Anyone else prefer skim milk? Fatty alternatives taste too greasy to me.
Anyone else prefer skim milk? Fatty alternatives taste too greasy to me
I prefer skim milk too but I think almond milk taste better
I only use milk in cooking I cant drink the stuff
eh I drink skim milk I like it but whole milk is better.
Milk with fat leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I hated soy as a kid but now I like it at least as much as cow milk. Skim milk tastes sweeter without the fat.
skim milk should not be allowed to be called milk, it's just white water.
also best milk is oldschool unhomogenized milk (full fat of course).
Skim milk tastes sweeter cause they add a shitload of lactose to it to make it not taste like water. Whole milk is more flavorful and they don't add extra lactose (usually) so I like it more because I'm mildly lactose intolerant.
Idk I prefer to drink half & half honestly
you're a fucking degenerate. whole milk is the only milk. skim is milk-water
>Skim milk tastes sweeter cause they add a shitload of lactose to it to make it not taste like water.
No they don't add anything to it. It's not adding back the fat that is different, so by volume, more carbs. More cream, more fat is actually displacing room for more whey.
I find that my diet is a bit too carb-heavy otherwise, so I like my dairy with full fat.
I like almond a lot, I can't straight drink or have to much in various things due to how thick it is.
whole milk for cooking and making creme fraiche and drinking in small quantities.
So everything.
I like 2%.
I prefer the full experience milk has to offer. Skim milk is like dating a titless woman. You might as well be sucking off a bull.
Skim milk has one valid use, which is adding to British style blended black tea.
goat milk is goat
cow milk tastes like pus
i grew up with powdered skim milk. I can't stand skim milk. I get raw milk that's about 6%. Love it.
If I'm not drinking real milk the only substitute is lactaid.
Why did he pull your hair and steal your toys?
Get over it man. You only live once and family becomes more important as you get older. Whatever powdered skim milk did to you growing up is probably negligible; call me him and start a new connection with him, turn a new leaf, be the bigger man, all that.
Unless of course it was something serious, like sexual abuse. Did powdered skim milk touch you inappropriately?
This is sounded more and more like what really happen, especially given your risky life choices. Why risk you health by "doing raw milk" just so you can "get a rush" and "look cool". It's not worth it, my friend's cousin died from chronic raw milk use. He basically threw his life away and came from a good family too. They all bought ultra-filtered 2% from the store and he was hanging around the farm equipment store blowing farmers for gallons of raw milk. I was in charge of "bringing him back" once and he was in terrible shape - severe abdominal pain, smelled like rotten milk and feces, dried raw milk and cum on his face and shirt, his favorite milk glass covered in finger prints and old milk residue.
That glass was the very one he used when he was still an innocent kid. I always saw him with it - from a warm Christmas dinner then seeing him share it with other raw milk addicts, oblivious of the health risks you can get (herpes simplex, common cold, influenza, norovirus, etc.). That's how rock bottom he was.
Fuck it, I'm giving my older brother a call. We haven't talked in 6 years and if I can do it, you can too buddy. Good luck.
I use to love milk, not so much anymore. skim, whole whatever.
non-UHT whole > non-UHT skim >>> UHT whole > shit > UHT skim
High Calcium Lactose-free UHT skim with added Vitamin D >> UHT Lactose-free Full Cream >> all else
After consuming about a litre a day of the Hi-Cal stuff for so long the full cream stuff just seems way too decadent in my morning oats. The full cream works better with coffee though so I still get it now and then.
..and that's my blog for the day.
UHT tastes disgusting
have you tried superior lactose-free UHT or the other regular garbage?
Well, you made me chuckle.
Mostly I hated it was in the warmer months. Dinners on the porch, or a picnic lunch (outside the house). God, when it warmed up it was the worst.
Good luck with your brother, user.
i only like almond milk. skim is like water but semi-skim/whole is too creamy
This guy gets it
I prefer skim milk. Couldn't care less about the calories or whatever the fuck, I just prefer how thin it is and the higher percentage milk leave a weird taste in my mouth.
You must had some shit milk. A nice rich glass of Jersey raw from that mornings milking is GOAT.
Pictured is my grocery today. 2 Half gallons whole raw milk, half gallon of raw double-cream (hard as fuck to get), and a pound of fresh butter. All from pasture fed Jersey cows for $20.
skim milk taste like water.