweets. That could be broscience though.
I know fruit is technically a dessert but I just can't accept dessert having nutritional value as a concept . I would eat a serving of fruit along side my veggies in the main course.
I've always regarded and eaten cereal as dessert, never on it's own.
>There's a lot less sugar in a banana than say, cheesecake.
Only about 6g worth of difference.
>I also read that because of how sugar is stored in the fiber and starch, it doesn't spike your blood sugar like other sweets. That could be broscience though.
Mostly broscience. To your body, sugar is sugar:
>While the body treats the sugar in fruit the same way it treats table sugar, there are significant differences in the nutritional composition of both foods as a whole. Table sugar is a source of empty calories, while fruit provides a variety of health-promoting nutrients including fiber, vitamins A and C and potassium. One teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories, 4 grams of carbohydrates and no fiber, vitamins or minerals. By comparison, one medium orange contains 80 calories, 19 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber, 250 milligrams of potassium and 130 percent of the daily value for vitamin C.
I grew up with having fruit for dessert. These included:
an orange, berries, watermelon, cantaloupe, or, in the summer, frozen grapes
I also had vanilla yogurt with grape nuts for dessert often.
It's also a luxury. It's not about bare bones surviving, you don't need (gastronomical) fruits for healthy living in general, so it's a luxury.
>Honestly, it's a pretty damn good perspective.
no it isn't
There is not a single food stuff in the world that you won't survive without
....still need to eat though
>It's not about bare bones surviving
Neither is anything else in your life.
>he thinks being full of sugar is the criterion of being a dessert
>he thinks a fucking apple is a dessert
Pic related; it's a dessert.
Yes it is. There are very few nutrients that you can get from fruits that you can't get elsewhere without all that sugar.
I'm not saying that sugar is bad btw, but its intake does need to be controlled whether it's coming from scarfing down a quart of blueberries or a snickers bar.
>moldy cheese
Na, that's a form a peasantry.
>I'm not saying that sugar is bad btw
I am. Sugar is literally poison and is directly responsible for the declining health of the western world.
food nazi detected
t. fat paleo memeshitter
as much as I agree with this guy, I need apple slices with my cheese if i'm having it as a dessert
If you're eating whole fruit you will be almost perfectly fine.
>very few
Very few in what you'd see on a food label, but they contain many phytonutrients and flavonoids that are incredibly beneficial for health
My favorite desert
>If you're eating whole fruit you will be almost perfectly fine.
No, you won't. Sugar is sugar. There's no metabolical difference between the various sources. The only differences are in the amounts.
You really, really need to back off from the idea that stuff like fruits are fine while candy isn't when it's just a sugar delivery method in a different form. That you're getting vitamin C with your tablespoon of sugar doesn't make the tablespoon of sugar any less of a tablespoon of sugar.
*may be
Sliced fruit as an accompaniment to a cheese plate is a dessert. A whole apple like in the OP pic is not.
There are about 20g of sugar in an apple. That's 5 tsp of sugar. Half a cup of icecream has about 15g of sugar in it.
Apples can fuck right the hell off I'd rather ice cream for dessert.
>There are about 20g of sugar in an apple
fruit doesn't cause a hypoglycemic dip though. in moderation it is fine.
While I agree sugar is sugar, it is better to eat fruit instead of sugar sweetened foods. The difference being that the sugar in fruit is slowly released due to the fibre, so it won't raise your blood sugar levels rapidly. Where as the refined sugar in something like a cake or icecream will raise your blood sugar levels instantly, and if this happens often it will lead to diabetes. Everything moderation really.
>The difference being that the sugar in fruit is slowly released due to the fibre, so it won't raise your blood sugar levels rapidly.
This is 100% false. The reason your blood sugar doesn't spike immediately after eating fruit is because the majority of the sugar contained within is fructose, which must be processed in the liver before it can be enter the blood stream. Fiber has nothing to do with it at all, we just mention all the god damn time because fiber is good for you therefore the shiny red ball of sugar must also be good for you.
Fructose is arguably the worst kind of sugar to consume too, and is directly responsible for spiking cortisol and being processed into abdominal fat by aforementioned liver. Infact the effect on your liver is actually very similar to what alcohol does to it, which makes sense what with sugar being a poison and all.
Exactly. That's why I scoop myself a nice, cold bowl of ice cream to wake up every morning.