What fuck is going on ?
What fuck is going on ?
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My dick is so hard, thanks based chinaman
You should have bought.
Is the airdrop happening soon?
Its going up. Hope your strapped in cause we lighting profit rocket.
Too late to Fomo in?
Never to late for FOMO. Neo was at 200 a couple of months ago. 1000 eoy.
Never FOMO into anything
NEO is going to $1000 this year and people are just starting to realize.
>Neo was at 200 a couple of months ago
Never once been to 200.
Hi Nao, wealthy China man
Well you see, biz thinks it's great that a company backed by a bank (Goldman's) bought a shit exchange and chinks are even more fomo-tard than pajeets so they just woke up and are now buying gookcoin.
I find it interesting that crypto was supposed to save us from banks, but anytime a bank name gets thrown into the mix (like with Ripple or Stellar) every sub-average iq with a few shekels to rub together throws all they have at it hoping someone dumber than them buys on that news. The reality is that it's bad for crypto. Banks want as much information as they can get about you and your transactions and now that they are in the exchange business they will get back a lot of the control they were losing. If I had to use an American exchange I would not want it tied to the banking industry.
Neo $100 eoy still on
>upset he didn't buy in time
Gains are gains.
Would it be a good idea to swing trade each day when the chinks wake up?
Go to a dictionary, read compromise, then come back.
you're right, but c'mon user, seriously
but you know that really means sell though
Thank you for spoiling my gains
EOY 1000
People buying for March 1st ONT airdrop, price will dump after snapshot is taken
Stop you'll ruin it
the price is going up cause some asshole keeps spamming this nigress.
sauce though?
I mean, for science
This. Unless you enjoy losses.
if I didn't fomo into raiblocks after it already did x15 I wouldn't have x10'ed my money
Will the airdrop happen in a few hours?
Neo is the only coin I've daytraded since December dickbeater.
Last month the trend was around 7am EST for shit to go up and now it happens around gook time. It seems to depend on the day really, but people seem to make trading decisions before they go to bed or before they go to work because a lot of jobs frown on daytrading at work. Something to consider.
NEWS ALERT: Astronauts at the ISS have noticed a strange green skinned man flying from the Earth's atmosphere at high speeds.
>he thinks people care this much about .2 ONT when people who subscribed to the newsletter were getting 1k ONT.
So you think people will pay $650,000 for the equivalent of what people were getting for free last month?
>the absolute state
>will occur at block height 1,974,823 on the NEO blockchain. This block is estimated to occur at 2018/03/01 1:00 PM (UTC)
But its already at 1967733
someone post a brainlet for this brainlet
Coin will probably dump after it hits, I think NEO isn't a shit coin though. It has potential, but if you are FOMOing in, just realize the airdrop is priced in. That is why the price is rising.
My advice to those who wish to hold long term, wait until after the airdrop, after a few days to a week the price will go down vs ETH/BTC/USD and you can buy in.
Brain let
do you hang out on any telegram or irc channels? Finding non retards in crypto is harder and harder these days.
Yeah, nothing wrong with Neo as a coin, just know if you are fomoing in now you are making a mistake as price will dump after airdrop.
The ONT airdrop is probably worth $0.05 for every NEO. The fucking NEX ICO got announced. People are stocking up for April. Please Veeky Forums I love you but you cannot be this deluded
Ni Hao wealthy China man.