Why the literal fuck do i have 18k of this shit

Why the literal fuck do i have 18k of this shit.
WHY WHY WHY. That rebrand ugh...

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So many threads bitching about this, it didn't even dump that hard

Vrrooooooom VrRrrrrrroooooooom mommmy

Ssssspeerrrmie mommmmy

"WOW selling the news in crypto, first time happening"

18k franklet

"The rumors that we spread about a partnership which resulted in it being priced in were true"

probably the worst project ever

The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Vechain does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Vechain is inherently less decentralized and less secure.

This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Vechain, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Walton is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Vechain for this reason, despite Vechain's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).

But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Vechain is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.

Because you're weak.

It's not too late to hop over to AMB.

I'll give you two reasons:

Nestle and $100mil market cap.

You're welcome.

You faggots don't even deserve VEN, all you do is bitch about it.

You're just bandwagoners who bought VEN cause biz shilled it.

Smart money has been accumulatung since it was below $1

even if this coin partnered with NASA, SpaceX, Vitalik, and Satoshi Nakamoto himself, it would still dumb

sell the news fuckheads defy logic

welcome to the bear market

I was 100% in VEN at this moment. Tell me one reason why shouldn't I sell it before June

I can't imagine a scenario where those man-children can become a respectable multinational company. Why would a mature company use something called "Thor"?

They have more news coming, i dont think theyd release it all on one day and 4 months before mainnet. Idk i feel better holding VEN during the bear than some low cap gamble.


go on binance, none of my latest buy orders have traded yet. still above price from a week ago.

> be dev at mature company
> spend millions a year on "amazon web services"
> how stupid would that sound in 1990

After the rebrand I thought I was going to throw up. Is this what crypto is? Really? Shitty CGI and cyber punk theme? Did the people in that room even look like they wanted to be there? Why was it only in English and not Chinese? The Chinese care not for their own coin? Why the gimmick hammer shit? Why try to cause the coin to drop intentionally and then fuck with us about one last thing? I am glad I got out at 5.70, I will never touch that chinkshit again no matter how much you faggots shill it. This is crypto, smoke, robots, and cheap cgi. SMoke and mirrors bro. Dont you see everyone is shilling their coin until they think they got once next piece of info. Now NANO tommorrow some more ETC maybe later this week NEO for for ONT and go in circles get nothing done life passes you buy watching lines touch your dick between buys and sells sniff sniff brap brap at least POL has an agenda. Crypto is a scam why cant i let go of my fake money? Fuck you SUnny Pu

Chinese care about VEN as much as they care about NEO.
I'm starthing to thing that these projects are endorsed by China government just to funnel money from westerner teenagers.

What about the DNV GL CEO at the event who said “We are not talking about pilot projects, we are talking about solutions that are working for real cases.”

That's good, isn't it?

Perfect summary of crypto

Why would you waste time writing something so stupid? Nobody gives a shit about your 10 ven stack. Also selling a news dump like a mongoloid.


Ven is a literal scam coin, If a company wanted to use blockchain to monitor their inventories they would just implement their own private chain. The Normies will be left holding the bag, much like Tron.


but also this

*starting to think

I heard they invested in another $500 nfc sticker printer!

I would sell everything. But that's me. I don't like anything about them. Especially the CCK shilling.

Whenever a succesful billion dollar coin gets fudded this hard, its a buy signal.

You don't even need a private chain. just use a standard database for internal tracking. It's all bullshit.

I would not even feel comfortable for Chinese company to be able to track all of my stuff. I'm not fuding, just saing my opinion.

Literally stfu with this copypasta FUD. They aren't just buying them off the market.
VeChain has a direct partnership with Innolux, the worlds top RFID innovator. Theres a clear 2way relationships, meaning they're helping each other innovate. Vechain helps Innolux make the tags specifically tailored for them, and as a result Innolux now has a new technology they can implement for other companies. Innolux happens to work with Coca-Cola, Samsung,, Apple, ect and will probably push their new tech on them too.


A public blockchain has zero real world use for VEN. Enjoy your bags faggot.

Innolux sounds like the better investment.

Why? Are you the same guy who still thinks the world should run on archaic insecure and non trustless databases fromn the other thread? Or you just think the blockchain should be private?
It's a [b]product[/b non bold] made for companies/distributors/consumers, so data should be public.

Because it allows for one universal data base so bunch of businesses can operate under one database thats transparent, immutable and highly secure. Database silos are insecure, they aren't universal so they all have different data procedures which isn't as convenient as having one universal one on a safe public blockchain

I'm talking about internal tracking. If a company is looking to just track internally there is no need for blockchain. If the data is shared or multiple partners are using the same resource then a public blockchain is great. I don't understand the need for a private blockchain.

Out of all the coins i've held, Vechain gets the worst stupid non sensical fud.
I know most of them are trolls but its starting to encourages retards to actually spout the low effort fud.

Blows my mind how there are people in this space that don't understand the applications for blockchain tech. I see this kind of FUD for all the emerging projects who also happen to have great teams and existing products. Atleast read up on the benefits to decentralization, secure data, and trustless systems or have fun being left in the past.
Even if you're a brainlet you can ATLEAST admit that you don't know better than BMW, DNVGL, PwC, and Jim Breyer.

Are you forgetting the fact that people are going to be able to track product history just by using the vechain app. Running it on the blockchain is the best and the most transparent way to do it, so no company can tamper with the data without a public record/also rfid data that can't be changed.

Dude read the development plan please. Even if it was just "internal tracking" a distributed database is far more applicable to their goal than a relational database. I have no doubt that in 10 years distributed databases and distributed computing will take over, atleast in tech industries.

only reason i bought this was cuz of my boy JIM

I am beginning to suspect the DNV GL CEO is CCK. The way he was shilling on that stage was so natural.

Those Thor gains though.

>China cares about patents

I guess Jim Breyer is a idiot,he doesn't know anything about investing in technology.

Sunny will keep this marketing game up until it gets run into the ground. In the end he’ll be able to walk away with a bunch of money with no repercussions because crypto is unregulated and no one will be able to touch him.

>Walton's are less than 5.
Where can I buy their chips? You are talking about the price so there must be a place where I can buy them.

Sunny slept with the boss of BMW to get the job user.

THOR!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (((inhales...inhaling....inhaling.....inhaling....)))) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I would be ok with that.

All I want is picrelated, will it happen or not?

>sell the news btfo they said'
>laughed at dumpers
>Burgers wake up tomorrow morning and this will moon they said
Rekt, i told you faggots yesterday. Sell the news, buy the dip, sell on the way back up again.... ffs

It's not the rebrand. If you've been looking at Binance, you'll have noticed the MASSIVE whale sell walls to keep the price low. Even with their efforts, it still really hasn't budged that much.

Probably some slow whale that wants to take his profits at this level.

Big Vechain fan here, sold my stack. I still believe in VEN and I think it's great long term play but enigma looks like a better deal atm. Vechain is close to it's ceiling


At this point it's more than a token being sold. Big players have invested and there's a lot of pressure to deliver. But it is still a pioneer in new tech so it'll take a while to come out with a full product


Fucking kys

Nestle? I'm not fucking touching that has anything to do with Nestle. It's one of the most cancerous companies on this planet.

Feels so good knowing Sunny is going to make me a millionaire. Bought a dozen bitcoin in 14, a hundred Ether in 16, a couple hundred Neo in 17, and now 15k+ Vet in Nov. Its on cunts.

Yep. Compared to other announcements VEN has held its own. Remember JUSTin sun with Tron?

why did they call rebrand if name and logo is still the same?

wantabeen wwaltun cone

Fucking cancer pajeets mad that they didn't make easy money. As you have sold low I have bought, thank you.

Partners with BMW. Enough said! This is major

this was amazing to hear - most crypto 'partnerships' are companies looking at a coin and trialing it in some form in some part of the business operations. DNVGL is incorporating it throughout ALL operations.

I hope you impatient fuckheads sell because you sure as shit don't deserve the news that will be coming this week and in the months to come.

sold all my LINK for VEN rebranding

VEN dipped 15%

Whales accumulate while retards sell.
See you on the yachts venbros

Last bull run Vechain does a slow pump, took about 2 months to pump from $0.25 to $9.00. I think this time Vechain will repeat the slow pump.

Thanks for cashing in your 2% profit you fucking idiots. Your bags are ensuring I won't have to worry about money ever again.

OP here, I think velcro is a wasabi bean wilting crow

Some of you are so painfully dumb

You got tricked by Veeky Forums into buying this shitcoin.

You don’t magically lose your ticket to the mature company land because you do something differently. There’s no vegan police equivalent.

>walls are real

Tried to play the same game and am in the same position. Feeling exposed without my linkies, but I will hold VEN now.

Only in $ mate.

>STILL no white paper
>STILL closed source

This. Won't touch my 60k VEN stack.

> Whales accumulate
says increasingly nervous venlet for the 25th time

Look at the chart and tell me its not time for a big correction.

it already corrected 40% from ATH

Start the dump. Let's see it Veeky Forumstards post screen caps of your sell offs.

How long until you faggots realize 99% of biz consists of brainlet ADHD NEETs trying to swing trade? It’s a reflection of the crypto market itself: 99% of it is shit

what's the point of having conferences/events if they just kill your coin. just announce your shit in an unceremonial tweet or something.

the price of the coin in the short term is irrelevant
making degenerate day traders and moonbaby cultists happy is not the purpose of the company

>making degenerate day traders and moonbaby cultists happy is not the purpose of the company
Seemed to be the exact purpose of that atrocious ad.

at least we are not alone

you are wrong, it was simple chinese tech marketing

this type of ad is necessary to appear legitimate lately

as always, everything in china is about face and appearance

if looks bad to be a tech startup, and not have a trendy tech startup ad

The event and promos are horrible marketing and have nothing to do with Chinese tech companies. You don't see Jack Ma swinging Thor's hammer at his announcements.

your skin is white, not yellow

nobody in china actually cares what you think

the rebrand event was for chinese, by chinese

Friendly reminder china is going to lift ban on cryptos shortly.

>if they just kill your coin
kek, why would they care about short term price?

That's why the entire presentation was in English. For the Chinese, right?



stay dumb, gweilo

I won't explain chinese tech marketing strategy to poor idiots like you, it is a waste of time