Who has the best traditional cuisine?
The only ones I can think of worthy of that title are China , Mexico , Thailand and Vietmam
Who has the best traditional cuisine?
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so glad I don't have your shit taste
Great Britain
What is traditional Vietnamese food? The only kinds I can think of are all French influenced.
What the fuck is Colorado's food supposed to be?
Which region of China? Some provinces are complete shit.
South Indian is really unique
especially since it includes virtually the only traditional and categorically vegetarian cuisines
Not OP but I just returned from China a few weeks ago, and the food in Hunan is GOAT pretty much everywhere. I have no idea what anything is called, but a few highlights include:
1. Incredible beef dish with a ton of hot peppers
2. A spicy bullfrog dish (or so I was told)
3. Anything with duck
Outside of Hunan, the duck game was still strong. Had an amazing multi-course Peking duck meal in Beijing before flying back home. I ate duck prepared in more ways in the span of one meal than in my entire life.
I really dig Japanese food. A different regional specialty by the country mile. Good shit.
Yeah, friend of mine was in Guangdong for nearly 2 years and he said that some of the best food he had ever eaten was there. Lots of very fresh, delicious and simple food. It didn't hurt matters that his uncle owns restaurant.
Man, he actually wanted me to come to China with him and help him run the restaurant! I almost did, but the whole thing fell through due to family drama for him. Oh well.
>inb4 weeb
>inb4 it's a meme
Try and argue it's not the best fucking meme you have ever tasted
France without a doubt.
Fuck it I'm hijacking this thread
>Leaving Dior for Calvin Klein
is dat sum coq au vin? It's amazing, but I prefer muh boeuf bourguignon.
>1900 years isn't long enough to be traditional and categorically vegetarian food
Coptic and Abyssinian fast cuisines would like a word with you.
Gotta say Italian desu
France is basically to blame for everything good in "Western" cooking. It's so pervasive that you don't even realize the things you're eating and doing are French food prepared with French techniques.
You just call them "normal".
Even the US when it comes to real barbecue.
Depends on what you mean by traditional.
Most people were eating bread or rice if anything and that's it. Everything we think of today as French and Chinese food were eaten by the upper classes desu senpai
Lobster used to be peasant-tier food though.
It still is peasant-tier food actually, peasants are just retards and pay $20/lb because they've been tricked into thinking it tastes good.
You realise it as soon as you note the amount of French names for techniques and basic ingredients
Also all traditional European cuisines were pretty shitty before the columbian exchange
China, India are given, then you need some Mediterranean cuisine, probably Italy. Add stuff like Turkey and Japan for variation if you want.
US is the best at barbeque.
And barbeque is pretty fuckin' great.
Lol what? Get the fuck out of here Kebab, Turkey is bottom tier right next to Greek. You're better off hitting up some Slavic country for variation considering all the curry and soy sauce in your list.
no its not, is just salty shit you disgusting buerger
It is the best. Nothing else even comes close.
>confirmed for never actually having eaten American bbq
Protip: call it too sweet next time (which only applies to a couple of varieties, but at least it does apply to American bbq). If you want to sound like you really know what you're talking about, bitch about vinegary.
ITT: weebs
Sweet meat is heresy
All Ottoman cuisine is pretty much the same even the balkan ones desu
Peruvian of course
>Greek food is bottom-tier
I've bet you've never even been to Greece.
I love lobster, but people used to feed it to slaves and mashed up as animal feed because they thought that lobsters were giant insects. They're not too far off, but still, kek me a river.
The United Kingdom of course.
>Balkan cuisine is Ottoman cuisine.
You've got it the wrong way round. There is Balkan cuisine, there is Greek cuisine, there is Arab cuisine, Persian cuisine, Kurdish cuisine and Armenian cuisine. Then historically there is Byzantine cuisine. Ottoman cuisine is an amalgamation of the aforementioned + some Turkic dishes from the steppe.
fuck off you disgusting flyover
Chinese food you say?
>traditional cuisine
agreed but Veeky Forums despises italian food as "pleb tier" and ">wala" so you and I will be the minority
For some reason I didn't see the thread as talking about traditional cuisines, just about good cuisines.
But real barbecue is amazing. A lot of people, particularly Europeans, don't seem to know what it is.
Kek you have no idea what you're talking about.
>i don't like so it's flyover meme
Fuck off, Eurocuck.
Its still notenough to be considered a top traditional cuisine
>But real barbecue is amazing. A lot of people, particularly Europeans, don't seem to know what it is.
Caribbean equivalent of a hangi?
>France is basically to blame for everything good in "Western" cooking
if you have a very short view of history, maybe.
>scarcity/status signalling is the same thing as quality
lobster is delicious and if you don't agree you don't know to use it. you all sound like mouthy cunt cab drivers when you start talking about 'sea bugs' and 'prison food' and shit
Indian cuisine is by a huge margin objectively better than all of these. There is more variation among the traditional dishes of just South India than all of those you specify. And they taste better.
The region the fortune cookies come from.
Plain out wrong. They might have more dishes but the variation is not there.
Potatoes? I think? That's cool though. I like potatoes.
This is always I difficult question for me, I love so many cuisines.
All great. I traditionally pick Italian as my favorite. My appreciation for Brazilian and Greek has grown lately though. Then again, everything I've tried from Japanese cuisine has been delicious. Tough to choose. I think I'll go with Japanese this time.
The best traditional? It depends on what you consider traditional. I would say Korea, but all their best food is relatively recent, even if it's still uniquely Korean.
What's Peruvian cuisine like?
I did some reading up on popular restaurants and a lot of really highly rated and high end restaurants are popping up in Peru.
Poor mans Baja cuisine
Oh I can assure you that it is.
street food is not better than any of those.
does not have a great raw seafood culture like Mexico, Peru or Japan
german cuisine.
they found an infinite number of possibilities to prepare potatos.
who is this semen demon