Coinbase announcement coming. Insiders are buying right now. Charles Lee is a Coinbase advisor and currently mediating on behalf of the devs.
This will hit $30 by end of week
Im not going to buy a coin that was 20 cents 2 1/2 months ago for 14 dollars each
fuck off, faggot
it was $38 a month ago before paid fudders invaded this forum and an Italian exchange exit scammed
But sure, stay poor it's your choice
everyone, get a load of this cunt, he hates making money. i couldnt give a fuck about the brand itself or where it came from, got in at $7, feels good today.
I already bought ven at 25 cents and wtc at 4 dollars, I don't need your redditcoin, little bitch
I expect a pullback, i'll enter then.
the big multipliers are gone user
Looks like it's gonna moon any moment now whenever it breaks through 0.00142. You're missing out, user.
If it gets added to Coinbase it's going to hit fucking $50 EOM. It's already on a path to hit $30 even without Coinbase.
By EOM I obviously mean in ~30 days, not end of February.
Look at Nano, man. It had a seriously impressive pump recently, and now it's retraced and consolidated for wave 3. It's gonna moon.
People, enough with the coinbase hoax.
If ripple didn't get added then surely this raiblocks won't either.
without using memes, whats the difference between this and ripple
it's decentralised, no fees, higher tps than ripple, not developped by jews
I like the project and I'm confident it will keep going up. But to go x10 it's just gonna take a lot of money. Don't think huge multipliers are possible. Also coinbase rumors which is not gonna happen.
This coin literally destroys most exchanges it touches. Why would coinbase take such a huge risk? They aren't stupid
To the guy that called me a brainlet a few days ago for buying NANO, where are you now?
Doesn't someone still carry like 10 percent of the supply
>I like the project and I'm confident it will keep going up. But to go x10 it's just gonna take a lot of money. Don't think huge multipliers are possible. Also coinbase rumors which is not gonna happen.
Yeah, I'm not saying it's going to 10x. I'm pretty sure it'll go to $30 even without Coinbase though.
This is sort of FUD. It "destroys" exchanges it touches because the exchanges don't implement Nano transactions correctly, and naively use its RPC in the wrong way.
Coinbase is going to list Nano
Charlie Lee sold all of his Litecoin to buy Nano
Apple store is going to list Nano
>no jews
>Charlie Lee sold all of his Litecoin to buy Nano
Not confirmation of anything except that Charlie Lie believes it's going to take off.
>Apple store is going to list Nano
Impossible for this coin to do well price wise because of the many bagholders who are waiting to jump off.
Otherwise I love this coin. It is fast and feeless. I can see myself using Nano to pay for thai prostitutes over my phone.
I actually thought it was a great project and rode the pump from $3. But as soon as I saw this kike spewing anti trump bullshit on Twitterand Reddit I knew the project was doomed so I dumped and bought some eos coins. At least autistic libertarians know how to run projects.
I think he means that it'll be used for the wallets like it's used now for Google Play.
That's what people told me about buying $AMZN at $1300
>why would you buy anything that was $1000 a few months ago?
meanwhile, I'm here with my $2,200 profit after a few weeks
Says the guy who bought btc at 20k when it was less than 1 cent in 2009
FUDers gonna get BTFO
Nano wallet in the Apple app store.
>Using the iOS wallet beta right now.
Smooth as fuck no wonder Charlie Lee sold his stash to buy Nano and why Coinbase is going to list it.