What foods can cause gastrointestinal problems?

What foods can cause gastrointestinal problems?
I've had some digestive issues and I can't figure out why.

I cut our dairy completely, thinking I may have developed lactose intolerance.
I cut out spicy foods.
I cut out my weekly Thai lunch with my coworkers.
I cut out fast food entirely.

But I still have the runs.

wat do.



I have a digestive issie too, but lactose and spicy foods make it worse

I have to shit as soon as I'm dome eating sometimes

Don't you have doctors in your country you could talk to? I mean, how do you even know it's food? Maybe you're sick.

He might be too embarassed to shit in a cup, that's the issue with me

are you eating too many eggs or enormous amounts of fiber? those have both been problems in the past for me

I tend to get really bad shits the day after I drink

>Well, I can't eat anything fun anymore, and going to the bathroom is a nightmare, but at least I have my dignity.

No I understand, so I need to get over that. Maybe I won't even have to shit in a cup.

I'm pretty sure I'm lactose intolerant and I can deal with that, but not being able to eat spicy foods or drink alcohol without getting the shits the next day sucks. Also I feel like I'm shitting too much in general and I get too many of those "must shit now" kind of shits.

I like runny shit, it's fast and it doesn't hurt when I have to hold it in

That's...not what happens

that tortoise still be alive when you're 103

Do you drink coffee daily? Do you eat garlic fairly regularly?

I got a bag to take home and a plastic spoon

Everyone in America is shitting water dude.
Get used to it. It's law.

My wife used to have severe GI distress and bloating after every meal. Diarrhea every morning.

Then we moved to a country where high fructose corn syrup is illegal. Her stomach problems went away literally overnight.

That shit is in everything.

literally any food allergy

a vast library of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and diseases will also do the same

consider going to a doctor if you have the squirts for more than a few days

Is snek hungry? Why else would he want to use the microwave?

More fiber nigga

I had problems with constipation for many years. Wouldn't poop for days and I'd need shit like miralax to even go. I now eat full fat plain yogurt with probiotics and a serving size of all bran cereal every other morning. Absolutely no problems anymore, nice healthy poops every day and the rest of my diet is in line.

What? I find runny shits to be the most painful to hold in. I start getting hot flashes and shit.

What's the spoon for?


Any food with sorbitol gives you the most grotesque shits imaginable. Sugar free Haribo I'm looking at you...

When I was young and stupid I tried the dxm cough syrup thing but it contained sorbitol. The gurgling noises coming from my stomach were like demons escaping from hell followed by explosive diarrhea and later clear water diarrhea.