How deep is your brain biz?
DBC (Deep Brain Chain) - General
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14k I want a million
only 7k but at this price id love a lot more.
Anyways, are you ready for march?
that tweet stopped me from selling my entire stack after some veyr persuasive FUD these last few weeks
DBC Marines are immunized against all dangers: one may call them scoundrels, pajeets, swindlers, chinkcoins, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But spread out FUD and you will be astonished at how quickly they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: “we've been looed out.”
under 70k brains here, hope its enough for masternode.
Fucking chinese festivities right? I have been buying some DBC through this phase, I hope I did the right thing.
I wanna hold at least until Q3 when the mining will be released, but it will be good for my health some pumps before that. More news from the team will bring more confidence to investors.
Crypto lark did a review
some guy who said he worked in AI reckoned that you cant create a neural network using GPUs in the way that DBC claims they will.
personally, i know he's wrong, but i know why he thinks it, and there's alsways that nagging doubt that he might be right (he's not, but still)
positive thoughts and all that...
I'm no expert in AI, but the DeepBrain (not DBC wich is a branch of it) is a solid company with real products in the field. I trust in their hard work.
>after some veyr persuasive FUD these last few weeks
I've seen some attempted fud, mostly about the product they're aiming for not being necessary, but nothing with any substance
dbc will be a performer, and a normie favorite
I'm interested in a lot of coins out there but this one is pure fucking gold
i'm the same - the concept could have so much use that it's worth a punt
plus AI, is developing at such a rate that even their initial goal isn't realizable, they'll be able to pivot to something else and make the project a success.
ven is down otherwise i will sell some ven for dbc
hey i was the one shilling DBC the last two weeks... i have 546K of these fuckers. I couldn't sell them because i'm not able to send them from my NEO Neon wallet back to you fucks tell me that this is actually a good project with some potential or some more BS?
Lucky fucker
Update to the latest version dumbass
No it's garbage, just sell and invest in something that will get you money faster
I sold when someone faked a link that said DBC exit scammed. After I sold, I clicked the link and it directed me to an article that was talking about ICX updates.
I bought back and made 2 DBC off of that trade. That was the only time I've ever sold higher than I had originally bought. I'm a crypto guru.
i bought at .65.
fuck you BIZ
You should start a blog, teach me your secrets senpai.
Damn, I still believe it will recover but .65? FOMO is a hell of a drug.
Y-you too
Top 300 wallet DBC holder here.
Comfy hold for masternodes. Will use my DBC to help me become immortal when I port my brain to the cloud so my descendants will be worshiping my robot dick as they live off my masternode stakes.