Recovery edition. R8 h8 masterb8
Portfolio Thread
>not buying things youre confident in and holding for a year without checking the prices
absolute plebeian tier stuff op
am i gonna make it?
80% JNT
10% REN
10% EXRN
not a big fan of payfair and zilliqa but qsp is a cool coin. ill give you a 7/10
Wew laddy and i thought mine was bad
Rofl why do you think this is a larp?
will I make it?
have a lot of small shitcoin bags but don't want to sell them because tax law makes it complicated
You got this shit the wrong way you you mad fucker
but will i make it
Where should I be 2019?
Everything shit except NEO
Honestly, if you ever post a NANO heavy portfolio, you're a normie who doesn't get it
>muh currency replacing fiat
>muh BTC killer
cope harder
ulitmate normie portfolio
I don't know what this means, is this the latest meme saying after' unironically'?
Bought XRB at 2.30 USD, sold it on it's way back down from 25-18 USD. No regrets.
Just getting back into crypto after a 3 year hiatus tryna play it safe before losing everything to shitcoins
You have shitcoins.
You want some safe holds?
Want moon missions with real potential?
pick one
why are there two portfolio threads up, and one is exclusively delta and the other exclusively blockfolio?
if he bought anywhere after the bitgrail scam he would still be in massive profits. it's at 0.016eth right now and getting that eth/btc value rolling is all that matters
yeah sure you did user
Kek, next month will be good for you.
Listen to this man and add vechain tosafe holds and hpb to moon missions.
Thinking of going all in on amb
i see no problem with this
It's my 3rd highest holding, got 13k, adding about 1k/day right now.
Don't buy all in immediately, cost average and slowly buy in, especially as BTC may go on a run soon.
Go ahead, roast the fuck out of me. I pulled everything out except for this and $400 worth of an ICO called Budbo. Currently sitting at -$400 because I thought BTC was going to crash again so I figured I could make some of my losses back if I pulled everything out and bought in lower
you are over diversified with that dollar amount
Hope so. All or nothing.
Yeah I’ll start with 1k I bought the nano at 7 and 10 enjoying the ride rn
Fuck yes.
Go gentle kind sirs
Rate pls
Nice, you got in on January 18th or just started using Blockfolio then? My hat's off to you, that's impressive, but you should be able to recoup your losses over the coming year.
get some btc/eth/ltc for insurance in case they moon hard as fuck
never forget your vegetables user
dadi is a scam, drop it fast
Rate me pls, save this sinking ship and tell me why I shouldn't dump $700 into ETC for the airdrop (I'm a poorfag)