A Red Robin recently opened up in my town. Is this place any good?

A Red Robin recently opened up in my town. Is this place any good?

.I would avoid that place even if someone else was paying

Nooo. Nooooo.

I think Red Robin is pretty good, but the serving sizes are pretty small. I was still hungry after I left and im not even a fatass

>serving sizes are pretty small
>literally has all you can eat fries
Sorry about your blackhole stomach m8

If you've ever eaten at Applebees or TGI Fridays then you already know the answer.

used to be great, like all chains the more they expand the shitter the food gets.

Just ok, its too expensive for what you get imo

and endless fries only work if the waitress stops by your table once in awhile.
I have the shittiest service whenever I go to the one near me.

The food is pretty good, but it will cost you an arm and a leg if you want a meal that can fill up an average adult male.

I guess it could work if you're a twink boy or a 115 pound woman.

Went there the other day.
Their burgers are pretty good and the freckled lemonade is great.
But it was $10 for the burger alone and the whole meal came out to like $17. Would be better off going to five guys.