What is really good for you and what is food meme?

What is really good for you and what is food meme?

Those are all examples of so-called "superfoods". To me the very idea is bullshit. But I understand why the concept is popular in America at the moment. People like simple answers to complex questions. People like the idea of eating healthy, but they still eat mostly garbage. So they like the idea of identifying some some foods as super healthy, so they can add them to their otherwise shitty diets and feel like they're doing something good for themselves. It's the whole magic bullet idea" if I have a kale and chia seed smoothie for breakfast I can go to the Cheesecake Factory tonight.

all good for you.

all but blueberries and black beans are memes. those have been common for a very long time.

As a Slav, very curious why buckwheat has suddenly become superfood/meme tier. Hipsters have not really appropriated Eastern European food nearly as much as others (would like to see it, though).

This is the first time I've seen black beans described as a "superfood". They're literally just fucking beans. Yeah they're high in protein and fiber, BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING BEANS THAT'S WHAT THEY FUCKING DO.

I've seen a bunch of vegans/orthorexic retards use them as their go-to for baking, for whatever reason.

Vegans aren't even the first people to try to use beans in deserts the Asians have been doing this shit for centuries.

because white flour is shit and carb alternatives are always going to be popular.

Are you implying that neither kale nor buckwheat were common where you are before the big, bad hipsters got a hold of them?
What sort of middle-of-nowhere one-horse town do you live in?

Romaniabro here, loving that millet is sold at $20/lb at whole foods when it was not just govt feed but a sign of abject poverty.

I am enjoying the ten brands of expensive kefir and farmer's cheese.

>some of it is quite good actually

Google what food has and does to you before buying

There, you now know whether anything is good for you or a scam

jesus fuck learn how to think you have the internet

The only cunts who are desperate enough for buckwheat are scots & slavs

I live in WVa and buckwheat has always been a thing here in classic "hillbilly" food. Shit there's a whole festival for it once a year.

Buckwheat pancakes are awesome, by the way.

Anti-oxidants because black color, plus insulin regulation meme.

That doesn't answer the question.

Your mom didn't answer the question last night if you know what I mean.

If she'd had, she'd have been awfully chatty for a corpse.

of course kale, buckwheat and flax were common and used in many dishes, but no one ever thought about them in any special way, and they were nowhere near as used commonly used as black beans and blueberries.

they only became memes recently when buzz and demand for them skyrocketed.

goji berries, quinoa, cacao and chia seeds are hardcore memes

>used anywhere near as much as buckwheat or kale
Give me three traditional food uses for flax and I can give you thirty each for kale and buckwheat. Flax was a niche food that became common after some white bitch went to India and ham some on her rice.
>is wery wery hell tee!
Yes, Pajit. It's very healthy. Once you get past the fact that it tastes of the scent of freshly laid linoleum. That's because linoleum is literally ground up flax that's allowed to resolidify. You're eating floor tiling.

Quinoa is good if you can't have gluten, also if you hate yourself. Black beans make you toot. Kale tastes good if you put some olive oil, a little salt, garlic powder, and bake it. Also iron rich and rich in other nutients. Chia seeds make you poop. A lot. But can also dehydrate you if you don't drink enough water with it. Cacao is good for your soul. Blueberries are an antioxidant.

Goji berries:
Basically himalayan rose hip. Slightly less nutritious and good for you than regular rose hip. about fourteen times the price of regular rose hip. still good for you though. plus, who can withstand the romanticism of tibetan munks and communist china?

Pretty good but, again, you don't need to eat quinoa to get similar nutritional value from one food. buy local stuff with similar nutritional value instead.

Actually pretty cool. Sounds like a scam. Has high caloric value, pretty nutritious and is cheap, well starts getting more expensive now, but we'll see for now.


Black beans:
good. but not amazing.

Very good to add to your diet, but it's not gonna stop the grim reaper from eventually catch up to you like some people would make you believe the way they rave about em.

NO idea. don't have the energy or time atm to educate myself. made a note to do so tomorrow.

If people try to pawn off "raw cacao" and tell you that it is a super food and that "ZOMG it is soooo good for you". kick em in the shins, take the cacao, make brownies and eat them. then prank call them for 28 odd years or so. They are fucking high on their own hippie noodles that they don't even care at this point. so kick em and kick em hard. In their shins.

Blueberries. there are different kinds of blueberries with slightly different nutritional values and don't fucking go buy those amazonian blueberries (Goji) instead for 9 times the price of regular blueberries. they are equals but regular once don't mess up indeginous peeps's lives and dont have to be transported round the world for you to be all romantically involved with the rainforest and blowdart pipes. If you want that, just shove a bone pipe through your nose, chin and lower lip, run into oncoming traffic without looking first.

Really good food for you is a variety of fruits, vegetables and cereals, supplemented sparingly with animal products.

Quinoa is meme food because amaranth is almost the same thing at half the price. Only real difference is the seeds are smaller.

Buckwheat is delicious, I hope it doesn't become expensive meme food.

>high caloric value
49kcal/100g. And you don't want to eat 100g of this shit unless you really hate yourself.

I guess it depends on how it's prepared.

Thats why you use it in smoothies for example.
Or like any good germanic person. you cook it with potatoes and smoked sausage.

I can second this, I used up a large amount of leftover kale once by frying it with onions and eggs to make this delicious low carb thing where the runny egg yolks would mix into the vegetables and it tasted awesome because I like kale

six hours later I was shitting uncontrollably like a garden hose and it hurt extremely to do so but my body wouldn't let me stop

tldr don't eat like four cups of kale

It's a tactic used by the industry to sell under appreciated yeild.

Need to sell more kiwi cause we have too much access to them and no one is buying them ?